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This interdisciplinary, historicist-feminist paper (combining literary and art historical perspectives as well as an awareness of historical context and an application of recent feminist theory) explores the feminist affiliations of the Victorian artists Mary and George Watts, focusing specifically on their close friendships with the writer and women’s suffrage supporter George Meredith and the women’s rights worker Josephine Butler. It introduces the Wattses’ own anti-patriarchal conjugal creative partnership before investigating their relationships with Meredith and Butler through a reading of Mary Watts’s unpublished and hitherto untranscribed diaries (which record their interactions) as well as a discussion of George Watts’s paintings (particularly his portraits of Meredith and Butler in his ‘Hall of Fame’). This paper thus offers an unprecedented insight into the Wattses’ personal and professional relationships as well as their progressive socio-political positions, reclaiming them as early feminists who were part of a wider emergent feminist community. This paper’s discussion of the Wattses, Meredith, and Butler provides new perspectives on the connections, works, and views of these public literary, artistic, and feminist figures as well as the ways in which they supported and promoted the women’s rights movement that escalated over the course of the second half of the nineteenth century. It thus offers a fuller understanding of these figures as well as of the rise of early feminism in the Victorian period.  相似文献   
乾清宫是明清皇宫中位于内廷的宫殿,在明代是皇帝的寝宫,清康熙八年,皇帝居住场所从保和殿迁入乾清宫,这座明代皇帝寝宫遂被改造成清帝的理政中心。随着乾清宫空间功能的改变,清代一些重要的制度也随之出现,如乾清门御门听政、乾清宫召对臣工、懋勤殿秋谳勾到等。而且乾清宫功能的转变,直接影响了外臣进入内廷的行为方式。本文通过对文献资料的梳理,论证了乾清宫空间功能转变的原因、过程及相应制度的产生。  相似文献   
清朝科举考试中的补殿试,是指会试中式者未参加当年殿试,而参加以后科年的殿试;所谓未殿试,是指会试中式者不再参加以后科年的殿试.由于对这部分人的称呼不明确,著录标准也不统一,就使得文献在这类人员的著录问题上产生许多混乱.  相似文献   
刘彦昺是元末明初的一位名士,其生卒年一直未得其详。今据嘉靖十二年刘氏六世孙刘塾刻本《春雨轩集》所载《自序墓志铭》及文后刘氏后裔之小注,考定刘彦昺生于元文宗至顺二年(1331)九月初三日卯时,卒于明洪武三十二年(1399)四月初三日寅时。  相似文献   
唐长安大明宫有浴堂殿,在德宗至文宗朝为皇帝的主要寝殿之一,常于此召见翰林学士或重臣,成为这一段时期朝政活动的重要场所。弄清其地点,无疑有着重要的学术意义。然其所在,诸说多有抵牾,自宋代程大昌《雍录》确定其在紫宸殿东,后世学者大多沿用。本文对文献记载重新进行考辨,从而确定浴堂殿位于金銮殿西、东翰林院北。  相似文献   
Macroscopic chemical analysis of animal bone recovered from dated excavation contexts of known pH from Castle Bromwich Hall, West Midlands, UK, allows an assessment of the rate and effects of bone decomposition, and the evaluation of current models of chemical decay. The results show great variation, and it is suggested that factors such as mechanical disturbance have a more significant effect on the differential destruction of excavated bone assemblages than chemical decay. The implications of this conclusion for the attempted reconstruction of past faunas, diet and behaviour are summarized, recommending caution in the acceptance of assemblages as unbiased samples.  相似文献   
2008年,中国文化遗产研究院、天津大学等单位结合2004年以来实测工作,公布了辽宁义县奉国寺大雄殿的测量数据和研究成果;2011年,文物保护界又将1988年大雄殿大修过程中详细测量所得的构造图纸、数据和病害全面公布;2010年,中国文化遗产研究院、清华大学等单位使用三维激光扫描技术开展了补充测量工作。对比三份实测数据,通过结构几何解析结构的认识,本文尝试回顾关于斗拱设计、屋架结构设计和材分o与营造尺配合等方面假说,尝试证实、修正、调整先前假说,进一步厘清原始设计。  相似文献   
清朝科举考试中的补殿试,是指会试中式者未参加当年殿试,而参加以后科年的殿试;所谓未殿试,是指会试中式者不再参加以后科年的殿试。由于对这部分人的称呼不明确,著录标准也不统一,就使得文献在这类人员的著录问题上产生许多混乱。  相似文献   
本文以全国重点文物保护单位广州陈氏书院内的灰塑装饰为研究对象,针对灰塑的物理化学性质和主要损坏情况,结合广州地区大气环境常年变化情况,分析了大气环境对灰塑装饰的危害,拟定了岭南地区古建筑灰塑装饰保护的全年性和季节性保护措施,在一定程度上填补了岭南地区灰塑艺术在保养和维护方面的空白。  相似文献   
养心殿研究性修缮过程中,位于正脊中央的镇物宝匣向世人展现了明清皇宫建筑中的镇物文化。镇物宝匣是皇宫内建筑的重要组成部分,匣内常放置多种镇物,其中有机质镇物变化较大。养心殿宝匣内装有金钱、元宝、宝石、丝织物及若干木条。其中木条已老化变黑,难以辨识。本研究通过传统微观结构观察法对其种类进行了鉴定。初步判断木条共5类,分别是白木香Aquilaria sinensis(Lour.)Spreng.、檀香Santalum album L.、交趾黄檀Dalbergia cochinchinensis Pierre.、阔叶黄檀Dalbergia latifolia Roxb.、大果紫檀Pterocarpus macrocarpus Kurz.。前两种属于香药,后三种属于红木类木材。三种红木的发现,也为嘉庆年间宫廷内使用此三种红木提供了直接证据。结合文献考证,可能是清宫廷内资源利用及官场的腐败等诸多因素,致使修缮官员以木材边角料代替了部分香药、谷物。养心殿镇物宝匣中木条种类的鉴定对揭示清中期宫廷镇物文化、木材的利用及社会背景具有重要意义。  相似文献   
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