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In Dublin there are many needs and desires which are not met, or excluded, by the pattern of high rent, the commodification of social/cultural life, and the regulation of public space. Against this dynamic, Dublin has seen a number of experiments in urban commoning: people collectively finding ways of opening up space in order to do what they want. This might be as simple as wanting a space to work, to make food or to show films. Rather than trying to change this situation by appealing to existing institutions, these new urban commons are characterized by particular groups of people devising practical ways of escaping the forms of “enclosure” which limit what can happen in the city. This article takes a “militant research” approach to explore the potentials and limitations of these experiments in urban production and organization.  相似文献   
The industrialization of New York and its rise to economic dominance brought about a major restructuring of street life and unleashed an array of contradictory everyday urban cultures. In a still under-regulated environment, the commoning of public space became a key sociospatial capital that helped the working classes resolve their reproduction in a way the elite found disturbing and far removed from the civic order they were trying to instil. This article draws on recent theorizations of the commons/enclosure dialectic to develop a comparative analysis of the cultures of public space use vis-à-vis the practices prescribed by Central Park in its attempt to reform everyday spatialities. The park is understood here as an early episode in the project of imposing new social relations through the enclosure of public conduct—a first effort to tame the urban commons and prevent the subaltern appropriation of public space. Following a preliminary discussion of the economic and social determinants and configuration of the material cultures of public space use in Manhattan, the article studies the park's strategies as a special type of enclosure, consisting not of the usurping of common land for private profit but of the mobilization of public space to shift behaviors from one regime of publicity to another.  相似文献   
在现在青铜器的复制或仿制中常常使用"一模多器"技法。所谓"一模多器",就是在铸造青铜器时,仅制作一件器物模型,翻制多件外范,利用多件外范浇铸出形制相似的多件青铜器。通过系统分析商代的青铜器实物和铸范,发现在商代青铜器铸造过程中,部分器类的铸造也存在"一模多器"的现象。  相似文献   
刘煜 《南方文物》2014,(3):110-116
商代青铜器的圈足部位常常可见一些孔洞,这些孔洞的形成与泥芯撑的设置有关。泥芯撑是使用复合范铸造青铜器时非常重要的技术手段,用于范和芯之间的定位和保持壁厚,避免盲芯成为"悬芯"。这一技术看似简单,却有其重要的工艺价值,其本身的技术演进路径与青铜器铸型技术的发展密切相关。本文试图梳理从二里头到晚商时期各类青铜器使用泥芯撑技术的概况,丰富对商代青铜器铸造工艺的整体认识。  相似文献   
"盘庚迁殷"的第一个地点应是安阳洹水北岸的洹北商城.这里发现有相当于盘庚、小辛、小乙时代的殷墟文化第一期的宫殿建筑基址、宫城墙、外城内外基槽及居民点等遗存.其后,由于洹北商城的宫殿建筑毁于火灾,商王室即迁洹南小屯之殷都.这里有殷墟一期的祭祀场所和随葬青铜器的贵族墓等遗存,透露出小屯是盘庚迁殷的第二个地点.  相似文献   
弓形器是商周时期用于挂缰的挂缰钩,有窄背和宽背两种。窄背类弓形器部分出自人骨腰部,在蒙古鹿石中相类的器物均挂于腰间并与弓及弓袋共出,因此其应挂在腰带上。车马坑中多放置宽背类弓形器并多置于车厢内,在鹿石中还见将辔系于车厢上的马车形象,因此一部分宽背类弓形器应绑缚在车厢前部用以挂辔。  相似文献   
杨府山土墩墓出土的青铜礼器、乐器和兵器的年代和性质,对探讨南方地区文化的互动、交融乃至民族的交往具有重要意义。通过对该墓所出鼎、簋、铙、短剑等的具体分析,可以断定这应是一批具有浓郁地域特色的南方系青铜器,时代应在商末周初,墓葬的年代最晚应为西周早期。  相似文献   
Terra Economica: Waste and the Production of Enclosed Nature   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Jesse Goldstein 《对极》2013,45(2):357-375
Abstract: This essay provides an analysis of the “dirty” history and geography of enclosure, as both an instance of primitive accumulation and a production of nature. Specifically, I reconsider the English enclosures as a struggle over the land‐use designation of “waste”. Whereas both open fields and common waste lands were an essential and valuable part of the common right economy, advocates of enclosure came to see these same lands as wasted commons; lands that were potentially, but not yet, improved. This dialectic of waste and potential permeates the fabric of the nature produced through enclosure, which I name terra economica. Typically, this terrain has been understood as a passive repository of free resources, extending across absolute space. While such accounts consider the making of nature into a universal means of production, it is equally important to consider the ways in which nature is produced as a universal condition of production.  相似文献   

Most traditional archaeological interpretations of life within late precontact period village sites in the Eastern Woodlands focus primarily on the domestic sphere or ritual activities associated solely with burial features. Yet, ethnohistorical studies reveal that both the domestic and ritual-ceremonial realms were tightly entangled in the lives of indigenous actors during the contact period. A recent reanalysis of a small enclosure and burial precinct at the White Fort site in northern Ohio presents new evidence of ceremonial use and reuse within a large habitation site during the late precontact period (ca. AD 1250–1400). Excavation data reveal how human interment, artifact caching, and layering of colored soils were incorporated in six pit burials arranged around a C-shaped post-and-ditch enclosure. The sequencing of interments and enclosure construction that composed this distinct area show that it served as a hub for burial and ritual behavior over multiple generations of seasonal village occupation.  相似文献   
车是古代重要的交通工具.与西亚等地相比,从"黄帝造车"等古史传说和文献记载来看,我国车出现的时间与西亚相比相差不远.中国早期车的遗存都出现在远离西北和北部边陲的中原地区.由此可见中国的车并非传自域外.商人是善于迁徙和经商的部族,车是其代步致远的重要工具,这正与文献记载相吻合.豫东平原一望无垠,适宜放牧牛马和驾车,是传说中先商活动的主要地区,在那里发现有不少史前文化的遗迹.因此有理由推断:牛车、马车应是在中国本土起源的,商族应是我国最早掌握牛车、马车驾御技术的部族.  相似文献   
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