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This article examines the complex relations between spatial planning and its cultural context (including the specific socio-economic patterns and related cultural norms, values, traditions and attitudes). To be able to analyze the extent to which spatial planning adapts to external pressures such as Europeanization, a “culturized planning model” with the three dimensions “planning artefacts”, “planning environment” and “societal environment” is used. It can be observed that the “harmonization” of spatial planning practices can result from external pressures such as EU regulations as well as (horizontal) collective learning processes. However, “harmonization” does not necessarily result in convergence. Adaptational pressures such as Europeanization often result in the customization of existing structures, frames and policies (“planning artefacts” and “planning environment”) but do not fundamentally change the underlying core cultural traits (“societal environment”). These cultural traits are quite resistant to change and help maintain a diversity of planning cultures and policies in Europe.  相似文献   
秦博 《安徽史学》2015,(5):27-34
明代公、侯、伯勋爵承袭遵照一套完整的勘验制度,以诰券、宗图为准,由五府、吏部执行。在这种制度的整肃下,勋贵家族组织在形式上向上古封建宗法礼制靠拢,部分族众的宗族意识不断提高,明皇朝的统治秩序与政权合理性亦借此彰显。但随着明代中后期勋臣家族生齿日繁,兼之勋爵袭封制度出现纰漏与畸变,勋贵子弟争袭爵位的现象频繁发生,宗族的秩序性受到冲击,勋臣宗族组织僵化复古,依附于国家强权而缺乏自我调节功能的特性暴露无遗。  相似文献   
In delivering public policy, governments worldwide increasingly partner with diverse sets of stakeholders. This spreads commercial risk, but particularly where agendas diverge, introduces new risks related to trust in relationships. The “risk hypothesis” distinguishes between networks for “cooperation” problems, where partners have high individual payoffs for uncooperative behaviors, and “coordination” problems, where partners subscribe to a common goal and uncooperative behaviors are less rewarding. We used mixed‐methods to study networks of local and state government, developers, and consultants that center on joint‐venture partnerships for developing new urban, residential projects. Statistical network methods showed that within the mix of partners involved in development projects, only state governments displayed structural patterns associated with solving “cooperation” problems (rather than coordination). In other words, the patterns of state government interactions showed they are most exposed to risky relationships. In contrast to the state governments’ apparent exposure to risk, qualitative data showed they are not only well trusted but also overall the partnership networks reported very low levels of conflict. By exploring the distribution of “cooperation” and “coordination,” we identified which stakeholders perceived most risk. In our case, how the state governments’ structure interactions in response to risky relationships leads to an overall network characterized by trust.  相似文献   
