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在战国天星观一号楚墓出土的竹简文中,有一"■"字,它涉及中国古代祭祷中的沉祭,可与商甲骨卜辞以及周礼中有关记载相互印证。  相似文献   
中原商文化的北渐及商王朝势力的北向拓展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
二里岗下层早商文化的分布范围主要在郑洛地区。二里岗上层一期,商文化主要向北方扩展,此时商文化聚落遗址已蜿蜒扩展至太行山以北的壶流河流域,北易水流域以南地区已成为早商文化的分布区,并可能被早商政权所控制。同时,商文化沿黄土高原东、南两翼的拓展,恰好形成了针对此时商文化西北方的"钳形包围"或"犄角"拱卫之势。中商文化时期的聚落遗址点在太行山东麓的河北中南部的分布比较密集。殷墟文化时期,商王朝的政治疆域格局大体与中商文化基本相同,只是商文化分布区在北方已完全回缩到北易水流域以南。虽然殷墟式青铜器向北、西北传布很远,到达长城以北及河套地区,但这些商代铜器都是脱离殷墟文化陶器群孤立存在的,不能以此为据来确定殷商文化的分布范围。商文化向北方的扩张与退缩,是与商人的进退相联系的,反映了商王朝政治势力的北向消长。  相似文献   
卜辞■(■、■)、寻(■、■)、谭(■)诸地,尽管读音相近,但所指实不相同。■地在鲁中泰安东南,或与商周时期的姒姓斟寻阝氏相关;寻地在鲁北章丘附近,殆为子姓寻阝氏的族居地;谭地在鲁东沂水县北部,即《春秋》经传所记谭子国的所在地。此类卜辞地名的考定,有助于武丁时期军政大事及商代民族等重大问题的重新梳理,过去所论定的西部族群,如土方、■方和方方等,都应该在殷墟以东区域寻找。  相似文献   
The origins of the copper, tin and lead for China's rich Bronze Age cultures are a major topic in archaeological research, with significant contributions being made by archaeological fieldwork, archaeometallurgical investigations and geochemical considerations. Here, we investigate a recent claim that the greater part of the Shang‐period metalwork was made using metals from Africa, imported together with the necessary know‐how to produce tin bronze. A brief review of the current status of lead isotopic study on Shang‐period bronze artefacts is provided first, clarifying a few key issues involved in this discussion. It is then shown that there is no archaeological or isotopic basis for bulk metal transfer between Africa and China during the Shang period, and that the copper and lead in Shang bronze with a strongly radiogenic signature is not likely to be from Africa. We call for collaborative interdisciplinary research to address the vexing question of the Shang period's metal sources, focusing on smelting sites in geologically defined potential source regions and casting workshops identified at a number of Shang settlements.  相似文献   
上古中国西部族群多源于氐羌,其酋豪曰"大",死则火葬,灵魂"登遐"升至山上(祖山)谓之"天"。甲金文"天"字即"大"上加一横或圆圈,表示在上、上面、神灵之意,是以又有"天在山中"之说。文献如《墨子》《荀子》《吕氏春秋》等记载西方羌戎之人对于被俘本身并不特别担忧,最为担心的是死后灵魂能否"登遐"升天,即回归祖山圣地,此即西部族群的"敬天"传统。上古人认为族与族之战也是神与神之争,因此东方殷人、夷人西征夏、周要"射天"、射山、搏木偶"天神"。这个习俗远可追溯到尧时的羿"射日(天)",晚则战国宋王偃还在"射天笞地",都是对于西部族群神灵之"天"的厌胜之术,所谓"威服天下鬼神"。汉民族融合早期主要是西部诸夏族群与东部商夷族群之间交合的历史,长期交往中伴随着征战与杀伐,最后形成血的凝聚。新石器时代以来考古学文化区系的逐渐明晰,让我们进一步看清了这一点。  相似文献   
侯卫东  张玲 《江汉考古》2020,(1):65-68,64
辉县孟庄商城为10余万平方米的小型城邑,平面近长方形,其二里岗文化遗迹遗物丰富。本文根据《辉县孟庄》发掘报告,比较了遗址房基、水井、灰沟、灰坑、墓葬等五类遗迹在各时期的分布情况,认为孟庄商城在二里岗下层二期已经作为城邑被二里岗文化的精英使用,在二里岗上层一期、二期持续使用,殷墟时期则失去了城邑的功能和地位。  相似文献   
Ian G.R. Shaw 《对极》2017,49(4):883-906
Swarms of police drones, fleets of overhead delivery bots, and flocks of private security drones are set to multiply the complex interfaces between state, capital, and sense. This paper explores the military and economic enclosure of the atmosphere by drones. For centuries, capitalist enclosure has privatized and secured common spaces: territorializing new power relations into the soil. Enclosure now operates through an increasingly atmospheric spatiality. The birth of airpower enabled new vertical regimes of state power, capital accumulation, and violence. Now, drones are materializing both intimate and pervasive colonizations of local, national, and international airspace. Crucially, this discloses new morphologies and ontologies of urban (in)security, in which an atmospheric state polices deterritorialized aerial circulations. Such a reenchanted atmosphere collapses the geopolitical and geoeconomic in uncertain robotic orbits. This paper, which connects past and present, is driven by a deeper concern for the existential dimensions of dronified skyscapes, subjects, and violence.  相似文献   
Jennifer Baka 《对极》2017,49(4):977-996
This paper analyzes why and how wasteland development narratives persist through an evaluation of wasteland development policies in India from 1970 to present. Integrating critical scholarship on environmental narratives and enclosures, I find that narratives of wastelands as “empty” spaces available for “improvement” continue because they are metaphors for entrenched struggles between the government's shifting visions of “improvement” and communities whose land use practices contradict these logics. Since the 1970s, “improvement” has meant establishing different types of tree plantations on wastelands to ostensibly provide energy security. These projects have dispossessed land users by enclosing common property lands and by providing forms of energy incommensurate with local needs, a trend I term “energy dispossessions”. Factors enabling energy dispossessions include the government's increased attempts to establish public–private partnerships to carry out “improvement” and a “field of observation” constructed to obscure local livelihoods. Unveiling these logics will help to problematize and contest future iterations of wasteland development.  相似文献   
以西方文化人类学中权力起源的理论为根据,以作为三代文明核心特征的青铜器为对象,对商王权的有关政治基础以及运行机制从另外一个角度作了一些系统思考和分析。  相似文献   
本文对晋侯墓、妇好墓及其他一些墓葬中出土的具有前代明显特征的玉器进行了初步分析,提出出土玉器的断代不仅要认识到前代玉器长期流传的可能性,同时也应在考古实践和研究中对这种情况所反映的心理因素、文化现象作进一步地探讨。  相似文献   
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