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This article tells the story of a cross‐cultural encounter on a beach at King George’s Sound in the south west of Australia in 1826, when Major Edmund Lockyer arrived to establish a British military garrison. The account we have of those early encounters come from the pen of Lockyer, and by taking a close reading of his journal this article attempts to reveal the meanings and context of Aboriginal actions. It also analyses how the Aborigines and the British made sense and subsequently responded to the encounter. Whilst this story is not given iconic status in Australian historiography, it is valuable in opening up a porthole into this contact zone at the moment when precarious relationships were being formed.  相似文献   
This study examines Qing state attention to the Muslim challenger Jahāngīr, leader of Xinjiang’s 1826–1828 Jahāngīr Uprising. It considers how imperial agents, guided by Emperor Daoguang, defined and processed this contender, as well what this rendering implied for views of “Hui Frontier” Muslims. As will be seen, Jahāngīr was depicted as not just “treacherous” and duplicitous, but also an external “barbarian.” This image – crafted from military reports, imperial edicts, confessions, ritual, sentencing, and punishment – served to clarify a narrative with two salient characteristics. First, the khoja was set as the keystone of the conflict, the management of whom signaled a restoration of imperial integrity. Second, he was differentiated from local Turkic Muslims “Hui,” who (with ambiguity) were framed as Qing subjects. This rendering mirrored earlier Qing (esp. Jiaqing Reforms) depictions of borderland rebel leaders, suggestive of a solidification of the “idea” of Xinjiang as interior to the empire.  相似文献   
陈长河 《安徽史学》2006,(2):52-55,62
1922年第一次直奉战争结束后,吴佩孚为了压制冯玉祥,将其由河南督军调任陆军检阅使,驻兵近畿.冯玉祥一抵北京,即组建陆军检阅使署于南苑.该署编制系参照巡阅使署编制而制订,职权 较前有所下降.正因该署是个"闲职",冯玉祥遂抓住有利时机,于任内干了几件惊天动地的大事,大多为人们所称道.及至1924年第二次直奉战争结束,张作霖气焰嚣张,段祺瑞仰其鼻息,排斥异己,冯玉祥以环境恶劣,毅然辞去陆军检阅使,专任西北边防督办.此后,他致力于经营西北,扩充实力,并于不久投身于国民革命.  相似文献   
魏源的边疆史地研究述略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
魏源在边疆史地研究方面有许多独到建树,他对边疆地理沿革的考辨继承了乾嘉学者的考据风格,是史学家的缜密品质和经世致用精神的良好结合。魏源在边疆民族问题上有鲜明的“多民族凝聚倾向”,其研究着眼于巩固边疆的群众基础,他就如何处理边疆民族关系的经验总结对现实仍有一定的指导意义。魏源的边疆史地研究把边疆的防卫与开发建设结合起来,将边疆的防卫、开发建设同解决国家的现实问题结合起来,完全超出了传统的战略地理的讨论范围,是难能可贵的。  相似文献   
新疆边境贸易初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
边境贸易在新疆整个对外贸易中的地位日趋重要,现已成为对外贸易的重要支柱。本文从边境贸易的概念和形式入手,概述了新疆边境贸易的发展现状,阐明了其在对外贸易中的地位,剖析了新疆发展边贸的有利条件和不利因素,最后提出了发展边境贸易的对策建议。  相似文献   
论明世宗对蒙"绝贡"政策与嘉靖年间的农牧文化冲突   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
明朝曾采取允许周边各少数民族首领定期朝贡、明廷给以丰厚的赏赐并可在会同馆进行一定程度的互市贸易的政策,由此而形成明代的朝贡体制。但在嘉靖年间,明世宗顽固地拒绝和蒙古通贡互市,以至从嘉靖十一年(1532)以后,整个北边防线战争不断,终于酿成京城被围的“庚戌之变”。明世宗对蒙“绝贡”政策是违背历史大势的非常有害的错误政策,它给明蒙双方都造成了极大的危害,制约了明代历史的发展。  相似文献   
This article examines the concept of tribal service as applied by British administrators on the North-West Frontier of India and in South-West Arabia during the latter part of the colonial era. By examining a series of themes within the exercise of recruitment from among tribal society for the purposes of pacification, it seeks to illustrate not only the commonalities in approach between two distant political cadres, but also the inherent difficulties in applying administrative methods to complex and reactive tribal societies, and the unintended consequences that arose contrary to expectation.  相似文献   
“经世”意识与南宋川陕边防史地类文献   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
南宋时期,川陕地区战略地位突出。为了给边疆防御提供借鉴,川陕边防史地类文献大量涌现,探讨川陕地区历史与地理之风日益兴起。本文在梳理南宋川陕边防史地类文献具体情况的基础上,总结出其强烈的经世思想、重视地图的作用、突出的地理学成就等特点。  相似文献   
For a long time, the late period of the Habsburg Monarchy has been characterized as a battlefield of nation-building elites who employed historical scholarship (among other means) to promote nationalistic ideas. More recent studies, however, have examined and called attention to the powerful structures which held this monarchy together. In the age of historicism, the Habsburg Monarchy also needed a plausible historical narrative on which it could base claims of the legitimacy of its rule. This narrative was created first and foremost by Viennese historians. Yet there were historians in the Habsburg Monarchy’s regional centres who made significant contributions to the development of concepts of an imperial history, too. In this article, the author examines their efforts. Until around 1900, supranationalism and regionalism were the dominant concepts in the historical writings of the authors in the Military Frontier and Bukovina and also in the works of the renowned Prague historian Anton Gindely. Loyal to Vienna, some Hungarian historians reassessed national history in order to reconcile it with the imperial past. Transnational history was also a method of demonstrating the congruity of national and imperial interests. In the age of high nationalism, historians thus contributed to both national and imperial cohesion.  相似文献   
There is now a growing interest in new approaches to examine the construction and significance of Western frontier landscapes. This paper adds to this new scholarship by examining how labour relations associated with buffalo hunting in Australia's North were also race relations which became embedded in the production and representations of this landscape as a feral region of the outback frontier. Drawing on a range of archival, secondary and oral sources, the paper outlines the myriad of human–buffalo and cross-cultural interactions that revolved around the shooting of buffalo within an erratic industry between the early 1890s and the mid-1950s. The analysis emphasizes that insecure efforts of officials and settlers to authorize, re-work or hide buffalo hunting interactions were linked with a wider debate on the type of people and animals who could colonize this region. It is from these ‘feral’ landscapes and histories, the paper argues, where a multiple of definitions and significance of frontier experiences can be found.

