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This article examines the ways in which women’s ‘family happiness’ in Vietnam paradoxically, and alarmingly, is rendered compatible with the endurance of what is diminished as ‘minor’ partner violence. Thus focusing on the gendering of ‘happiness’ and the discrepancies between ideals and practices, the article unfolds how intersections between a number of ‘power-geometries’ including violence preventive legislation, an official family discourse, and the patrilineally organized family facilitate the conditions that allow for male-to-female violence in the domestic sphere. The article highlights how Intimate Partner Violence transmutes the ‘happy family’ into a ‘zone of exception’ wherein which the laws prohibiting violence are suspended, the juridico-political status and rights of a woman blurred, and a state of chronic precariousness and crisis generated. Such tendencies are fortified by the ambiguous strategies of the Women’s Union. In maneuvering between violence preventive legislation and family ideals, the Union is criticizing patriarchal family hierarchies while also encouraging women to nurture family happiness by complying with an abusive partner.  相似文献   
邳州山头墓地共发现了45座东汉时期的墓葬以及环绕墓地的隍壕,较完整地揭示了汉代家族墓地的风貌,对研究汉代中小地主阶级为代表的家族组织、经济形态和丧葬习俗具有重要意义。  相似文献   
从商金文的"寝某"称名形式看殷人的称名习俗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈絮 《华夏考古》2001,(1):87-93
殷商时期的姓氏人名问题,近年来颇引人注目。从殷墟卜辞及金文中反映的情况看,当时的姓氏制度相当复杂,许多问题至今都未能在学界达成共识,诸如“妇某”之“某”究竟是姓是氏,是女字,抑或其它;贞人名及“子某”之“某”是氏还是私名等,争论颇多。又由于姓氏人名问题的解决与否涉及到我们对殷商社会组织的正确认识,关系到古文字资料的准确断代,其重要性也就不言而喻了。有鉴于此,笔者不揣浅陋,欲就该问题中的某些方面谈一点自己的看法,不妥之处,敬请方家指正。 笔者认为,要解决商人的姓氏人名问题,商金文中的“寝某”称名形…  相似文献   
湖北通山茅田王氏系江西德安王韶第八子王定的后裔,新发现《茅田王氏宗谱》自宋淳熙戊戌年(1178)至民国辛巳年(1941)凡13次续修,完整连续,可信无疑。该谱所存冯京、王厚、王彦融等宋人诗文未被《全宋诗》《全宋文》所录,甚为珍贵,本文辑出且略加考证。  相似文献   
两汉时期的谱牒学在谱学发展史上没有引起学者们的足够重视,原因在于这些学者认为只有私家之家谱、族谱才算是谱学著作。本文认为论述家族姓氏起源及发展的论著和论述帝王世系的史表同样是谱学著作。因此,《史记》等史书中的各类史表,以及王符、应劭等人专门论述姓氏的诸多论著便一同构成了两汉时期谱牒学的重要内容,且相当丰富多彩。  相似文献   
邓雁  费小路 《江汉考古》2012,(1):31-39,134,136
马鞍山钢铁总公司第二钢铁厂东晋谢沈家族墓群位于六朝墓地富集地马鞍山东麓,出土文物丰富,文物类别较多,时代特征明显,特别是M3出土的六面印,明确了墓主身份,为研究六朝时期文人学士和书法史提供了实物资料。  相似文献   
杨端是统治播州(今贵州遵义)达近七百二十五年的杨氏家族之始祖。近代以前,史载皆以杨端为山西太原汉人。上世纪四十年代学者谭其骧对其民族身份提出异议,认为杨氏族属为川南之罗族(今彝族),文章发表后,又衍生出苗族、白族、仡佬族三说;杨端其人之存在,则在上世纪末禹明先撰文提出新见。杨端其人及其族别问题,事关黔北历史真伪、事关黔北少数民族文化与汉文化间复杂而微妙的关系。本文依据历史文献,对二学者之论逐一缕析,认为确有杨端其人,祖籍山西太原,汉族。  相似文献   
Field observations in two regions of European Russia (Kostroma and Samara oblasts) in summer 2010, reinforced by satellite imagery, provide a basis for a team of U.S. and Russian geographers to investigate ongoing changes in agricultural land use since the early 1990s. The authors highlight the contrasting situations in Kostroma (northern European Russia), where agriculture is limited and in retreat beyond relatively small scale operations in suburbia, and Samara (southern European Russia), where agricultural activity appears to be sustainable, albeit on a somewhat less extensive spatial scale than in the past. The comparison suggests that the change from central planning to unregulated market has not been popular, and that crop farming in both regions has better prospects than animal husbandry. Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: O130, P320, Q150, R140. 1 table, 17 figures, 21 references.  相似文献   
Retirement is a life transition that has been relatively underexplored by geographers. In particular, mirroring other areas of academic and policy research, studies on retirement transitions and post-retirement experiences have been relatively sparse. Drawing on case studies from research in Hampshire and West Sussex (UK), this paper considers the challenges and issues surrounding the occupational cessation and retirement relocation of former farming couples. Utilising in-depth interviews, the paper explores how work-life histories may serve to intricately shape the geographies of retirement. It is seen that whilst family farming provided a shared occupation for couples, the respective gender(ed) roles and associated positionings in relation to farming served to differentially shape respective partner's experiences of, and adjustment to, retirement. In focusing on post-retirement experiences, the paper advocates a more temporally relational understanding of the geographies of older age which recognises how past places and identities are drawn upon in developing a sense of physical, social and autobiographical insideness in retirement spaces.  相似文献   
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