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为了预防性保护和修复秦俑,必须掌握秦俑残片显微结构及其烧制环境、破损方式,从而为改善秦俑修复工艺、筛选修复材料提供基础,运用偏光显微镜对秦兵马俑残片中的一些矿物质(石英、长石、云母等)颗粒的分布形态和含量来分析陶土的成分结构、制作工艺、烧成气氛及原料来源等信息。结果表明,秦俑陶片主要成分为少量砂屑及大量粘土,而粘土为岩土矿风化的产物,秦俑残片裂痕较多的部位风化、酥粉痕迹明显。秦俑制作工艺以模为主,模、塑结合,并在粘土中添加了细砂,多于还原气氛中烧制而成。  相似文献   
共产国际、陈独秀与中国共产党的创建   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李颖 《安徽史学》2005,1(2):95-101
中国共产党的建立是中国革命史上开天辟地的大事变.自从有了中国共产党,中国革命的面目就为之一新了.本文主要根据俄罗斯国家社会政治历史档案馆的俄文馆藏档案、最新公布的共产国际档案以及其它相关材料,详细解析了共产国际、陈独秀在中国共产党创建过程中的作用.  相似文献   
陈红民  魏兵兵 《安徽史学》2005,(4):63-70,114
国民革命时期,中共进行了积极而卓有成效的宣传工作,对国民革命的进程和国共两党的关系产生了很大的影响.本文通过对1923-1925年中共机关刊物<向导>周报的考察,分析中共在此时期宣传策略的转变和宣传话语的特点,即中共如何将"左派"、"右派"、"阶级斗争"等概念引入国民革命的过程,从而勾勒出国民革命期间中共在宣传上从被动到主动,争取到宣传强势,并最终将阶级斗争理论与国民革命结合起来的轨迹.  相似文献   
Twenty-one samples of likely Roman, likely Islamic and unknown common ware from the archaeological site of Thamusida (Rabat, Morocco) were analysed in order to anchor selected types of pottery to a limited time span and, possibly, to a production area and technology. Analytical techniques were thermoluminescence, optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and X-ray fluorescence. The results arising from this research are definitely useful for the study of the site of Thamusida as well as for all researchers involved in archaeological and archaeometrical research in Morocco. Chronologies proposed on a typological base have been denied twice: a likely Islamic cup dates back to the second century a.d.; vice versa, a stewpot, framed into the Roman period, resulted to be an eighth century a.d. production. Moreover, the identification of an eighteenth century ceramic production is of outstanding importance, as it characterises a completely unknown production. Regarding the production area, four samples of both Roman and Islamic periods have been recognised as local productions of Thamusida.  相似文献   
Martin Luther has been severely criticized for an offhand remark about Copernicus. In the most frequently cited version of this statement, Luther is alledged to have branded Copernicus as a fool who will turn the whole science of astronomy upside down. This disparaging judgment on Luther prevails in many publications by respected historians of science of the 20th century, although since the early thirties, it has been convincingly demonstrated that the famous citation from Luther's table talk is next to worthless as an historical source, that Luther never referred to Copernicus or to the heliocentric world system in all of his voluminous writings, and that there is no indication that Luther ever suppressed the Copernican viewpoint. His attitude towards Copernicus was indifference or ignorance, but not hostility. In this paper, it is shown that the story of Luther's anti‐Copernicanism emerged in the second half of the 19th century. It was invented by Franz Beckmann and Franz Hipler, two Prussian Catholic historians who were engaged in the conflict between the German government under Bismarck and the Catholic Church (Kulturkampf), and it was disseminated by influential German and American historians like Leopold Prowe, Ernst Zinner, and Andrew D. White. In the second half of the 20th century, many historians of science relied on the authority of these authors, rather than studying the sources or the secondary literature in which it has been proved that Luther's anti‐Copernicanism is an outright falsification of history.  相似文献   
This paper presents a general view over the second reception of Aristotle's writings beginning after the first invasion of Western crusaders in Constantinople in 1204 and enforced after the fall of the Byzantine capital in 1453. After the turn of the century we observe a widespread commentary tradition of Aristotle's writings, particularily of his Ethics and Politics. Philipp Melanchthon became the leading figure in these ethical and political discussions. More than 53 of his works relating this which were printed within the 16th century are known.  相似文献   
故宫博物院绘画馆中陈列的《七佛说法图》堪称元代寺观壁画中的珍品,但由于受各种因素的影响,已经出现了不同程度的损坏,迫切需要采取有效的措施予以保护。本文通过对壁画现状的调查和监测,总结出导致壁画受损的主要因素,从而有针对性地提出了保护方案。同时,结合数字化技术对壁画保护的前景进行了展望。  相似文献   
张思 《史学月刊》2003,2(11):82-93
19世纪末,直鲁农村手工纺织业在外国棉制品的冲击下经历了一个严重衰落的低谷,也迎来与国内发达地区并驾齐驱、与机器棉制品比肩竞争的发展转机,这一曲折经历包含着极为复杂交错的层面。一些学者关于洋布、洋货未能打入华北内地、甚至纠缠于“帝国主义是现实还是神话”的看法值得商榷;“封建、落后”的农村经济在突来的冲击面前所表现出的强韧性和对抗能力,在机遇面前所显示出的与时俱进的品质以及对新技术和新生产方式的持续容纳能力也同样值得关注。  相似文献   
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