La chasse au buffle et les avant-postes féraux du Northern Territory de l'Australie

De nouvelles méthodes qui sont employées pour étudier la construction et la signification des paysages frontaliers occidentaux présentent aujourd'hui un intérêt croissant. Le présent article vise à enrichir ces travaux savants par l'examen des façons dont les relations au travail associé à la chasse au buffle ont aussi été des relations interraciales qui ont fait partie intégrante de la production et des représentations de ce paysage comme région férale de l'intérieur du pays inexploré. L'article s'appuie sur de nombreuses sources d'archives, secondaires et orales et présente une vue d'ensemble de la myriade d'interactions transculturelles et homme-buffle qui caractérisaient la chasse au buffle durant la période marquée d'irrégularités allant des années 1890 jusqu'au milieu des années 1950. L'analyse permet de souligner les efforts ténus de la part des officiers et colonisateurs pour rendre légitime, retravailler ou masquer les interactions de la chasse au buffle qui étaient liés, en effet, à un débat plus important sur le genre de personnes et d'animaux qui pouvaient coloniser cette région. L'article conclue que dans ces histoires et paysages «féraux» se retrouvent une quantité innombrable de définitions et de sens découlant des expériences vécues aux avant-postes.

Title in spanish

Hay un interés cada vez mayor en nuevos enfoques para examinar la construcción y la importancia de los paisajes fronterizos occidentales. Este papel contribuye a este nuevo estudio por examinar cómo las relaciones laborales asociadas con la caza de búfalo en el norte de Australia eran también relaciones raciales que se arraigaron en la producción y las representaciones de este paisaje como una región salvaje de la frontera del ‘outback’. Haciendo uso de información de archivos y fuentes secundarias y orales, el papel detalla la miríada de interacciones entre humanos y búfalos y tras varias culturas que giraban alrededor de la caza de búfalo dentro de una industria irregular entre 1890 y 1950. El análisis enfatiza que los esfuerzos inseguros de funcionarios y pobladores para autorizar, adaptar u ocultar las interacciones en la caza de búfalo se vinculaban con un debate más amplio sobre qué tipo de persona y animal se permitía a colonizar esta región. El papel sugiere que son en éstos historias y paisajes ‘salvajes’ donde se encuentran las múltiples definiciones y la importancia de las experiencias fronterizas.  相似文献   
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