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2009年10月29日至11月9日,为配合南水北调中线工程文物保护项目,新乡市文物考古研究所对卫辉市安都乡杨村遗址进行了发掘,发现较为丰富的商代遗迹、遗物,为研究新乡地区商代文化提供了新的资料。  相似文献   
文章试图通过复原甲骨文“大龟四版”上的历法,从而推算出盘庚迁殷和武王伐纣的年代,是对恢复商代历法研究的一次尝试。  相似文献   
Neolithic faunal assemblages are scarce in Portugal, and although some trends related to the beginning of domestication are now becoming understood, more data and further zooarchaeological analyses are necessary to fully understand them. Ponte da Azambuja 2 is a set of three Late Neolithic ditch enclosures located in the Alentejo region, Southern Portugal. It was discovered in 2008 by the archaeological unit Crivarque during the construction of a new irrigation system. Ditch enclosure 1 was excavated in two trenches, Locus 1 and Locus 2. A small faunal assemblage was recovered, showing high fragmentation mainly due to post‐depositional processes, which made the interpretation rather problematic. Although animal herding strategies are difficult to assess, it was possible to confirm the domesticate status of some of the taxa. Domestication appears to have been complemented by hunting – both red deer and leporids being present. The identification of burning, cut marks and worked bone confirms an anthropogenic faunal accumulation. Worked bone fragments suggest needle production and the production of potential ornaments. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Shang-dynasty bronzes recovered in the Hanzhong region, Shaanxi province have been receiving considerable research interest since the 1950s due to their strong regional characteristics. This paper presents preliminary analytical results of 16 samples taken from 13 Hanzhong bronze objects, which, for the first time, have revealed their diversity in chemical composition and casting quality. In particular, the finding that some correspondence probably exists between the types of artefact and their materials has significant implications for identifying regional technical characteristics of the Hanzhong bronzes, as well as for exploring the interaction between the metropolitan areas of the Shang Kingdom with the areas beyond its southwestern frontiers.  相似文献   
试论江西万年文化的年代、分期及相关问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
万年文化是分布在赣东北和赣东地区,在当地史前文化基础上发展起来的一支商周时期青铜文化,它与分布在赣西和赣北地区以商文化为底蕴的吴城文化时代相当,分布地域毗邻,但文化内涵差距甚大;又与分布在闽北、浙南和苏南地区的文化保持着较密切的关系,成为不受以分裆鬲、假腹豆和深腹盆为代表的商文化影响的区域;同时,宁镇地区的带把器、带鋬器在万年文化中也很流行。但是,由于发掘的限制,对于万年文化的认识还很不足,尤其是对于其年代和分期问题还不清晰。搞清万年文化的年代和分期无疑对于周边文化的认识和文化间的互动关系研究具有重要的意义。  相似文献   
商文化墓葬的二层台上有放置动物腿骨的现象。本文结合晚商墓葬制度的研究成果对其进行了考察。发现同一墓组或分族的墓葬二层台放置的动物腿骨的种类具有一致性,这或是血缘关系或族在商代社会生活中发挥较大作用的体现;二层台有动物腿骨的墓葬在其所在墓组的同时期墓葬中规模较大,二层台所置动物腿骨种类多少和墓葬的等级没有必然的关系。二层台放置动物腿骨的现象与文献记载的周代"奠竁"礼有相似的地方,但也有较大的差异。  相似文献   
我国古代杰出的史学评论家 ,无不重视对历史撰述的得失进行批判和总结。作为乾嘉史学名家之一 ,王鸣盛在探讨历史撰述问题时 ,尤其注意考察史书体裁的利弊得失 ,帝纪与人物传记体例的灵活运用 ,以及书志与论赞体例的进一步完善等问题 ;同时他又能够联系具体史事和作者撰述思想来讲体例 ;既重视体例又强调不应为体例所拘 ,反映其朴素辩证的变通思想 ,值得我们深入研究 ,并加以继承和发展。  相似文献   
商代卜辞中,战争材料尤为丰富,有关军事制度的内容。向为学所关注,甲骨透露出,殷商时代的族是军事组织;行是步兵作战时的行阵,旃为演兵之法;而共人则是征集步兵,那种共人即征兵的笼统说法应予修正。  相似文献   
来自夏商周断代工程的报告   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
夏商周断代工程的实施,是中国学术史上的一件盛事;工程的组织形式、科研方法值得总结和借鉴;工程所取得的成果,对21世纪的人文社会科学发展,将会产生深远的影响.  相似文献   
商代盘龙城遗址杨家湾13号墓于2001年下半年进行了抢救性的清理发掘,虽然该墓遭到了严重破坏,但仍出土了精美的青铜器、玉器、板灰痕、松绿石饰,发现了头坑和足坑并各坑殉狗一只。它是目前盘龙城遗址发掘清理的大型墓葬之一,对研究盘龙城遗址商代墓葬的分布情况、形制与结构、等级制度等提供了重要佐证,对于研究长江流域的商文化具有重要意义。  相似文献   
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