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既要保留遗迹在不同阶段的信息资料,又不影响发掘研究工作的继续进行,一直是考古工作者探索研究的问题。为配合秦始皇陵百戏俑坑的考古发掘工作,为后续考古研究和文物遗迹的保护提供必要的基础信息资料,针对大场景考古发掘现场,通过数字全站仪对文物挖掘现场布设的一定数量控制点进行观测获取其三维点位坐标。利用非量测数码相机获取现场多航带序列影像,通过数码相机检校、自动空中三角测量、影像特征提取与影像匹配、数字微分纠正等数字近景摄影测量方法,获取反映发掘现场文物分布情况的数字高程模型(DEM)和正射影像(DOM)数据。在生成的正射影像图上进行文物轮廓线条的提取,获得发掘现场文物的正射投影矢量图。实现文物位置、形状及分布的平面量测。实验证明:该方法不仅可大面积、快速获取文物挖掘现场文物分布的正射投影平面图,实现考古数字制图,而且能保证一定的精度。具有较高的推广应用价值。  相似文献   
We tested two portable XRF instruments (with different technologies) using two correction schemes (‘soils’ and ‘mining’) with both factory‐set calibrations and linear regression calibrations derived from published data. All four Aegean obsidian sources, including Sta Nychia and Dhemenegaki on Melos, were distinguished in each case. The newer instrument provided better ‘off‐the‐shelf’ accuracy than the older instrument, but calibrations negated these differences. The newer model also offered superior precision for most elements, despite measuring specimens for shorter times. Both correction schemes for the newer instrument resulted in almost equal precision, meaning that either may be used for successful Aegean obsidian sourcing.  相似文献   
清王朝在覆亡前最后几年所推行的“预备立宪”是中国谋求政治革新的开端,是“宪政”在中国的最初试验,在很大程度上影响了此后政治观念、政治建设的走向。厘清“预备立宪”的起点无疑是一个至为关键的问题,直接关系到我们对清政府宪政改革动机以及当时社会发展脉络的认知。然而,学界对“预备立宪”起点的认识并不一致。通过梳理当时的朝野政治倾向可以判定,清政府于1905年7月16日颁布派遣王公大臣出洋考察的谕旨实为“预备立宪”之起点。  相似文献   
The remains of a ditched field system dating from the late Iron Age to the early post-Roman period, and two associated corn drying ovens (dating to the 5th–6th centuries AD) were revealed during archaeological excavations at Goldthorpe, South Yorkshire. The site was excavated during 2012 and 2013, during which bulk environmental samples were taken in order to retrieve any surviving botanical remains from deposits associated with the corn drying ovens, and other features across the excavated area. Early post-Roman occupation is under-represented in the archaeological record, especially in northern England, as such human activity and subsistence during this period are currently not well understood. This paper combines evidence for the field system, the physical remains of the corn drying ovens and their associated botanical remains to further understand early post-Roman change and continuity in landscape use and crop production and processing practices.  相似文献   
2012年,驻马店文物工作者对驻马店市西平县谢老庄遗址进行了调查与初步勘探,采集的裴李岗文化和龙山文化遗物较丰富,有陶器、石器、动物骨角器及牙齿等。该遗址的发现为研究裴李岗文化贾湖类型增添了新资料,为研究淮河流域上游驻马店区域内史前文化发展序列提供了新的实物依据。  相似文献   

