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清代郑珍所撰《亲属记》是阐述历代宗族亲属称谓的著作,其性质是辞书。该书研究方法上注重文字声韵训诂与文献的综合运用;参证古今方言;所引语料来源广泛,颇注意古代口语性较强的语料。该书在文化史、语言学、辞书学诸方面均有其学术价值。  相似文献   
This paper focuses on the production of aesthetic ‘truths’ in UK livestock breeding, drawing on detailed qualitative research with breeders and breed societies. It extends emerging interest in the aesthetic in human geographical research, examining how aesthetic judgements about non-human animals depend, in part, on the agency of the animal and their inter-subjective relations with humans in specific places. Aesthetic evaluation further produces implicit judgements about animals' ethical considerability, at the same time obscuring the effects of such judgements on their framing and treatment. Aesthetic evaluation is thus related to sets of material and ethical interests. The paper develops a more-than-human reading of Foucault's biopower, which explores how truths about visual evaluations of animals become established. Two empirical perspectives explore, first, a ‘relational practical aesthetic’ for evaluating beef cattle and sheep, exploring the implications of the aesthetic framing of specific animals and, second, the tensions involved in looking at animals when different aesthetic truths conflict and when traditions of aesthetic evaluation encounter genetic modes of evaluation. The paper concludes by discussing the ethical implications of ongoing transformations of evaluative modes in livestock breeding, suggesting that shifts away from inter-subjective modes of aesthetic evaluation further diminish the ethical status of animals.  相似文献   
明末清初,贵阳马士英家族因马文卿、马明卿兄弟科第蝉联而光耀里闾,亦因南明东阁大学士马士英背负"专权误国"之名而蒙辱于后世。马士英堂兄马士升、其子马銮,在士英当国时拒入官场,保全了马氏家族的名节和裔脉。  相似文献   
始于日本中世末期的“兵农分离”是日本历史上重要的阶层演变。然而“兵农分离”并非是靠丰臣秀吉的一纸命令所完成的。在战国初期,“兵”与“农”就由于其政治、经济、社会等原因开始分离。政治上,大名成长及农民斗争的加剧导致了武士与农民的分化;经济上,由于农业新技术使用、生产力提高使得庄园制解体,从而导致在地中小领主丧失独立性,成为大名家臣;军事上,枪的传入改变了日本战争模式,足轻武士被大量使用,步兵集团战、规模战为职业军人的产生提出要求,武士从而脱离生产。因此“兵”与“农”分离持续了战国时代的一个世纪左右,最终丰臣秀吉及德川家康政权分别用命令与法律形式固定下来,近世武士才得以产生。  相似文献   
This article presents the local gender contract of a smallholder irrigation farming community in Sibou, Kenya. Women's role in subsistence farming in Africa has mostly been analyzed through the lens of gender division of labor. In addition to this, we used the concept of ‘local gender contract’ to analyze cultural and material preconditions shaping gender-specific tasks in agricultural production, and consequently, men's and women's different strategies for adapting to climate variability. We show that the introduction of cash crops, as a trigger for negotiating women's and men's roles in the agricultural production, results in a process of gender contract renegotiation, and that families engaged in cash cropping are in the process of shifting from a ‘local resource contract’ to a ‘household income contract.’ Based on our analysis, we argue that a transformation of the local gender contract will have a direct impact on the community's adaptive capacity climate variability. It is, therefore, important to take the negotiation of local gender contracts into account in assessments of farming communities' adaptive capacity.  相似文献   
Rural migrant children have become a fast-growing population in China as a consequence of the large-scale population flow from rural to urban areas. Besides the dual-structure hukou system, which restrains rural migrants from upward mobility, family capital also plays an important role in providing family educational support to rural migrant children. Using the data from P District and N District of Shenzhen in 2013, this paper explores the present status of three dimensions of family capital and five aspects of family educational support to Chinese rural migrant children, as well as the correlation between family capital and family educational support from perspectives of migration status (hukou), life course (children’s age), and school type. Constrained by inadequate family capital in multiple dimensions manifested by less education, lower income, and limited social networks, etc., parents of rural migrant children provide less family educational support in nearly every aspect compared with parents of urban local children. Among rural migrant children, those in private migrant schools receive the least support from their parents.  相似文献   
杨端是统治播州(今贵州遵义)达近七百二十五年的杨氏家族之始祖。近代以前,史载皆以杨端为山西太原汉人。上世纪四十年代学者谭其骧对其民族身份提出异议,认为杨氏族属为川南之罗族(今彝族),文章发表后,又衍生出苗族、白族、仡佬族三说;杨端其人之存在,则在上世纪末禹明先撰文提出新见。杨端其人及其族别问题,事关黔北历史真伪、事关黔北少数民族文化与汉文化间复杂而微妙的关系。本文依据历史文献,对二学者之论逐一缕析,认为确有杨端其人,祖籍山西太原,汉族。  相似文献   
邓雁  费小路 《江汉考古》2012,(1):31-39,134,136
马鞍山钢铁总公司第二钢铁厂东晋谢沈家族墓群位于六朝墓地富集地马鞍山东麓,出土文物丰富,文物类别较多,时代特征明显,特别是M3出土的六面印,明确了墓主身份,为研究六朝时期文人学士和书法史提供了实物资料。  相似文献   
Retirement is a life transition that has been relatively underexplored by geographers. In particular, mirroring other areas of academic and policy research, studies on retirement transitions and post-retirement experiences have been relatively sparse. Drawing on case studies from research in Hampshire and West Sussex (UK), this paper considers the challenges and issues surrounding the occupational cessation and retirement relocation of former farming couples. Utilising in-depth interviews, the paper explores how work-life histories may serve to intricately shape the geographies of retirement. It is seen that whilst family farming provided a shared occupation for couples, the respective gender(ed) roles and associated positionings in relation to farming served to differentially shape respective partner's experiences of, and adjustment to, retirement. In focusing on post-retirement experiences, the paper advocates a more temporally relational understanding of the geographies of older age which recognises how past places and identities are drawn upon in developing a sense of physical, social and autobiographical insideness in retirement spaces.  相似文献   
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