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李金铮  徐锋华 《史学月刊》2006,(12):63-66,107
国民政府从发行法币到金圆券而银元券,呈一下降曲线,显示出行政控制经济、操纵货币发行的弱化趋势。通过对银元券的发行背景、出台过程以及失败原因的系统分析,探究其内在实质,从而认识到纸币的发行必须遵守经济规律,超经济手段的滥用只会自食其果。银元券最终成为国民党在经济、金融领域彻底失败,无奈地逃离大陆的历史见证。  相似文献   
南京国民政府公务员考试制度的若干问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对于南京国民政府的公务员考试制度,时人存在种种不同的评说。涉及的问题主要包括:考试名目应为官考试还是公务员考试;考试性质是资格考试还是任用考试;考试原则是考试党化还是人才主义;应否对公职候选人进行考试;考试录取是凭录取还是分区定额;考试方法是论考试还是新式测验。由于种种原因,这些问题始终未得到妥善处理,致使该制度在实际运作中存在许多缺憾。  相似文献   
翁有为 《史学月刊》2004,33(12):48-59
南京政府行政督察专员制度,是近代中国社会转型过程中的重要的地方政府转型与制度改革。就专员的资格与任期、职权与辖区、组织与经费等方面考察,专员制的法制功能是显而易见的。然专员制度的法律设计与实际状况之间无疑存在着一定的偏离状态,但这种偏离没有影响到该制度的基本运作,因而专员制度的法制状态应是正常的或基本正常的。专员制度是中国地方政府制度历史长河中发展演变的重要一环,也是中国地方政府从传统体制向现代体制过渡的重要一步。而且.专员制度的变革,也凸现了民国时期社会转型的历史画卷。  相似文献   
赵金康 《史学月刊》2002,5(12):43-47
胡汉民作为南京国民政府首任立法院长。其立法用人思想,对立法指导思想、原则、方针、内容、目标、守法及制度立法思想的阐释,奠定了国民政府的法制基础。  相似文献   
翟新 《史学集刊》2008,(2):68-74
岸信介内阁虽在对立的中美之间选择了后者,但也并未完全追随美国的对华政策,以体制与意识形态包装的"政经分离"政策则是其对华政策的核心.该政策通过拒绝承认中国大陆,以巩固日美台关系;另借以维系对华贸易渠道,在满足本国市场需求的同时,发挥其在解决国内政治及外交问题上的工具价值.然长崎国旗事件等致中日交流断绝,及日方在打开局面上的无作为,则无不根源于该政策的非合理性.  相似文献   
地籍测量是南京国民政府时期土地行政的一项重要措施,然而由于各种主客观原因,这项措施只在部分地方施行,成果有限,长期以来没有得到学界的重视。本文从制度层面对南京国民政府时期的地籍测量进行初步梳理,考察其在全国的总体完成情况,并以江苏省句容县为个案,对其绘制的地籍图进行分析。在此基础上,以杭市县、平湖县的地籍测量数据对民国时期各项土地调查数字进行再评估。  相似文献   
Following the 1654 elections, the first to be held after the imposition of the Instrument of Government, petitions of complaint were presented by voters from various constituencies to Cromwell and his council. Most of the petitions were investigated, some MPs being subsequently barred from taking their seats, but only one was excluded on the grounds of immorality: George Glapthorne, an MP for the Isle of Ely. This re‐examination of his case indicates that Glapthorne, an unpopular local figure because of his involvement in drainage and enclosure, had been the subject of a successful smear campaign. The Instrument of Government had redefined the franchise, which, it has been argued, decreased the size of the electorate. Annexed to the petition presented by voters in the Isle was a list of 124 men who had been physically prevented from entering the polling hall. This list reveals the presence of Walloon settlers in the Isle; local records indicate that such men qualified for the new franchise because they were leasing fertile, drained land in the Fens, thus increasing the electorate in that area. By considering the local context of a disputed election, this study adds to the debate concerning the interpretation of the Instrument of Government in terms of the eligibility, not only of a parliamentary candidate, but also of voters.  相似文献   
A spatial model of legislative roll call votes is used to examine the debate surrounding the decision to build a canal across Pennsylvania in 1826. The model reveals a sharp polarization between the English and German-speaking regions of the state, with marked splits over the establishment and funding of the Pennsylvania Canal and other fiscal issues. Representatives from the German-speaking regions consistently opposed all spending initiatives. This regional split, underappreciated by geographers and historians, provides evidence in support of a broader positioning of culture and ethnicity in the study of political behavior. The model itself provides a novel means of analyzing and assessing geographically based voting blocs.  相似文献   
宣誓是孙中山先生一贯坚持的正心之道,其后继者亦往往将这一制度视为整合民心的法宝。南京国民政府成立之后,为了塑造其政权的合法性、扩大其统治基础,隆重推出公民宣誓登记制度。这一制度是对宣誓制度的继承与发展,又与当时流行一时的法西斯主义思潮有着某种联系。由于诸多社会因素的限制,该措施并未收到理想的效果。这在一定程度上标志着国民政府对基层社会渗透与整合的失败,也是近代国家转型步入歧路的重要表征。  相似文献   
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