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In 1854 Chief Mugombane and members of his Kekana Ndebele chiefdom took refuge in what is now known as Historic Cave, in the Makapan Valley, South Africa. The chiefdom retreated into the cave following an attack on a party of Trekboers. The subsequent siege of the cave, which lasted just under a month, ended in the death and surrender of its occupants and their dispersal among the Trekboers and their African auxiliaries. However, the number of people and the composition of the group that hid in the cave, as well as factors that led to the demise of the Kekana became blurred in the various renderings of the historical event. During the 1980s researchers began to cast doubt on the original Trekboer documents and the magnitude of the event when it became apparent that the Kekana oral histories remained silent on the matter. Between 2001 and 2007 the material remains of the siege were excavated to provide new data from which to judge the scale and impact of the siege event. Human remains, the primary focus of this paper, afford this perspective. This paper provides the result of the analysis of the human remains excavated from the cave, as well as an account of those remains that have been recorded or are housed in collections. The study of two naturally mummified individuals removed from the caves and stored in collections is also presented.  相似文献   
1960年在华苏联专家撤走后,根据中央指示,黑龙江省积极完成了各项善后工作,为1949年以来的苏联专家工作画上了圆满句号。与此同时,各原聘用工厂自力更生、发愤图强,生产和技术更新均取得重大突破,并未因苏联撤走专家造成严重的经济困难和生产下降。另外,为了避免摩擦和事态扩大,中方在再次聘请苏联专家和边境问题上表现出了极大的谨慎和严格自律。  相似文献   
中法战争结束后 ,边疆危机日益严重 ,清政府在桂西南地区积极推行移民实边政策 ,吸引了大批移民。移民实边不仅奠定了今天桂西南地区各民族的分布格局 ,而且对广西的国防、政治、经济、文化诸方面也产生了深刻影响 ,促进了近代广西社会的进步。  相似文献   
试论建国初期河北省的禁烟禁毒斗争   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
建国前 ,由于帝国主义侵略和封建主义的黑暗统治 ,河北省种植鸦片和吸食毒品的问题十分严重 ,影响了社会经济的发展。中华人民共和国成立后 ,河北省开展了大规模的禁烟禁毒斗争 ,仅仅用了三年左右的时间 ,就基本消除了省内延续上百年的种植、贩运和吸食毒品的现象 ,解决了旧中国历届政府无法解决的烟毒泛滥问题 ,树立了“无毒省”的形象。河北省禁烟禁毒获得成功的主要原因在于 :领导重视、组织保证 ;制定了一系列法律法规 ;深入开展宣传教育 ,广泛发动群众投入禁烟斗争 ;禁烟禁毒工作与清除其他社会病害配合进行 ;各部门协同行动 ,综合治理  相似文献   
Under the stimulus of developing commercial economy and overseas trade, the social customs characterized by prevailing luxury and extravagance was gradually formed in Fujian Province from the mid-Ming Dynasty on. The transformation started from the material culture and later spread to people—s mental attitudes including the public ethics and human relations. Compared with what happened in the Jiangnan area (the Yangtze River Delta), the change in Fujian Province was less profound and thorough, but it highly surpassed the North China society, where many sub-prefectures and counties remained unchanged till the end of the Ming Dynasty. However, there were also some coastal or interior regions in Fujian which continuously maintained a simple and unspoiled social atmosphere for the unbalanced economic development. Translated by Zhou Weiwei and Chen Cheng from Zhejiang Xuekan 浙江学刊 (Zhejiang Academic Journal), 2007, (5): 34–44  相似文献   
1999~2001年间在江苏南部分别调查了句容、金坛、高淳等6市县旧石器地点16处,采集100余件石制品,类型有石核、石锤、砍砸器、镐、石球、尖刃器等。初步研究表明,石制品均出自下蜀黄土中,地质时代大约为中更新世中晚期,即旧石器时代早期。石器工业的性质与邻近的安徽水阳江流域旧石器十分接近,属于中国南方砾石石器——砍砸器传统。  相似文献   
区域旅游发展的"竞合模式"探索:以苏南三镇为例   总被引:97,自引:5,他引:92  
陶伟  戴光全 《人文地理》2002,17(4):29-33
本以苏南三个水乡古镇的旅游发展为例,以提高区域旅游发展的整体吸引力为目标,提出主导旅游资源相似的临近地域旅游发展的“竞合模式”(C-C模式),试图对协调旅游空间竞争和空间合怍的关系作一探讨。章分析了竞合模式的内涵及其实施条件,并在论证苏南三镇实施竞合模式的可能性和可行性的基础上,提出了其实施竞合模式的三大战略。  相似文献   
安徽省“两山一湖”旅游区联动发展机制与对策研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
冯学钢 《人文地理》2003,18(1):19-23
文章认为 ,安徽省“两山一湖”旅游区是资源型旅游地 ,是安徽省旅游资源最密集的地区和安徽省旅游业的重点地区。由于本地区地脉、文脉一致 ,旅游资源和旅游产品互补 ,旅游市场互动互补 ,本地客源有限 ,但邻近中国最大的客源市场和旅游目的地长江三角洲 ,必须联动开发旅游资源。只有优先建设外部快速交通 ,按照“两山一湖”旅游区一盘棋的原则建设各具特色的旅游地 ,构建“两山一湖”旅游形象 ,加强管理 ,搞好市场营销 ,才能使得“两山一湖”旅游业有更大的发展。  相似文献   
乾隆十三年(1748年),乾隆因“粮政”政策受挫而要求建立义仓系统,试图利用义仓之名再次推动乡里民间积储体系建设。这种由依靠官仓向民仓转变的行为,是乾隆统治政策整体收敛并由“养民”向“教民”转变的一种体现。畿辅义仓体系很好实现了赈济和管制的完美结合,直隶的稳定成为头等重要的事。在全国废除留养资送制度的大背景下,唯有通过留养局体系,才能最大可能减少流民对京师的压力。留养局系统的设立是乾隆对现实的一种无奈妥协和让步。留养局的空间分布特征受交通、自然环境因素的影响。在乾隆十三年统治政策转变这一历史大背景下来看,直隶义仓、留养局系统的建立中,灾害、环境与慈善这三方面的因素以相反相成的形式交织在一起。  相似文献   
1944年12月,南京国民政府任命杨森为贵州省主席。杨森既非蒋介石嫡系,又非其同乡,却能够出掌贵州省政。究其原因,本文认为,南京国民政府主要考虑了巩固战时国防,加强地方建设,实现抗战建国目标;彻底解决西南地方势力,实现国家统一和杨森的个人经历及其与蒋介石的关系等几方面因素。  相似文献   
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