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《申报》关于1927年南京事件报道之分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
岳谦厚  李卫平 《安徽史学》2012,(1):46-53,76
1927年发生的南京事件是中国近代外交史上的一件大事,亦是北伐过程中国民革命军与西方列强在中国发生的一次具有重大影响的正面冲突。从《申报》报道情形观之,此次事件虽是国民革命军下层官兵无组织行为所致,但折射出民众普遍存在的反帝情结。从事件解决结果观之,南京国民政府尽管将肇事责任推给了共产党,但最终承担了对外赔偿之责,而对外舰炮击南京平民之事却"始争终让",不了了之。这反映出南京国民政府当时应对重大外交事件的弱势处境。  相似文献   
Over the past decade, state capacity has increased at all levels, including that of central government, and the emergence of effective government in Italy has proved popular. A second trend has been the reassertion of party government since 1996. Given these two trends, the large parliamentary majority obtained by Silvio Berlusconi's alliance, the Casa delle LibertÀ, might be expected to result in strong party government. In fact, Berlusconi's triumph offers something more and something less than party government, challenging Italian democracy. Nevertheless, as a consolidated democracy, Italy should be able to withstand such a challenge. One stable, democratic outcome to Italy's political transformation would be the consolidation of a Schumpeterian model of democracy. This would require the anomalies of the right's accumulation of powers to be resolved, a process which the left could promote by accepting that strong democratic government is a public good, and by organizing itself to challenge Berlusconi by campaigning to provide Italy with such government through parliamentary competition.  相似文献   
Abstract In 1938 the regime's popular periodical La Difesa della Razza published the portrait of Saartjie Baartman (a Khoisan woman known to the western world as ‘The Hottentot Venus’) to discourage miscegenation in the empire of Italian East Africa. But by 1938, Italian public and scientific interest in the Hottentot Venus had long faded away. In addition, readily available photographs of Italo-Eritreans could have been used to show the ‘outcome’ of miscegenation. Why then did the regime's organ publish a portrait of ‘The Hottentot Venus’? This article addresses this question, and explores how Baartman's story could serve the regime's aim of forging a new ‘racial consciousness’ among Italians. By focusing on the transformation of scientific discourses from the 1850s to the late 1930s, and on their silences, the article illuminates the process through which some of the regime's anthropologists constructed a new, ‘made in Italy’ story for the Hottentot Venus. Deliberately leaving out all the main issues long debated during the previous century, they turned this figure into an empty icon to support Fascist colonial obsession with the purity and prestige of the Italian race.  相似文献   
抗战胜利后,国民政府对收复区学生和教职员开展教育甄审,由于国民政府在教育甄审政策制定上的考虑不周,在推行上的举措失当,引起了被甄审者的强烈反弹.最终使这场威权重塑的运动不得不以失败而尴尬收场.  相似文献   
The changing pattern of land‐use in the Forest of Abernethy, Inverness‐shire in the period AD 1750 to the present is examined, using information from records and a number of maps and surveys. It is shown that the forest has a long history of exploitation for timber and the grazing of livestock, and that by the mid‐eighteenth century a pattern not markedly different from that of the present had already emerged. Evidence for the widespread formation of heathland in Dark Age times, and the fact that almost every part of Abernethy has been felled for timber at least once, modifies the concept of the forest as a “native Pinewood”.  相似文献   
Economic historians study production, consumption, market phenomena, and economic policies, while what is referred to as ‘the history of medieval economic thought’ largely remains the province of historians of ideas. However, participants in medieval industry and commerce, informed by daily production, market and financial practices, also uttered discourses on the state of the economy and on the measures governments should take to resolve crises or economic decline. When the burghers of Bruges formulated their economic demands in times of crisis, such as during the revolt of 1488, their utterances reveal commonly accepted presuppositions of which institutional levels, the prince, the town, or the guilds, should stimulate the economy by reducing transaction costs.  相似文献   
近代中国留学事业蓬勃兴起.南京国民政府成立初期,在留学管理政策等方面基本延续了晚清和北洋政府时期的相关政策,但还是有一定的区别,主要体现在留学经费的来源与使用方面.南京国民政府初年留学经费来源渠道不一,在经费拮据的前提下,政府实行了严格的预决算制度.此外,政府还通过鼓励团体和私人资助等形式多方筹措资金,以保障公费留学生的培养所需.经费使用方面,政府在保障学费供给的前提下,为鼓励留学生学业更进一步,对于继续深造的学生往往给予一定资费补助,同时加大了对自费留学生的奖励和扶持.通过对南京国民政府初年留学经费来源和使用情况的考察,发现其经费虽捉襟见肘,但经费的筹措与使用逐步明晰化、制度化,因而在留学生培养上取得了一定成效.  相似文献   
This paper examines the mid-nineteenth century photographic collecting practices in the Colonial Office (CO) in London. Following methodologies laid down by Stoler and Joyce, the paper excavates the epistemic procedures through which photography and its role in colonial governance operated between the late 1860s and 1875. I focus my analysis on the production of, and response to, two CO despatches, which were circulated in November 1869 requesting photographs. But what was the work expected of these photographs, what were they meant “to do”? What was their relationship with anthropology and geography? The paper argues that in the praxis of central government, the role of photographic evidence was more uncertain and confused than instrumental interpretative models have assumed. I shall argue that in many cases photographs were not “evidence” in any dynamic sense in information provision, but rather functioned as tools of reassurance.  相似文献   
基于孙中山宣誓观的影响以及对基层社会管控和公民行使"四权"前提的考量,南京国民政府多次颁布相关法规对公民宣誓的条件、程序、誓词和仪式作出规定。在推行地方自治和选举国民大会代表过程中,公民宣誓呈现明显的阶段性。但在党治文化的影响下,公民主体难以培育,公民意识无法培养,这使得公民宣誓的效果大打折扣。  相似文献   
In 2004 the Australian Opposition party introduced to Parliament a private member’s bill proposing the amendment of Australian copyright law to include an artist’s resale royalty. In response to the bill the Government released the Proposed Resale Royalty Arrangement Discussion Paper, which successfully provided a tangible foundation for discussions and stimulated the first strong academic debate regarding a resale royalty within Australia. Despite overwhelming support from respondents, in May 2006 the Government announced it would not support the adoption of a resale royalty right and the Resale Royalty Bill 2004 failed to pass through Parliament. The rejection of a resale royalty by the Australian Government illustrates the ongoing difficulty of incorporating civil law notions of creative rights, and moral rights in particular, into common law – particularly as the Australian Government’s approach to policy making is increasingly underpinned by economic rationalism.  相似文献   
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