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韩晓霞 《攀登》2009,28(2):35-38
人的本质的科学内涵及其实现形式是千百年来人类孜孜以求的永恒课题,马克思在不同的时空背景下对这个问题的理性思考和实践探索,构成了马克思实践哲学的内在逻辑线索。从某种意义上说,一部马克思实践哲学史,就是探索人的本质的科学内涵及其实现形式的历史。马克思对人的本质问题的探索是随着马克思哲学的形成和发展而不断深入的,这个过程同时也是对传统本体论哲学,尤其是黑格尔和费尔巴哈的人的本质思想的扬弃过程,经历了一个从研究人的“自我意识”到人的“类本质”再到人的现实本质过程。  相似文献   
从社会史的角度解读,1970年野营拉练的兴起是毛泽东"五·七"指示的接续.至于高潮后的退落,其间既有集体心理逐渐疲劳的因素,更有社会政治加剧变乱的根由.在上海,突出表现为工人民兵的任务高度地政治化、职能化了.部队、工厂、大学、中学的拉练队伍各有特点,各有发挥,共同记录了文革运动中这一段插曲的旋律和内容.关健词:野营拉练;缘起;过程;队伍;文革插曲  相似文献   
Seismic reflection data as used in the oil industry is acquired and processed as multitrace data with source‐receiver offsets from a few hundred metres (short offset) to several kilometres (long offset). This set of data is referred to as ‘pre‐stack’. The traces are processed by velocity analysis, migration and stacking to yield a data volume of traces with ‘zero‐offset’. The signal‐to‐noise enhancement resulting from this approach is very significant. However, reflection amplitude changes in the pre‐stack domain may also be analysed to yield enhanced rock physics parameter estimates. Pre‐stack seismic data is widely used to predict lithology, reservoir quality and fluid distribution in exploration and production studies. Amplitude versus offset (AVO) data, especially anomalous signals, have been used for decades as indicators of hydrocarbon saturation and favourable reservoir development. Recently, enhanced quantification of these types of measurement, using seismic inversion techniques in the pre‐stack domain, have significantly enhanced the utility of such measurements. Using these techniques, for example, probability of the occurrence of hydrocarbons throughout the seismic data can be estimated, and as a consequence the many pre‐stack volumes acquired in a three‐dimensional (3D) can be survey, reduced to a single, more interpretable volume. The possibilities of 4D time lapse observation extend the measurements to changes in fluid content (and pressure) with time, and with obvious benefits in establishing the accuracy of dynamic reservoir models and improvements in field development planning. As an illustration, recent results from the Nelson Field (UK North Sea), are presented where we show the method by which probability volumes for oil sands may be calculated. The oil–sand probability volumes for three 3D seismic datasets acquired in 1990, 1997 and 2000 are compared and production effects in these data are demonstrated.  相似文献   
宋朝西南边疆民族地区的土地赋税政策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
除少数几次“开边”之外,宋朝政府在西南边疆民族地区实行较为温和的开拓政策,“纳土”以及“赐土”行动伴随两宋始终。在所谓“变夷为汉”的实施过程中,对夷民征收赋税是一项关键措施。宋政府的土地赋税政策并不确定,各地的实际情况有很大差异。田土交易也大体经历了从禁到开禁.到再禁三个阶段。  相似文献   
中共十三届四中全会以来军队和国防建设发展历程及经验   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
中国共产党十三届四中全会以来,第三代中央领导集体科学地分析了国际国内形势,确立了我国军队建设的指导思想是“政治合格、军事过硬、作风优良、纪律严明、保障有力”。1995年以来,中央军委进一步提出要坚持党对军队的绝对领导,始终把思想政治建设摆在全军各项建设的首位;实施科技强军战略,走有中国特色的精兵之路;坚持依法从严治军,加强部队管理;把军队和国防建设纳入国家总体战略,使之协调发展;依靠人民建设国防,做好新时期战争动员准备。这些方针政策的实施,使我国军队和国防建设实现了历史性的跨越。  相似文献   
The use of close-range digital photogrammetry for field documentation has been steadily increasing in the past half decade in several parts of the world. However, this technology has not been widely utilized in archaeological contexts in the American Midwest. We explore the utility of close-range photogrammetry in this region with examples from the Guard site (12D29), a Fort Ancient village located in southeastern Indiana. This article outlines the methods utilized for production of georeferenced 3-D models of several units excavated during the 2016 field season. These models as well as plan and profile orthophotos derived from them act as important supplements to standard photographs and drawings made in the field and easily integrate with the site GIS. Overall, we found close-range digital photogrammetry to be very useful to better document excavation details, doing so for limited cost and time expenditure.  相似文献   
The factors underpinning the migration of Australian residents to Bali, Indonesia, and the demographic characteristics of the Australian expatriate population in Bali are examined. It is argued that in undertaking a move to Bali, Australian expatriates are employing a deliberate strategy to utilise their existing financial resources and social networks to gain a lifestyle they perceive would not be available to them if they were to remain in Australia. However, it is also argued that there is considerable diversity in the factors underpinning migration decisions. Through a survey of 236 Australians living in Bali, it was found that a complex of place‐based and non‐place‐based factors influenced migration decisions. It was also found that some factors underpinning migration were broadly associated with phase in the life course. While the survey identified only a minor overrepresentation of Australian retirees living in Bali, given the factors that were identified as underpinning migration to Bali, and with the large baby boomer population nearing retirement, it is probable that as Australia's population ages, there will be further growth in the number and proportional share of older Australians living in Bali.  相似文献   
In the age of decolonisation, Whitehall generally accepted the case for political advancement even in small British colonies like St Helena judged too lacking in resources to become independent states, provided this could be granted without risk to good government. The previous experience of Sir John Field in West Africa and his sensitivity to UN expectations lay behind the democratic reforms he introduced, which by 1968 had established an elected Legislative Council and an Executive Council made up mainly of LegCo members. But the steps he took owed little to sustained popular demand for self-government, as was common elsewhere, and much to his determination to make islanders politically more responsible. Public engagement was inhibited by practical constraints, local culture and a discouraging financial dependence on the UK government.  相似文献   
近些年来,考古出土遗迹和遗物的种类越来越丰富,利用何种方法手段去处置和保护,使这些珍贵的遗迹和遗物有效地保存下去是一个重要的研究课题。为此,介绍了一些对考古出土遗迹和遗物有效的处置保护措施与方法,为考古学科的开展和研究提供更加全面翔实的实物资料。  相似文献   
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