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《诗经》的婚恋悲剧,多是追求自由与专一的悲剧,这其中固然有礼制的原因,但并非是最根本的。西周以来的嫡长子继承制,使女性失去了拥有基本权利的经济基础,从而导致男权凌驾于女权之上,进而演化成整个社会的男权集体无意识。女子的婚恋悲剧就是由于女权被男权剥夺而导致的。  相似文献   
The medieval canon law adopted an ambivaient attitude toward concubinage among the laity. While the canonists disapproved of concubinage on moral grounds, they sought to assimilate the status of the concubine to that of the married woman and thus to legitimize concubinous relationships. In this process of assimilation the canonists made use of the institution of clandestine marriage, which created problems of its own. The crucial difficulty lay in constructing a satisfactory system of proof, so that it would be clear whether or not a given couple should be treated as married, or whether they should be considered legally as unmarried. The Council of Trent abolished lay concubinage and clandestine marriage, but thereby created a system of marriage law flawed with defects almost as serious as those experienced under the medieval law.  相似文献   
The Female Orphan School, completed in 1818, is now a part of the University of Western Sydney, in New South Wales, Australia. This recently restored building has been referred to as a rejuvenated heritage jewel and a forgotten heritage treasure, but which aspects of heritage, and whose heritage, are being celebrated? This paper investigates the Orphan School’s discursive construction in historical documents and more recent media releases. Using a theoretical approach informed by the work of Michel de Certeau and Michel Foucault, and drawing on the writings of various modern historical geographers, the paper considers the ways in which understandings of the Institution and the building have been created and argues that many interesting aspects have been overlooked in an effort to produce a heritage designed to appeal to a relatively privileged constituency.  相似文献   
In this article I intend to elucidate the extent to which medieval western Jewish and Christian women shared customs, knowledge and practices regarding health care, a sphere which has been historically considered as part of women's daily domestic tasks. My study aims to identify female agency in medical care, as well as women's interaction across religious lines, by analysing elusive sources, such as medical literature on women's health care, and by collating the information they provide with data obtained from other textual and visual records. By searching specific evidence of the dialogues that must have occurred between Christian and Jewish women in transmitting their knowledge and experiences, I put forward the idea (developed from earlier work by Montserrat Cabré i Pairet) that medical texts with no clear attribution can be used as sources to reconstruct women's authoritative knowledge.  相似文献   
Control of crimes such as the sin of lust was one way in which the elites at the head of Castilian town councils emphasised their good government. Among all the such crimes, sodomy was considered to be the most terrible, which brought major misfortunes to the population, and against which it was necessary to avenge. For those accused of this crime, or who actually committed it, it meant exclusion from society. For the urban Castilian elites this struggle was a way of justifying themselves as a governing group. Defence of society against sodomites is related to the political context and to the internal struggles of the urban elites. In the lawsuits analysed, there is clear repetition of a series of words related to individual reputation and social esteem: fama, honour, Buena fama, fama publica, infamia. These can be shown to be vital to the defence of the accused, and also frequently recur in the legislation itself. Rumour was also used as propaganda to shape public opinion and to discredit rivals in the struggle for urban power.  相似文献   
As the study of queenship and female agency continues to flourish, this article contributes to recent historiography which has increasingly emphasised the importance of family ties in the functioning of the monarchy in the Middle Ages. This was particularly prevalent in thirteenth-century Anglo-French relations, as Henry III of England and Louis IX of France were married to the count of Provence’s two eldest daughters. The sisterly bond between Marguerite and Eleanor was one of the key components of improved relations between the two kingdoms. One of the ways the sisters were able to restore cordiality was through the marriage of Eleanor’s daughter, Beatrice, to the heir to the duchy of Brittany. This marriage demonstrates the many facets of female agency in reinstating and consolidating peace between England, France and Brittany. It also suggests that Beatrice was more than a pawn and played a role in the diplomacy involved in securing her marriage.  相似文献   
西汉刘向的《列女传》以其传、颂、图三位一体的编撰方式在中国古代典籍中别具一格,正因为如此,《列女传》文本及其图像在后世流传过程中,必然涉及到其文本(语言文字)与图像的关系问题。不同时代,不同类型的《列女传》文本与图像中,其语图关系的紧密程度也有所区别。一方面,《列女传》中语象与图像在这种相互模仿、相互斗争的模式中共同发展、共同进步;另一方面,语象与图像结合程度的不同也带来了叙事强度上的区别。  相似文献   
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