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30年来日本对华经贸政策的调整与演变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
日本是中国最重要的贸易伙伴,是我国最大的援助国家,最大的投资国家之一,从1972年9月恢复邦交正常化以来,中日经贸关系总体来说发展顺利,但在不同时期日本采取的对华经贸政策是不同的,是不断根据国家的经济发展现状结合国际形势的变化进行调整。70年代日本对华经贸政策是以发展本国经济为前提推动中日经贸关系向前发展。80年代继承了70年代的对华政策,但政治色彩加浓;90年代采取不断发展中日经贸关系的政策;展望21世纪发展友好的中日经贸关系仍为日本对华的主导政策,但摩擦会不断增加。  相似文献   
王世民 《江汉考古》2003,(3):91-93,79
本文评述现已发掘的东周列国墓葬中占大多数的楚墓的研究发展情况,特别是最近十多年出版的河南信阳长台关、淅川下寺,湖北当阳赵家湖、江陵望山、雨台山、九店,以及湖南长沙近郊等7部楚墓发掘报告的学术价值。其中尤其对2000年出版的《长沙楚墓》一书,作了详细的评论。  相似文献   
Fifty years ago, Call to the North was conceived against the background of sectarian terrorism. This was a unique occasion when all the traditional Christian churches of the North of England were engaged in unitedly presenting the Christian faith to the general population. The exercise was led by the Anglican Archbishop of York together with the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Liverpool and Dr John Marsh representing the Free Churches.

The objectives of the exercise, the methods employed, the problems encountered and its eventual outcome in 1973 are outlined, together with an account of the Roman Catholic Archbishop’s strategy of seeking Pope Paul VI’s support to help his traditional dioceses come to terms with the new Vatican thinking of Pope John XXIII and Vatican II.

The account concludes with a reflection on the historic outcome of this unique exercise.  相似文献   
历史时期射阳湖演变模式研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
射阳湖历史上曾是江苏境内著名的大湖。历史时期,湖区经历了浅水海湾—古泻湖—淡水湖泊—沼泽性湖泊—平原沼泽的演变模式。春秋以前,本区是里下河浅水海湾的一部分;春秋至唐代,本区由古泻湖逐步演变为淡水湖;南宋以来,1128年黄河夺淮以后,大量泥沙进入本区,湖区淤积迅速,成为沼泽性湖泊,加之人类开发活动的深刻影响,射阳湖逐渐演变为里下河平原的一部分。  相似文献   
The Festival of Pacific Arts, hosted by a different Pacific Island state once every four years, is a prime site for the reproduction of the global discourse on heritage. Drawing on ethnographic research conducted at the festival, this paper focuses on how the concept of heritage is employed at the festival as both an instrument of statecraft and a tool for the assertion of grass-roots political and economic agency. We conclude that heritage in the context of the festival is a form of cultural practice involving relationships of power and inequality, expressed in transactions of ownership and value transformations that have become over determined by economic logic and the concept of property.  相似文献   
This article highlights the renaissance of the essentialist topos of the ‘lazy and irrational’ ‘Südländer’ (Southerner, Southern countries, South) in the German political and media discourses during the ‘Euro crisis’. It argues that it served to legitimate the political and economic measures taken in Southern European countries that pushed them into still more peripheral positions within the European Union (EU) and deepened the cleavage between North and South. Culture, or better culturalism and racism as its political ideological version, thus were used as a trap, as an intellectual battleground for justifying extremely complex economic and political decisions in a simplistic fashion throughout a crucial period of European history. The article furthermore demonstrates how a postcolonial reading may productively decode the processes of Othering taking place within Europe itself, especially between the so-called core and peripheral countries.  相似文献   
黑龙江省东部城市密集区城市流强度分析   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
本文在对现有城市流理论进行疏理的基础上提出强化城市流模型,依据城市流强度值的计算,将黑龙江省东部城市密集区的城市分为三级:城市流强度值较高的佳木斯,是该区域的集聚辐射中心,为区域性中心城市;城市流强度值中等的牡丹江,是区域次级集聚辐射中心,为次级区域性中心城市;鹤岗、双鸭山、鸡西、伊春、七台河等市有较低的城市流强度值,城市的集聚与辐射功能微弱,初步形成地方集聚辐射中心,仅为行政区中心。通过各城市的城市流强度分析,指出黑龙江省东部城市密集区目前存在城市流强度低、城市流强度结构不合理等问题,并运用本文提出的强化城市流模型给出区域强化城市流的对策。  相似文献   
<正>2007年以前关于抗美援朝战争史(或朝鲜战争史)以及抗美援朝运动研究情况的综述已有几篇①。本文仅对2007年至2010年6月有关抗美援朝的研究成果简略综述。一、研究概况2007年以来出版的有关抗美援朝战争研究的专著约有三十多部,再版书十余部,发表的相关论文上  相似文献   
C地点共清理墓葬37座,为圆角长方形土坑竖穴墓,多数墓葬为单人仰身直肢葬。随葬品主要是陶器,器物组合以筒形罐和壶为主,还出土石器、骨器、玉器等。C地点墓葬的文化内涵与此前发掘的A、B两地点新石器时代墓葬应属同一种文化,可暂称为南宝力皋吐类型。  相似文献   
银雀山汉简《定心固气》篇现存简十三枚,残损较多。文中有"积气"、"守一"、"定心"、"固气"、"独行"等内容,是一篇专论养气修性的古代文献,是研究传统文化的珍贵资料。《孟子》中也曾讨论"知言养气"的理论,其说与简文相近。  相似文献   
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