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吉林大学文物室藏着一批古陶文实物 ,皆未经著录。作者按国别与时代 ,对这些陶文作了分类整理。文中对若干陶文的释读 ,提出了新的意见。  相似文献   
傅斯年与杨志玖是具有师生关系的两代学人,他们二人的学术成就和贡献在学术界有着重要影响。但很少有人对他们的交往和情谊进行论述。他们数十年前往来的书信和交往的资料,记载了他们交往的史实和表现出的深厚情谊,其中既显示了杨志玖先生谦虚诚实、好学进取的学人风范和重诚尚信、尊师重道的品格,也反映出傅斯年为发展学术重视人才的培养和使用、不遗余力奖掖后学的宗师风范。  相似文献   
笔者在日本亚细亚大学任教期间,通过资料查询和走访调查,发现了被我国中日关系史及留学日本史研究界忽视了的有关日本战后首批正式招收中国留日学生的史料。史料证明,战后第一批留学日本的是中国香港地区的学生,这既是中日两国在战后文化交流的一个重要侧面,也为战后日本亚细亚大学的成立与发展提供了一个契机。  相似文献   
This paper draws attention to academic travel as a key issue in the geographies of knowledge, science and higher education. Building upon recent work in science studies and geography, it is argued that academic travel reveals the wider geography of scientific work and thus of the knowledge and networks involved. By examining academic travel from Cambridge University in the period 1885 to 1954, the study clarifies its role in the development of Cambridge as a modern research university, the emergence of global knowledge centres elsewhere and the development of an Anglo-American academic hegemony in the twentieth century. Using unpublished archival data on all recorded applications for leave of absence by Cambridge University Teaching Officers, it is further explored how the global geographies of academic travel varied among different types of work, thereby exposing distinct hierarchies of spaces of knowledge production and sites of study.  相似文献   
Archaeology in Europe has changed a great deal over the last 25 years and these changes have certainly affected maritime archaeology. As such they also define the practical skills that are needed. On the one hand of course, unlike other branches of European archaeology, maritime archaeology still has a major preoccupation with a well-funded ‘treasure-hunting’ industry and no lack of ill-defined and ill-considered project initiatives. High ethical standards are therefore necessary and the public debate should continue. But within the structure of archaeology and its management at large, maritime archaeology should also show what its major contributions can be. It can only do so if sufficiently trained personnel are available. It is against this background that the Maritime Archaeology Programme at SDU in Esbjerg is being shaped. This paper reviews developments in the field and outlines the approach to education developed at SDU in response.
Jens AuerEmail:
Late nineteenth and early twentieth century China faced a grave national crisis resulting from intense foreign pressure and a rigid political system that was incapable of adapting to the challenges of the modern world. China’s decline did, however, lead to a wave of nationalism that swept across Chinese society. Set against this backdrop, a new generation of patriotically minded intellectuals, one with relatively broad exposure to Western thinking and academic methods, turned its focus to enlightening the oppressed masses as a means of bringing about national salvation. These intellectuals pursued this forward-looking aim by looking to the past for inspiration. More specifically, they looked to folk culture as a means of connecting with the common people and weaving together a new discourse that promoted national unity. Under these circumstances, a group of professors at Peking University, including Zhou Zuoren, Liu Fu, and Gu Jiegang, began to search for vernacular works in folk culture. This article examines folklore studies at Peking University expanding from folksongs to folk customs and other forms of folk literature. It focuses on early folklorists’ activities, folklore organizations, and primary publications. Under the university’s influence, folklore studies appeared in various newspapers and other research institutions in Beijing and Shanghai in rapid succession.  相似文献   
抗日战争期间,日军曾数百次对昆明狂轰乱炸,造成了重大的人员和财产损失,给当地民众的战时生活秩序产生了严重的影响。在对昆明的大轰炸中,当时中国的最高学府——西南联合大学也屡次遭袭,造成多名教职工伤亡,大量校舍和图书、仪器损毁。然而,敌人的轰炸并没有从精神上吓倒联大师生,大家积极采取措施防范空袭,在"跑警报"的过程中,人们的心态逐渐乐观起来。  相似文献   
For over 20 years, the Family and Community Historical Research Society, FACHRS, has challenged the notion that universities should have a near monopoly on the construction, ownership, validation and transmission of knowledge. Its central strategy, of publishing research derived from its aggregation of data from connected local research projects, has its immediate roots in an Open University module, Family & Community History: 19th and 20th centuries, DA301. This emphasised research construction co-operation within a social scientific framework. The roots of the FACHRS also lie in the development, since Victorian times, of sociable, collaborative and co-operative local history projects. The FACHRS’s progress was framed by its engagement with communications and database technology and digitisation during a period when demarcation lines and epistemic identities, both within universities and outside them, dissolved and reformed.  相似文献   
Lester B. Pearson’s speech at Temple University in April 1965 suggesting a pause in the bombing of North Vietnam enraged United States President Lyndon B. Johnson, who in private the next day at Camp David strongly rebuked the Canadian prime minister. While their stormy encounter has become the stuff of legend, just how the controversial proposal for a bombing pause appeared in Pearson’s speech in the first place has received far less attention. Making use of new archival material, including the private diary of Canadian Under-Secretary of State for External Affairs Marcel Cadieux, among other original sources, this article revisits previous accounts of the Temple speech, offering new details on the origins of the proposal for a bombing pause and examining the hitherto unknown but crucial drafting changes that were made prior to its becoming public. In doing so, this article sheds new light on one of the most significant events in the history of Canadian–American relations.  相似文献   

The received understanding of interdisciplinarity in environmental higher education depends on constructions of the environmental agenda which tacitly privilege positivistic assumptions associated with the physical and biological sciences. If, however, we take seriously the heuristic force of the key humanities disciplines in regard to our environmental situation, precisely this privileging will be at issue. This suggests that collaboration across the full range of intellectual disciplines is needed not just to solve but to frame environmental problems. This requirement, however, may have to be met at the institutional level rather than at that of individual teachers and learners.  相似文献   
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