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张蕴  卫峰  马明志  高明韬  张明惠  赵赋康 《考古与文物》2012,(3):22-25,67,120,121
唐嗣虢王李邕墓位于陕西省富平县杜村镇北吕村西北,唐献陵陪葬墓区东北方,北临石川河南岸,西南距李凤墓250米;东南距北吕村300米。2004年3月遭盗掘,陕西省考古研究所组队对该墓进行了抢救性考古发掘。该墓为长斜坡墓道、五天井、三过洞、前后甬道、前后墓室、六个壁龛之大型砖券墓葬。因盗掘严重,随葬品大部分佚失,残余壁画亦损坏较甚。本文从墓葬形制、出土器物、装饰壁画三方面简述了考古发掘概况,阐述了发掘与整理中的认识与研究。  相似文献   
根据墓葬形制和随葬品特征,可以推定扬州甘泉山二号墓主是东汉晚期而不是东汉早期的广陵王。文献记载也表明,终东汉之世,广陵国的王国地位始终保持,附近发现的"广陵王玺"金印为东汉晚期或使用至东汉晚期的可能性都存在。  相似文献   
Contemplating King Solomon’s enormous importation of gold from the mysterious land of Ophir filled Victorians with vicarious pride and glutted their pedantic appetite with no end of tempting antiquarian puzzles concerning the identity of his trading partners. This article provides details and context regarding the various putative Ophirs proposed by British travellers during the nineteenth century, which ranged from Sumatra to the Gold Coast. It concludes in the latter decades of the century, when the legend of King Solomon’s mines converged with the discovery of gold in South Africa. As scholars have noted, the mid-century discovery of ancient ruins in present-day Zimbabwe by the German explorer Karl Mauch rekindled the Ophir debate and focused most people’s attention on South Africa as its location. This was also the immediate context to Rider Haggard’s fascination with ancient African civilization in his immensely popular novel King Solomon’s Mines. Numerous subsequent explorers, adventure novelists, and armchair archaeologists added to this wave of speculation about Ophir in the three decades that followed Mauch’s original identification of Great Zimbabwe with the biblical Ophir. By connecting these later depictions of Ophir (both fictional and archaeological) with speculations from earlier in the nineteenth century, this article presents King Solomon’s gold as a common context for evolving justifications, ambivalences, and understandings of British imperialism, from an empire of trade to one of conquest and annexation.  相似文献   
The article presents seismic resistance evaluation study of unreinforced brick masonry buildings. The study was carried out as part of the Ph.D. research work of the first author. As part of the study, in addition to the standard laboratory tests, a dynamic field test was carried out on single-story, single-room unreinforced masonry structure. The model structure was tested in actual ground conditions against simulated earthquake vibrations produced through controlled explosions, especially designed for this purpose. Based on masonry properties accrued from lab and field tests, finite element models of the brickwork system were also studied. Finally, the software named, “Shear Damage Index (SDI),” developed as part of this study, was used to plot contours of shear demand (shear stress) to shear capacity (shear strength) ratio on the numerical model and hence to identify potential weak zones in the model for possible strengthening of those locations.  相似文献   
A prototype diesel generator equipped with a vibration isolation system consisting of restrained isolators (denoted as I/system) is quasi-statically and dynamically tested. Sequentially, the seismic simulation tests are conducted to further investigate the effectiveness of additional snubbers incorporated into the vibration isolation system (denoted as I/R system). Comparing the test results to the static design demands specified in ASCE 7-10, the recommended component amplification factor could represent the horizontal acceleration amplification phenomenon of the generator equipped with I/R system; however, the seismic force demands for static design of I/R system might not be appropriate and conservative enough.  相似文献   
本文主要介绍了鹿邑太清宫内现存碑刻的历史与艺术价值,并在对碑刻的残损现状进行详细勘察的基础上,提出了具体的保护对策.  相似文献   

Sustainable flood risk management in Scotland is underpinned by the Flood Risk Management (Scotland) Act 2009. Effective delivery of actions to reduce the adverse impact of flooding are dependent on a collaborative approach by Responsible Authorities and a common understanding of flood hazard and risk. Over the last few decades, flood hazard maps have established a prominent role as essential tools in supporting effective flood risk management. They have developed as a result of improved national datasets and advances in computer processing. Improvements in modelling confidence and in the spatial representation of hazard and risk-inform confident actions set out in Flood Risk Management Strategies that coordinate actions supporting adaptation to future hazard conditions. The continued development of the accurate spatial representation of flood hazard and risk is an essential component of enhancing resilience in the face of future climate change.  相似文献   
曹晓阳 《安徽史学》2004,(2):100-102
周文王在完成准备灭商事业过程中,曾经推行过一条法令--."有亡荒阅".史学界一直都把这条法令诠释为:"对逃亡的奴隶进行大搜捕",并引用这段史料来说明早期周族的社会性质.本文根据资料分析,"有亡荒阅"搜捕的不仅仅是奴隶,而是各阶层逃亡的人各归其主;而且这条法令在周灭商过程中,起了重大作用,它协调了西伯与各诸候国的关系,最终形成了推翻商朝的合力.  相似文献   
谈士山盘铭文的“服”字义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从唐兰先生旧说出发,讨论新见士山盘铭文“服”字含义,认为其相当于《左传》、《国语》中所见的“职贡”一词,具体包括职事与贡赋两个方面。另外提出士山盘铭之方国“履”应即金文所见的“眉敖”之“眉”。最后指出士山盘铭对于探讨西周恭王时期的政治和先秦服制都具有重要意义。  相似文献   
林则徐与新疆史地研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林则徐不但是近代伟大的爱国者和民族英雄 ,也是研究清代新疆史地的杰出代表。本文着重探讨了林则徐在谪戍新疆时期 ,通过日记、信札、诗词、奏折与杂录等形式开展新疆史地研究的情况 ,内容涉及新疆的历史、道里、形胜、古迹、地名、环境、物产、驻防、屯田和新疆人民生活等。其研究能发前人所未发 ,独树一帜 ,体现了林则徐注重文本与实地结合 ,经世致用和深刻思想性、预见性等多方面特点。  相似文献   
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