This paper explores the teaching of geography field courses in Africa for UK university undergraduates. Using largely qualitative feedback, the experiences of students, staff and local communities involved in field courses to Kenya, Zimbabwe and The Gambia are evaluated. Benefits and disbenefits of these field courses to the participating students, the local community and teaching staff are scrutinised. The paper concludes that such field courses to 'exotic' destinations are an effective means to student recruitment and certainly achieve their aims while providing meaningful teaching and learning experiences. Furthermore, the analysis shows that field courses to 'poor' destinations in sub-Saharan Africa can avoid dangers of 'development tourism' if conducted with ethical sensitivity.  相似文献   
Uranium/thorium (U/Th)‐rich bitumen has been discovered within both Palaeoproterozoic black pelites and the Archean granitic basement of the Rum Jungle Mineral Field, Northern Territory, Australia. Granite‐hosted bitumen occurs as small (up to 400‐µm diameter) discrete individual nodules, which exhibit many morphological similarities to those observed in Phanerozoic siliciclastic rocks. Thorium, the dominant radioelement, occurs primarily as a hydrated Th–Y–Si–P phase. Uranium‐rich inclusions are rare, and correspond to a hydrated U–Th–Y–Si–P phase, identified as coffinite–thorogummite. Metasediment‐hosted bitumen is more variable in morphology, occurring as massive (<2 cm in width) veins that cross‐cut all foliations, as discrete individual nodules or as elongate seams (up to 500 µm in length), interpreted to represent a series of coalesced individual nodules. In all examples, uranium, the dominant radioelement in the metasediment‐hosted bitumen, is present as Th‐poor uraninite, with variable Y2O3 contents (up to 3.21 wt.%). Raman investigation of all types of bitumen indicates that it is a poorly organized carbonaceous matter, which has not been subjected to metamorphism. Consequently, a post‐metamorphic timing for hydrocarbon emplacement can be inferred and a magmatic origin can be precluded. Potential source rocks for the bitumen are black shales of the Whites Formation (up to 8 wt.% total organic carbon (TOC)) and the Koolpin Formation (approximately 13 wt.% TOC). Post‐metamorphic sericitization of rocks within the Whites Formation is accompanied by a near‐complete removal of organic matter. Alteration was possibly the catalyst for hydrocarbon generation. The Th–Y–Si–P phase within the granite‐hosted nodules is interpreted to be the result of the alteration of antecedent monazite. During this alteration, U, LREE and P were fractionated and removed, while Th, Y and Si remained immobile, and recombined to form a hydrated Th–Y–Si phase. This pervasive alteration within the basement U/Th‐rich granites is proposed as a genetic model for the formation of uranium deposits in the Rum Jungle Mineral Field and possibly unconformity associated uranium deposits on a global scale.  相似文献   
马鹤天是国民政府的高级官员,在内忧外患的民国时期,一直密切关注祖国边疆,倡导国人重视边疆,并亲自走上考察的道路,还曾就职边疆。西北、内外蒙古、东北、康藏,皆留下了他的足迹。他、在考察途中,详细记录了所见所闻,陆续整理出版了多部考察行记和论,在当时引起了很大的社会反响,也为后人留下了许多边疆社会珍贵的历史记载。  相似文献   

Before the Second World War it was a cardinal Commonwealth principle that intra-imperial disputes must be kept away from international fora. Yet in 1946 the not-yet-independent India complained to the United Nations about South African legislation discriminating against people of Indian origin. It did so without seeking Britain's approval, and went on to level fierce criticism at Britain's opposition to the UN General Assembly's discussion of the matter.

This article explains the circumstances which led to these events; uncovers the divergent responses of the relevant British government departments – the India Office, the Dominions Office, and the Foreign Office – and shows how they were resolved; depicts the way in which Britain's delegation to the General Assembly handled the matter; and discusses the significance and consequences of the dispute for South Africa and for Anglo-Indian relations.  相似文献   
This article deals with the finite element analysis of dam with and without fluid-structure, soil-structure and soil-structure-fluid interaction. A two-dimensional direct coupling methodology is proposed to obtain the response of dam-reservoir-foundation system considering fluid-structure and soil-structure interaction simultaneously. The displacement based finite element technique is used to formulate the dam and foundation. The reservoir is modeled by pressure based finite element to reduce the degree of freedoms and there by the computational cost. The responses of dam, reservoir, and foundation with and without fluid-structure, soil-structure and soil-structure-fluid interaction are compared to study the influence of reservoir and soil foundation on the behavior of these respective sub systems. The fundamental frequency of individual sub system decreases with the consideration of coupling effect among these sub systems. On the comparison of the responses of dam, it is observed that the displacement and principal stresses are increased if the effect of reservoir and foundation are considered and the worst responses were observed when both the fluid-structure and soil-structure interaction effects are considered simultaneously. The magnitude and distribution of stresses within the foundation change with the consideration of soil-structure-fluid interaction. Similar to wstresses in the foundation, the hydrodynamic pressure within the reservoir also gets magnified due to interaction effects. The velocity distribution within the reservoir becomes distorted when the fluid-structure and soil-structure-fluid interaction are considered.  相似文献   
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