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The remains of a ditched field system dating from the late Iron Age to the early post-Roman period, and two associated corn drying ovens (dating to the 5th–6th centuries AD) were revealed during archaeological excavations at Goldthorpe, South Yorkshire. The site was excavated during 2012 and 2013, during which bulk environmental samples were taken in order to retrieve any surviving botanical remains from deposits associated with the corn drying ovens, and other features across the excavated area. Early post-Roman occupation is under-represented in the archaeological record, especially in northern England, as such human activity and subsistence during this period are currently not well understood. This paper combines evidence for the field system, the physical remains of the corn drying ovens and their associated botanical remains to further understand early post-Roman change and continuity in landscape use and crop production and processing practices.  相似文献   
Although geography has long associated itself with photography, the rapid advancement of technology has created a clear divide between the visual practices regularly used in wider society and the way photography is utilized by critical geographers in their teaching. We suggest the door is ajar for new modes of (geo)photographic thinking, and one visual tool at our disposal is social media applications that allow images to be instantly shared, analysed, and discussed. This article critically reflects on the use of Instagram to enhance student participation, engagement, and learning on a geography field course in Berlin. Based on interviews with students, their field journals, and our own critical reflections, this paper looks at some advantages of using Instagram in teaching geography, but also promotes caution and presents drawbacks to relying on instant visual digital methods.  相似文献   
This article analyses student-learning outcomes from the redesign of Introduction to Physical Geography 101. Among the purposes of the redesigned course were to enhance student learning by providing rich interactive online content, provide more meaningful instructor–student and peer–peer exchanges, and to promote attitudes that facilitate student opportunities to construct new knowledge. Through empirically testing two of the redesigned course’s key components on students’ learning, we determine the positive effects on students’ exam scores. We offer, despite the additional work required from instructors and teaching assistants for such a redesigned course, that with further refinement these pedagogical changes may offer potential longer term impact on students’ learning behaviors.  相似文献   
This study follows around 500 disabled individuals over their lifespan to examine their risks of dying in 19th-century society, in comparison to a reference group of non-disabled people. The aim is to detect whether people, due to their disability, had a higher probability of meeting an untimely death. We use Sweden’s 19th-century parish registers to identify people the ministers defined as disabled, and to construct a reference group of individuals who were not affected by these disabilities. By combining the deviance theories from sociology studies with demographic sources and statistical methods, we achieve new insight into how life developed for disabled people in past societies. The results suggest that disability significantly jeopardized the survival of individuals, particularly men, but also that the type of disability had an impact. Altogether, we can demonstrate that the disabled constituted a disadvantaged but heterogeneous group of people whose demography and life courses must be further researched.  相似文献   

This paper explores the teaching of geography field courses in Africa for UK university undergraduates. Using largely qualitative feedback, the experiences of students, staff and local communities involved in field courses to Kenya, Zimbabwe and The Gambia are evaluated. Benefits and disbenefits of these field courses to the participating students, the local community and teaching staff are scrutinised. The paper concludes that such field courses to 'exotic' destinations are an effective means to student recruitment and certainly achieve their aims while providing meaningful teaching and learning experiences. Furthermore, the analysis shows that field courses to 'poor' destinations in sub-Saharan Africa can avoid dangers of 'development tourism' if conducted with ethical sensitivity.  相似文献   
This case study surveyed students in geography courses at the University of Idaho, investigating perceptions of geography's role in their daily lives, relevance to careers or academics, and parts of their geographic skill. Primarily, white, younger than 20, gender-balanced students in Introduction to Physical Geography and Human Geography courses comprised the study sample. A sample of 265 students formed the pre-course survey and 82 students formed the post-course survey. Pre-course, men held a more positive sense of geographic skill, while women viewed more positively geography's relevance to careers and academics. Post-course, women's agreement concerning geography's role significantly increased, outpacing men's agreement.  相似文献   
赵建民 《神州》2013,(17):170-170
《英语写作》课程是英语本科专业学生必修课程、同时也是专业培养目标中学生必须掌握的核心技能之一。然而,其教学过程中也存在较多的问题。本文从课程内容设置、学生学习现状、及教学措施等方面对该课程进行探索,目的是改进教学方式方法,提高教学质量。  相似文献   
建国后中国会展业的发展经历了三个阶段:1949~1965年是初步发展阶段,新中国会展业在会展规模、办展形式、展览场所和展出范围等方面取得较大进展,其发展雏形初步奠定;1966~1977年是曲折发展阶段,会展业在"左"的思想影响下,发展受到挫折,但中国参加国际博览会取得了较好的反响;1978年至今是迅速发展阶段,中国会展市场逐渐扩大,会展产业化进程加快,会展国际化趋势加强,会展体系进一步完善,较好地推动了社会进步,为塑造良好的中国形象作出了贡献。透视会展业的发展历程,可以得到五方面的启示:会展业的发展需要正确政策的指引、需要积极扶植民间力量参展、需要对会展教育功能进行理性定位、需要提高科技水平和塑造良好的国家形象。  相似文献   
汤茂林 《人文地理》2009,24(1):7-11
扩招之后的我国研究生教育质量受到质疑。这种质量下降的起因可能是多方面的,但课程教学不规范则是很重要的一个方面。本文对我国人文地理学研究生课程教学进行了个人思考,以期认清可能存在的相关问题,并参照被世界各地当作楷模的美国研究生课程教学的长处,提出了作者的研究生课程教学改革建议:编制详细的课程教学大纲、以讨论课为主、引导学生读书、拓宽视野和知识基础。在此基础上,有望建立以学生为中心的研究生教学模式,进而缩小与欧美发达国家研究生教育的差距,并为知识经济发展提供必需的高素质人才。  相似文献   
本文主要利用考古资料就海岱地区的文明化进程进行探讨.着重就农业、家畜饲养业、手工业生产技术以及文字的使用、铜器的产生和城市的萌芽等文明诸要素作了详细分析,并与周围地区诸多古代文化的文明化进程进行了比较研究,得出了龙山时代已经迈入早期文明社会的结论.  相似文献   
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