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中国国民党早期军队政工制度的演变:1924-1928   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
江沛 《安徽史学》2008,3(4):57-66
在孙中山的“党治”理念及苏联“党军”体制影响下,中国国民党于1924年改组后积极倡行“党在国上”、“党在军上”的政治制度,在黄埔军校教导团时代,即仿效苏联红军实施以党代表为中心、以政治部为具体实践单位、辅以自上而下建立党部的三位一体的政工制度。1925年7月改编为国民革命军后,这一体制在黄埔军校生为主体的军队内基本保留。因国共间的猜忌,国民革命军政工制度随着“清党”运动而产生重大变异,党代表制废除,政治训练部地位下降,军队党部更是形同虚设。试图控制军队的国民党,却被以蒋介石为首的军人反控,形成了事实上的“以军干政”、“军强党弱”现象,成为此后影响民国政治走向的一大因素。  相似文献   
During the Late Intermediate period (LIP, c. A.D. 1000–1400), the central Andes experienced the decline of the Wari and Tiwanaku states, as well as processes of state formation, regional population growth, and competition culminating in the imperial expansion of the Chimú and Inka polities. The LIP holds the potential to link the archaeological features of early Andean states with the material signatures of the later ones, providing a critical means of contextualizing the intergenerational continuities and breaks in state structures and imperial strategies. The recent proliferation of LIP research and the completion of a number of regional studies permit the overview of six LIP regions and the comparison of highland and lowland patterns of political and economic organization, social complexity, and group identity.  相似文献   
本土安全是近代中国海疆安全战略的终极目标。由于战略目标的局限,中国虽然拥有具备远洋作战能力的海军,但却无法在海军军备建设、军力部署,以及战略战备等方面摆脱海岸防御战略的影响。受本土安全思想的影响,中国的战略决策者在甲午战争中屡失战机,而近代中国海疆安全战略体系也因此崩溃。  相似文献   
汉元帝初元三年罢珠崖郡后,海南岛之归属和建置情况如何?学术界对此长期争论不休。明代,海南王佐认为自汉元帝罢珠崖郡后,海南岛成为中原王朝的域外之地,直至南朝梁武帝大同中因海南儋耳归附于洗夫人才内属。唐胄则认为汉元帝罢珠崖郡后,仅八十六年本岛就又内属。当代,谭其骧先生的观点与王佐大致相同。杨武泉先生则认为从西汉晚期至萧齐,大陆王朝一直在岛上设置县级地方政权。本文虽赞同杨先生的观点,但所用资料和研究方法与之不同,而且只探考西汉朱卢县。认为只需要弄清朱卢县的位置,就可以彻底解决这一历史悬案。现依据许多学术界未曾提及的重要古籍资料和西汉"朱廬執刲"银印所蕴涵的重要信息,采用考据学研究方法,从五个方面来进行考察,所得结论是:西汉合浦郡的朱卢县应当在海南岛。  相似文献   
由于魏晋南北朝之时史书关于西域记载多有谬误,所以致使研究本时期的西域交通时困难重重。通过具体分析,我们不难看出此处对于"权于摩国"和"于摩国"的记载是有问题的。本文所讨论的"权于摩国"和"于摩国"就是此时期史书因记载情况不同,造成混乱的反映之一,笔者试图通过文献中关于具体路线和里数的甄别,论证出"权于摩国"和"于摩国"在历史记载中不应该被混谈成一国,而是两个小国。  相似文献   
英国国家档案馆庋藏的清代咸丰年间广东洪兵围攻广州中文传统舆图,是蕴含着丰富历史信息的实录档案,尤其在相关文献记载未能存留或叙述不尽详细的情况下,更具有不可替代的史料价值。本文根据中国第一历史档案馆所藏档案及其他文献记载,对编号为F.O.931/1897的平洲舆图及相关文字档案,做了较为具体的考释。  相似文献   
川东道是解读清代地方行政制度的典型范本。通过考察,再次证明了道由一种临时性的藩臬二司派出机构,逐渐演变成有固定辖区和治所的府以上省以下的地方行政区划和机构。因应时变、灵活性和敏感性,使得川东道在晚清被附加了很多原本不相关的职能。尽管它本身不是一个完全近代化的职官,但由于府以上省以下的空隙过大,这种中层地方机构,在中国历史上始终是需要的。  相似文献   
Changes in the stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratios of modern bone samples heated to a variety of times and temperatures were used to determine the effect of heating on isotope ratios and the retention of organic matter in charred bones. For organic extracts produced by slow demineralization in weak acid, δ13C values were unchanged, while δ15N values increased by up to 5‰ and were primarily determined by heating temperature. Changes in the electron spin resonance (ESR) g-value of whole bone and organic extracts were also measured. For organic extracts from charred bones, the g-value was well-correlated with δ15N and temperature, suggesting that g-values could be used to estimate the charring temperature and original δ15N values of charred bones. Thus, g-values from demineralized extracts could be very useful in forensic investigations where it would important to reconstruct the thermal history of burned bones. Isotope ratios and g-values of demineralized extracts from four prehistoric components at three sites that produced cremated human bone were used to test whether the same approach can be applied to archaeological materials. While carbon isotope ratios of the prehistoric samples were similar to those of uncharred specimens, nitrogen isotope ratios were increased and the g-value corrections for nitrogen isotope ratios were not effective.  相似文献   
This paper suggests that Argentine and Chilean participation with the Antarctic section of the International Geophysical Year (IGY) of 1957–58 can be characterized as ‘reluctant collaboration.’ It then reflects on the implications of the nature of South American involvement for the history of the Antarctic section of the IGY, especially as it led to the negotiation of the 1959 Antarctic Treaty. During the initial planning stages of the IGY, both Argentina and Chile worried that proposals for widespread scientific research in the Antarctic continent would interfere with their contested claims to political sovereignty in the region. Yet despite their initial skepticism, Argentina and Chile found themselves swept along by the current of international scientific co-operation of the IGY, which persisted into the Antarctic Treaty negotiations of 1959. Within the limited options available, Chile and Argentina were able to negotiate an outcome that was not altogether unfavorable to their political interests. At the same time, their collaboration helped to legitimize both the IGY and the subsequent Antarctic Treaty.  相似文献   
京军本为守御京师(畿)而设,但随着政局的稳定和社会经济的发展,皇亲贵戚的生活越来越奢华,京城内的工程修建越来越多,大批京军被抽调借拨到建筑工地,一部分京军竟然演变成职业建筑工人。京军参与修筑的建筑物主要是宫殿庙宇。京军修筑虽然组织方便、节省费用,却严重影响到军队的战斗力,加速了军队的衰败,这也是明朝灭亡的一个重要因素。  相似文献   
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