The petroleum industry uses subsurface flow models for two principal purposes: to model the flow of hydrocarbons into traps over geological time, and to simulate the production of hydrocarbon from reservoirs over periods of decades or less. Faults, which are three-dimensional volumes, are approximated in both modelling applications as planar membranes onto which predictions of the most important fault-related flow properties are mapped. Faults in porous clastic reservoirs are generally baffles or barriers to flow and the relevant flow properties are therefore very different to those which are important in conductive fracture flow systems. A critical review and discussion is offered on the work-flows used to predict and model capillary threshold pressure for exploration fault seal analysis and fault transmissibility multipliers for production simulation, and of the data from which the predictions derive. New flow simulation models confirm that failure of intra-reservoir sealing faults can occur during a reservoir depressurization via a water-drive mechanism, but contrary to anecdotal reports, published examples of production-induced seal failure are elusive. Ignoring the three-dimensional structure of fault zones can sometimes have a significant influence on production-related flow, and a series of models illustrating flow associated with relay zones are discussed.  相似文献   
信息时代下图书馆服务与管理模式创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吴红军 《攀登》2010,29(3):119-121
信息时代下图书馆正面临着一次全方位、多层面的重大变革,传统服务功能正逐渐被削弱,图书馆必须实现服务与管理模式的转变。文章认为,要实现图书馆服务与管理模式转变必须从五个方面做起,即要树立"以人为本"的观念,实现人本管理;要建立"一站式"管理模式;要实现以藏为中心向以开发利用为中心的转变;要注重人力资源管理;要重塑网络环境条件下的信息服务流程及人员培训。  相似文献   
对费正清中国史观的理性考察   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王新谦 《史学月刊》2003,2(3):13-18
美国的中国学研究始于费正清。在半个多世纪里,他以自己独特的视角审视、考察中国。20世纪50年代,他提出了著名的“冲击-反应”模式,用来作为其解释中西文明冲突的工具。多年来,史学界对此多有争论,对他的中国史观也褒贬不一。对费正清的中国史观以及他提出的“冲击-反应”模式的背景及其实质进行一些理性探讨,有利于更好地了解我们的历史。  相似文献   
随着信息科学的快速发展,虚拟仿真技术在田野考古以及文化遗产保护工作中已得到广泛的应用并展现出巨大的价值。基于虚拟仿真技术开发的数字化实验,也成为理论与实践之外,高校人才培养的一种创新性教学方式。此前以考古发掘为内容的虚拟仿真工作中往往只能提供某一特定状态下的静态展示,无法全面反映古遗址整体的堆积情况,而据此开发的考古发掘实验中也难以实现对发掘工作过程的模拟。究其原因,三维模型是虚拟仿真工作的核心基础,而传统建模方法一般只能得到模拟建模对象外表面特征的"面模型",却缺失内部数据,因此难以实现对古遗址等内部结构复杂对象的模拟,也难以实现高水平的仿真互动以模拟考古发掘工作过程。体素模型,也称三维栅格模型,是通过三维空间中一系列连续排列的基元矩阵实现对立体对象的表达。这些基元被称为体素,如同海量的像素有序排列可以构成精细的二维图像,当海量的体素如积木般被拼搭起来则可以最大限度还原立体对象的整体特征。近年来,体素模型已开始应用于考古发掘虚拟仿真实验的开发。相关工作充分展示出体素模型技术在考古发掘实验领域的技术优势:首先,体素模型可以实现对空间实体由表及里的整体模拟,所以在表达如古遗址等非均质对象复杂的内部结构关系时,在仿真度方面具有显著优势。其次,通过对体素单元的编辑,可以实现模型分解、重塑等面模型无法支持的互动操作,从而满足模型根据用户的随机操作实时呈现非预设的高自由度变化的效果。应用体素模型技术,以真实田野考古发掘工作数据为基础,郑州大学历史学院开发的"田野考古发掘虚拟仿真实验"通过精细的遗址模型设计与操作设计,实现了对地层堆积情况较为复杂的古代遗址的高准确度模拟以及对于考古发掘工作过程与技术要点的高仿真度模拟。该实验已经应用于考古文博等专业的人才培养,作为传统实验教学模式的补充,可以有效提升教学质量。而该实验通过网络平台向全社会开放,也可成为公众考古宣传的新途径。  相似文献   
This paper investigates how institutional quality and its components (quality, impartiality, and control of corruption) are associated with the economic recovery in the aftermath of the global recession (2010–2016). The evidence suggests that the postcrisis dynamism of a region depends on whether its economy is accompanied by a good governance at the local level. The results also show the heterogeneity in the effects of institutional characteristics and other traditional determinants of growth for the high-income club (core) and the low-income club (periphery), respectively. This evidence can provide indications to define ad hoc policies apt to mitigate the recent surge in inequality among EU regions.  相似文献   
试论徽州地理环境对徽商和徽派民居建筑的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
黄成林 《人文地理》1993,8(4):57-63
文章从文化生态学角度,论述了徽州地理环境对徽商和徽派民居建筑的影响,认为:1、徽州人商业活动起源于徽州物产"结构性失调",徽州"地狭人稠"促使"徽民寄命于商";2、徽商经营行业受徽州地理环境影响,以徽州物产余缺为基础;3、徽州群山环抱,陆路交通闭塞,新安江等水路从而成为徽商境内外贸易的主要通道;4、徽商投资产业多在徽州以外地域,明显受徽州物产和市场因素影响;5、徽州民居建筑在选址、用地、材料、结构、造型等方面,与徽州地理环境和谐、协调。  相似文献   
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