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Largely undocumented in the published accounts of cultural policy history in the UK, the Arts Enquiry was a privately funded survey of the arts in wartime England. It was launched in 1941 as an initiative of the Arts Department at Dartington Hall and funded by the trustees of Dartington Hall, who spent £19,000 on the study over its six-year history. The Enquiry brought together artists, intellectuals, philanthropists and arts professionals in specialist committees to examine the visual arts, music, drama and documentary film. Three book-length studies were published: The Visual Arts (1946), The Factual Film (1947) and Music (1949). This article examines the history of the Arts Enquiry, its entanglement in the cultural politics of the period and what it reveals about policy formation in the UK, as well as the historiography of cultural policy.  相似文献   
泰州学政试院头门彩绘被清漆和大漆覆盖,由于清漆老化,出现发黄、剥落等病害,使彩绘变得模糊不清。为更好地保护和展示彩绘面貌,通过化学溶胀的方法,有效去除彩绘表面的清漆和大漆,并用隔离膜材料将原始彩绘进行保护,再在隔离膜层上进行彩绘的复原,最后对彩绘进行全部封护。学政试院头门彩绘保护修复项目的成功实施,可以为同类型的古建彩绘的保护与修复提供有益的参考。  相似文献   
养心殿研究性修缮过程中,位于正脊中央的镇物宝匣向世人展现了明清皇宫建筑中的镇物文化。镇物宝匣是皇宫内建筑的重要组成部分,匣内常放置多种镇物,其中有机质镇物变化较大。养心殿宝匣内装有金钱、元宝、宝石、丝织物及若干木条。其中木条已老化变黑,难以辨识。本研究通过传统微观结构观察法对其种类进行了鉴定。初步判断木条共5类,分别是白木香Aquilaria sinensis(Lour.)Spreng.、檀香Santalum album L.、交趾黄檀Dalbergia cochinchinensis Pierre.、阔叶黄檀Dalbergia latifolia Roxb.、大果紫檀Pterocarpus macrocarpus Kurz.。前两种属于香药,后三种属于红木类木材。三种红木的发现,也为嘉庆年间宫廷内使用此三种红木提供了直接证据。结合文献考证,可能是清宫廷内资源利用及官场的腐败等诸多因素,致使修缮官员以木材边角料代替了部分香药、谷物。养心殿镇物宝匣中木条种类的鉴定对揭示清中期宫廷镇物文化、木材的利用及社会背景具有重要意义。  相似文献   
废科举后清末乡村学务中的权势转移   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
沈洁 《史学月刊》2004,(9):98-108
科考废止,学堂制度植入乡村社会,引发了乡村社会内部权力格局的变动。依据科举制度安身立命或完成上升性社会流动的原既得利益群体,遭遇到不同程度的困厄命运。与此同时,随着学务权在地方行政系统中重要性的日益显著,造成了新的权力资源在国家一社会以及乡村精英内部各派势力之间的重新分配。过渡时代的乡村权力网络、不同群体以兴办学务为契机分别置身其中,分享权力又相互争夺对权力的主导权。他们之间的这种矛盾关系,又并非处在一种简单的“新”、“旧”对立或现代与传统的对立当中。掩映于简单对立之下,实为地方权力资源因地域、时势等条件的差异在不同利益群体间的重新配置。学务场域内权力关系的变动折射出过渡时期乡村社会内部复杂的权力格局。  相似文献   
大高殿建于明嘉靖二十一年(1542年),是明代皇室、宫官婢女演练道教科仪的场所,也是明清两代皇帝祈祷上天、求雨祈晴的地方。清朝统治者采取儒、道、释并用的政策,注重对大高殿的利用,尤其是雍正、乾隆、嘉庆、道光、光绪等朝,屡次对其进行修缮,以备皇帝亲诣拈香。本文对清代的常修、大修及八国联军对大高殿的破坏等档案史料进行梳理,并进一步阐释了清王朝对之的使用和管理。  相似文献   
L. Xu  X. Ma  B. Zhang  Q. Zhang  P. Zhao 《Archaeometry》2019,61(2):309-326
For centuries, the architecture of the Palace Museum represented the highest standard of Chinese architecture. The Yangxin Palace of the Palace Museum consisted of 18 masonry buildings built using bricks, wood, roof tiles and various mortars. In 2016, a five‐year project was initiated to work on the maintenance and restoration of the Yangxin Palace buildings. The characterization of the construction materials has become of primary importance, in order to obtain information about the raw ingredients and building technology of the mortars, and the history of possible previous restorations. In this paper, 12 different samples representing three types of mortar‐based materials—namely, jointing mortars between the bricks on the wall, and surface plasters as well as mortars used on the roof—were collected for analysis from the Yanxi Hall of the Yangxin Palace. Analysis into the composition, grain‐size distribution, organic and fibre additives and testing of the mortar density and water absorption were performed. Starch, protein and plant fibres were identified in some of the samples. Brucite, mullite and ettringite were detected within most mortars on the roof, possibly originating from the furnace slag added into the raw materials for restoration purposes. The analytical results will serve as a critical reference for the maintenance and restoration of the buildings in the Yangxin Palace.  相似文献   
殿试制度是科举制度研究中一个非常重要的问题,而关于殿试制度的起始时间学界一直说法不一。本文以三级考试为参照系,以此前一直被忽略的覆试制度为切入点,通过对与殿试起源相关诸问题的详细辨析,彻底澄清了殿试与覆试的联系与区别,否定了武则天载初元年、南唐乾德二年及宋开宝六年为殿试之始诸说,从而最终确定殿试制度正式开始的时间是宋太祖开宝八年。  相似文献   
罗文华 《故宫博物院院刊》2022,237(1):89-103+134
自雍正以降,养心殿一区成为清代宫廷的政治枢纽和帝王生活起居之所,其中至少分布着四个佛堂区。通过对这些佛堂及其内部供奉的梳理,作者发现该区域的佛堂以藏传佛教佛堂规模最大;而同样以佛堂命名的东佛堂(东配殿),其实是以祭祖为主要功能的亦佛堂亦宗庙的建筑;此外在养心殿天花上还供有雍正九年安奉的藏汉佛教与道教混合的五块一组符板。作者认为,养心殿一区佛堂体现出汉藏佛教、汉地传统祖先崇拜与清宫满族传统信仰等多元并存的现象,清帝在对待祭祖、佛教与道教方面表现出实用主义的态度。  相似文献   
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