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河南焦作市府城遗址发掘简报   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
府城遗址位于焦作市西南府城村西北部的台地之上,距市中心约10公里,北距太行山约15公里,南距沁河约20公里。遗址北部自西向东有一条小河流过,南部被严重破坏,仅剩北中部。遗址平面呈方形,南北长约300米,东西宽约310米,是河南省重点文物保护单位。(图一)1992年,焦作市...  相似文献   
小胡村墓地为殷墟晚期"舌"氏家族墓地,为探讨其出土铜器的腐蚀特征,揭示其所蕴含制作技术和相应考古学信息,从而为器物保护修复提供科学依据,采用金相显微镜和扫描电镜及能谱仪对墓地出土12件铜器进行基体锈层结构和制作技术分析研究。研究表明,相较纯铜、铜锡和铜锡铅合金,铜铅合金耐腐蚀能力较弱,腐蚀严重;铜器经冷热加工处理易造成内部组织结构不均内应力残存,间接加速铜器腐蚀;12件铜器材质:纯铜2件、铜铅合金4件、铜锡合金3件和铜锡铅合金3件;仅2件兵器(刀M28:1、戈M38:1)经有意铸后热锻和冷加工,其余皆直接铸造成型。M21墓4件铜器皆为铜铅合金明器,小胡村墓地作为殷墟周边商文化系统,趋同商文化中心区,亦呈现部分中小贵族随葬铜器明器化现象。研究结果可为器物修复保护提供科学依据。  相似文献   
早在传说的黄帝与夏禹时期,鼎就被作为重器而地位最尊,具有国祚、国运的象征。郑州商代大方鼎、殷墟商代司母戊大鼎,是这种重器的代表作。郑州方鼎大小两种,小者高81cm,重52kg.大者高87cm,重75kg。司母戊鼎高133cm,重875kg。郑州大圆鼎高77.3cm,重33kg。殷商晚期的铸造技术已发展到很高水平,铸造司母戊鼎这样的重器,是没有太大难题的。然而在郑州商代二里岗上层时期,虽比安阳殷墟仅早百多年左右,铜鼎的形制和缺陷,所呈现的技术确实显得原始得多。就同是郑州商代二里岗上层的食品厂同一个窖藏之内两方鼎,在考察铸造技术时发现…  相似文献   

This paper reviews the role of maps in the assessment of rates levied for the relief of poverty in nineteenth‐century England and Wales and examines the relationships between tithe maps and parochial assessment maps both in general terms and with specific reference to Poor Law unions in the county of Kent. An appendix lists 207 parochial assessment maps made in connection with the levy of poor rates which are extant in the public archives and libraries of England and Wales. Other ‘lost’ examples of this genre awaiting discovery in parish churches and vestries will undoubtedly add to this small but important constituent of the corpus of English and Welsh cadastral maps.  相似文献   
刘琼 《南方文物》2010,(4):101-119
商汤都亳,是夏商史研究中的最重要内容之一,涉及商代第一都、早商文化、夏商分界、夏文化界定等重大学术课题,因而成为学术界一直以来关注的焦点和热点。本文对这一课题的学术史进行了回顾与总结,归纳与概括主要研究成果,指出在学术讨论中暴露出的一些问题。  相似文献   
In March through June 2010, new coring and excavations were conducted to the Daxinzhuang Site in Jinan City , by which a new cemetery from the later stage of the early phase of the Shang Dynasty to the later phase of the Shang Dynasty was recovered. Among the excavated tombs, Tomb No. 139 is the largest one: it is an earthen shaft tomb with tiers around the bottom, on which human victims were found. The burial furniture was one coffin and one outer coffin, beneath which waist pit was recovered. Plenty of gr...  相似文献   
铜铙在我国南方地区发现较多,类型也很复杂。关于南方铜铙的年代,最早的一般断为商代,晚的为西周,也有一律断为春秋者。笔者认  相似文献   
为进一步了解新干商代大墓青铜器的腐蚀机理,用扫描电子显微镜、面探测器X衍射仪、离子色谱等仪器,对这批青铜器的腐蚀现象分三个方面进行了锈蚀结构、青铜基体、微观形貌观察的研究。研究结果表明,三种不同类型的腐蚀结构表面锈蚀成分主要是SnO2,样品表面锡含量均高于基体。漆古表面有龟裂纹,氧、锡元素分布从外至内层递减;铜元素从外至内递增。青铜器上残留土样中未检测出侵蚀性氯离子。实验结果可为保护这批青铜器提供科学依据。  相似文献   
国家“九五”重点科技攻关项目“夏商周断代工程”采用偃师商城作为夏商年代分界界标的针对学术界仍持有不同看法,笔者应用出文献记载、考古实物资料和C14测定标本年代的数据等多学科科研成果,以证明来用偃师商城作为夏商年代分界界标的正确性。  相似文献   
The provenance of the highly radiogenic lead (HRL) contained in Chinese Shang bronzes has attracted great scholarly attention in recent years. A new study of the Hanzhong Shang bronzes has put forward a hypothesis that the HRL metal may come from the adjacent Qinling Mountains. This article reanalyses the lead isotope ratios and alloy compositions of the Hanzhong bronzes. Combining the analytical results, the modern ore data and the slags from Guanzhong area, we propose that there is no direct evidence to identify Qinling as the provenance of HRL metal (especially lead). Whilst over 80% of the Hanzhong bronzes contain HRL, the indigenous artefacts containing both HRL and special alloying elements (As, Sb, Ni) account only for minor portions. This fact cannot verify that HRL originates from Qinling, and even makes it difficult to prove that most of the Hanzhong bronzes use local metal resources. An alternative argument might be that the HRL used in Hanzhong derived from the Shang dynasty. The use of HRL reflects a unified system for allocating metal resources centred on the Shang kingdom, which has great significance for further understanding of the resource circulation patterns among different bronze cultures and locations during the Shang period.  相似文献   
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