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This article argues that growing confidence in anthropology as a tool for managing the adaptation of a resurgent Māori population to modernity shaped a “politics of knowledge” regarding New Zealand's indigenous people in the mid-twentieth century. We examine the relationship between anthropological discourse, state policy, and the Māori struggle to uphold traditional ways, through the prism of Ernest and Pearl Beaglehole's psycho-ethnographic study entitled Some Modern Māoris (Beaglehole, E., and P. Beaglehole. 1946. Some Modern Māoris. Wellington: New Zealand Council for Educational Research). This paper demonstrates that the study was the product of a nexus between concerns for Māori welfare, a perceived need for empirical research that could be applied to the “problem” of indigenous adjustment to contemporary conditions, and American philanthropy. For this reason, and as a detailed record of a small community when Māori society was on the cusp of post-Second World War transformations, we contend that the study deserves to be recovered from historical obscurity.  相似文献   
This paper uses access analysis to describe and analyze a system of regulated and hierarchical communication within the small Wari enclosure at the site of Pataraya—located near Nasca, Peru—and interprets this system within the context of Wari imperialism and bureaucratization. The site appears to have served as a frontier way station along a key transportation route, focused on the extraction of coastal products and their transfer via interregional roads to the highlands. The analysis suggests that Pataraya’s builders manipulated spaces and the connections between them to considerable affect. In general, space syntax graphs and calculations reveal a non-distributed building where there are few choices for movement within the space and significant opportunities for control. Orientation patterns also suggest a tension in Pataraya’s architecture between access on the one hand and privacy and hierarchy on the other that may reflect a possible distinction made by Wari architects between overt expressions of political power as opposed to the more bureaucratic, day-to-day workings of political power.  相似文献   
南京国民政府时期,中央与地方层面均设置了一些边政管理机构,有利于具体边政措施之贯彻。这些机构呈现以下特点:具有近代民主共和政体机构之性质;中央层面的管理机构设置较多且相对全面;地方层面的边政机构,隶属系统不一,虽按近代理念设置,但无统一的长期规划,也非决策或执行机构,属于研究性质;存在着传统政治习惯和近代民主共和理念共同作用于边疆治理实践的二元化特色。南京国民政府之边政机构,还有明显缺失:中央层面的边政机构与地方层面的边政机构联系脱节;边政机构之统合能力较弱,导致其权威及功效薄弱。南京国民政府政制本身与其边疆认识之缺失等因,是上述弊端产生的根源所在。  相似文献   
论文从人类学的田野调查实践观、文化整体观、跨文化比较法等三个维度对归国华侨群体进行研究。认为田野调查实践是归国华侨群体研究的基础;文化整体是归国华侨群体研究的内容;跨文化比较是归国华侨群体研究的动力。人类学和归国华侨群体研究相交融,不仅认识"大传统"中的华侨华人,而且也关注"小传统"下的归国华侨群体,这就形成"和而不同、多元共存"的华侨华人研究局面,拓展了华侨华人研究的学术空间。归国华侨群体研究的人类学转向,必将带来多方面的实践和理论意义。  相似文献   
高轩 《攀登》2011,(1):83-87
行政环境和行政生态的变化导致了协同政府模式的产生。协同政府主要强调政府系统内部和政府系统与外界系统之间的协同合作关系。作为一种有效的政府治理模式,协同政府是具有强大公共事务治理能力的强政府,是能够提供优质高效公共服务的服务型政府,是具备现代信息技术的电子政府,是具有协同精神的合作政府。  相似文献   
论民间组织对政府职能转变的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
毕霞  张自谦 《攀登》2011,30(1):88-91
本文针对民间组织对政府职能转变的影响问题,从三个层次进行了分析和阐述:一是阐释了政府职能转变的内涵和模式,认为转变政府职能的根本就是把部分政府职能回归于社会;二是分析了民间组织产生的理论基础和现实基础,认为民间组织是承接政府职能转变的重要载体;三是对民间组织从多个方面推动政府职能转变和行政管理体制改革进行了分析和论述。  相似文献   
This essay reflects on the relationship between anthropological and historical scholarship of ethnicity, picking up on themes explored by Andre Gingrich, by considering the epistemological and evidentiary limitations of social scientific and historical analysis and reconstruction. Beginning with the consideration of the pioneering transdisciplinary efforts of Robert Darnton and Clifford Geertz, it argues that many of the weaknesses ascribed to such efforts are actually part of the nature of social scientific investigation which, in the terms of Peter Winch, must take into account two sets of relationships: that of the relationship between the scientist and the phenomena that he or she observes and the symbolic system that he or she shares with other scientists, which can only be understood from the social context of common activity. How these two relationships challenge social scientific analysis of ethnicity are examined through a consideration of the difficulties of applying Anthony Smith's definition of an ethnie to either Fredrik Barth's classic essay on “Pathan Identity and its Maintenance” or Helmut Reimitz's study of Frankish identity. It concludes that neither anthropologists nor historians are simply describing societies as they are or as they were but rather attempt to describe societies as witnesses within them thought they should be, and we do this for our own society, not for those of the participants, past or present.  相似文献   
董佳 《安徽史学》2015,(2):79-88
1927年国民政府奠都南京后,南京与滞留市内的江苏省发生严重利益冲突。市方为解决问题提出扩大市区、重划省市界线,由此引发涉及划界之江宁县民的强烈抵制,使得双方原本单纯的行政和经济利益博弈因掺杂勘分省界更加复杂。双方厘清市权和扩大市区的过程一波三折,国民政府作为居中调停者的态度亦多次反复。整个事件的动态变迁过程,不仅凸显了近代以来地方主义兴起后地方纠纷的复杂性,也折射出国民政府高层的权力斗争和民族主义化的城市发展理念,以及中央与地方、政府与社会之间复杂而多元的互动关系及近代城市发展的若干特点。  相似文献   
李加洞 《安徽史学》2015,(6):110-117
殖民地印度时期,在南亚次大陆上分布着560多个土邦。二战后英国工党政府背弃了以往保守党的土邦政策,采取了理论上继续支持王公、现实中则背弃王公的两面性政策。代表英王的副王和政治部支持王公拥有成立自治领的权力,试图以此为筹码为王公的未来争取更多的利益,而其真实态度则是鼓励宗主国从土邦撤离,要求王公加入未来的新政府。在印巴分治的前夜,英属印度政府成立土邦部,出台《加入协定》,采取了威逼利诱的两手策略。宗主国的政策转变、政策的两面性、对土邦态度的暖昧性和土邦策略的两手性使王公被迫加入了新成立的自治领,致使印度王公消失。  相似文献   
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