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从现存图样资料看清代晚期长春宫改造工程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过调研现存的图样和文字资料,逐步深入地考察了清代晚期长春宫改造工程的过程和工程项目,从而揭示了今天故宫博物院长春宫一区原状陈列展览所无法展现的历史面貌,并以此为线索对于清代宫廷生活、建筑空间及其使用、审美好尚进行了初步分析,特别着重分析了咸丰皇帝和懿贵妃(后来的慈禧太后)在这里扮演的历史角色。  相似文献   
本文介绍了清代宫廷建筑的管理机构与官员状况、宫廷建筑工程的各项管理制度,并列举了内阁、军机处、宫中、内务府、工部等处的部分档案,这些档案内容涉及紫禁城宫殿楼阁、苑囿行宫、陵寝、坛庙寺观、盛京皇宫及与宫殿建筑有关的河道、沟渠、园林、道路等的兴建和维修状况。这些清代档案是我们现今研究清代宫廷建筑的第一手资料,也是我们保护维修现存宫殿建筑的可靠依据,有着重要的史料价值。  相似文献   
阿尔蒂诺·斯皮内利是二战后“欧洲联邦主义”的代表人物之一。20世纪70-80年代,他为了实现共同体改革,按“宪法方式”推进一体化,积极努力建立联邦式的欧洲联盟。特别是他在欧洲议会组织“鳄鱼集团”,推动欧洲议会制定并在1984年通过《欧洲联盟条约草案》,设计了一个联邦式的欧洲联盟的框架。这个“条约草案”没有付诸实施,但对重新激活欧洲一体化进程、推动共同体改革和《单一欧洲法案》的产生,起到了积极的作用。  相似文献   
中国谋求打开对欧关系的努力   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
20世纪60年代初,随着国际形势的变化,特别是中苏关系的破裂,中国在对外关系方面做出重大调整,重点是谋求打开对欧关系。为此,中国在公共关系、经济和政治外交等领域积极展开活动。总的来说,中国在上述领域所做的努力是有成效的,特别是中法关系正常化标志着中国对欧外交的一个重大突破。但也要看到,中欧关系总体上依然发展缓慢,这主要是由于大多数西欧国家仍不能摆脱美国的控制来发展对华关系造成的。  相似文献   
日本近世徂徕学派的生成经纬,展现了“本体的解构与重建”的全过程。被它所解构的本体,在当时主要表现为朱子学的“理”。由于该理所提倡的“物理从属于道理”的基本精神与江户中后期的社会实际严重脱节,因此,徂徕学派诸子所从事的从否定“理”到重建“理”的破立工作,完成了对朱子学本体的解构与重建任务,也初步实现了对朱子学“物理从属于道理”模式的反证——使“道理从属于物理”。该转变,为日本早期近代化奠定了有别于西学的自国理论基础,也从一个侧面支持了成中英的“本体诠释学”在社会转型期所具有的哲学意义。  相似文献   
We analyzed carbon stable isotope data from bone collagen of animals consuming varied experimental diets, including recently published data from Warinner and Tuross [Warinner, C., Tuross, N., 2009. Alkaline cooking and stable isotope tissue–diet spacing in swine: archaeological implications. Journal of Archaeological Science 36, 1690–1697; this journal]. Comparing regression lines for the relationship between collagen and diet δ13C, we show that protein source, and not physiology, explains the apparent taxonomic difference between swine and rodents reported in that paper. Our results reveal a complex relationship between whole diet and dietary protein in determining collagen δ13C values, such that in many cases, collagen alone may not provide reliable reconstructions of paleodiet. We advocate the simultaneous use of both collagen and apatite δ13C, whenever possible, to assess the diets of prehistoric peoples.  相似文献   
The aim of this article is to establish the extent to which the history of music can offer new perspectives on the modern period. We need a change of perspective, moving away from the aesthetic debates on music to an investigation of actual experiences and practices of participants. Audience behaviour provides a link between musical production and society. In order to make opera houses and concert halls visible as social spheres, this article draws on examples from the musical life of Berlin and London in the 1800s. Music should no longer be regarded as a peripheral phenomenon, but instead as a potential historical question. The analysis of musical performances prompts at least one: music matters.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. This paper examines recent manifestations of the emergence of national identity amongst the citizens of Malta, now the smallest member state of the European Union. In this search, discrete events and ‘things’ are examined as symbolic paraphernalia, empirical phenomena that provide insights to overarching narratives about identity, nationalism and integration. The discussion and eventual decision on the choice of euro coin faces in Malta is proposed as one that illustrates a process of ‘nascent nationalism’. Meanwhile, the arrival of boatloads of undocumented migrants on Malta's shores has also encouraged the evolution of a secular, national character in Malta. Such episodes, and others, ultimately reflect a need for symbols of national unity that remain largely absent in this ‘nationless state’ which continues to be gripped by a bipolar partisanship that spares almost no one.  相似文献   
The Velykyi Glybochok Palaeolithic site near Ternopil town (Podolia Upland) contains a set of cultural layers in a sequence of loess and fossil soils. Beside the archaeological study of stone assemblages, the profile was investigated using lithological, palaeopedological and geochemical methods, including stable carbon and oxygen isotopes composition of pedogenic carbonates, soils micromorphology and TL dating. Remnants of vertebrates' bones and mollusc shells were also distinguished. The oldest cultural layer III documented the presence of Palaeolithic people during the Penultimate Interglacial represented by fossil soil – cambisol in type, developed under dense vegetation cover. The cultural layer III B is connected with initial cambisol originated in a short period of open landscape vegetation with shrubs development, dated to the climatic amelioration during the time of Penultimate Glaciation. The Last Interglacial is represented by luvisol formation with two stages of illuviation, which shows forest type of vegetation. Materials of the cultural layer III A were dispersed in the soil irregularly and mixed with artifacts of cultural layer II. Artifacts of III, III A and III B cultural layers represent the Middle Palaeolithic “Dniesterian Mousterian culture with Levalloisian technique”. These of assemblage II represent the Upper Palaeolithic. Inside the recent soil at the top of the sequence, the Mesolithic cultural layer I is present. Velykyi Glybochok is the only multilayer site in Podolia with detailed information about geological position of particular cultural layers.  相似文献   
El Mirón is a large cave in the Cantabrian Cordillera of northern Spain that presents a long archaeostratigraphic sequence radiocarbon-dated by over 60 assays to between 41,000 and 2000 BP. The sediments, collected from four areas within the cave and sieved-washed with fine wire meshes, contain microvertebrate remains of fish, frogs, lizards, birds and mammals, of which the latter are most abundant. Preliminary taphonomic analysis suggests that the microvertebrates were naturally collected by owls and (less) small carnivores. Small mammal assemblages are useful for palaeoenvironmental reconstruction because they are linked to particular habitats and are sensitive to environmental changes. The small mammals from El Mirón are ideal for this because sample sizes are large, bone preservation is good, and the stratigraphic sequence is long. In this paper we reconstruct the late Quaternary environments in the Cantabrian region of Spain using small-mammal assemblages from El Mirón Cave. On the basis of the ecologic adaptations of this suite of fauna, the majority still extant, we have identified seven habitat types, which are plotted through time. The evolution of the small mammal assemblages at El Mirón reveals seven major climatic shifts that correspond closely to the climatic changes recognized in the Iberian Peninsula during the last 41 kyr.  相似文献   
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