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The development of industrial archaeology over the last 50 years can be traced through articles published in PMA. The early stages of recording the standing remains of industrial activity were augmented by detailed studies of groups of structures which revealed the organization of the manufacturing process. From the late 1980s, developer-funded excavations became important following extensive remediation work on brownfield sites. Greater attention was paid to the social context of past industrial activity including workers’ housing and institutional buildings, and this has continued with studies of oral history. New challenges considered include studies of modern technologies, de-industrialization and the digital revolution.  相似文献   
Henkama, ?Daddy Heng“ – A Mediator between the Kangxi Emperor and Jesuit Missionaries during Chinese Rites Controversy in the 18th Century

The author's main concern is to turn the somewhat enigmatic person of Henkama (1645/1646–1708), known under many (also false) names, into a more tangible historical figure. For this purpose, all the available sources in European languages, Manchu, and Chinese are taken into account. Beginning with investigating the very name of this Manchu official who was responsible for the administration of the affairs of the Europeans, the author tries to obtain available and solid knowledge of Henkama's life and work, possibly year by year, which goes far beyond what is normally known about him, i.e., his role as main intermediary during the papal legation in Beijing (December 1705 – August 1706). However, this mediatory role cost him the trust of all around him, including the Kangxi Emperor, who was convinced that Henkama had been paid off by the papal legate and cardinal Charles-Thomas Maillard de Tournon (1668–1710). At the end of his life, being in ill health, he became a Catholic. Henkama died in 1708 in disfavor due to slander. In the rest of his article, the author depicts another four important contact persons between the Kangxi Emperor (state administration) and Jesuit missionaries, all of whom are to be considered as Henkama's co-workers or his successors. Among these four, there are two Chinese – Zhao Chang (1654–1729) and Wang Daohua (fl. 1706–1720) and two persons of Manchu origin – Bursai (fl. 1705–1706) and Zhang Changzhu/Carki (fl. 1707–1722).  相似文献   
In November 1928, Hirohito became the emperor of Japan through a series of rituals, beginning with the emperor's presentation to the world. Afterwards the emperor soul, transmitted from the sun goddess through the preceding generations of emperors to the current one, is rejuvenated and pacified by attaching different gods (kami) to it. Then, in his full presence as a living-kami, the new emperor enters a finely balanced structure to partake of sacred rice with the kami. Within the Japanese cosmos, the world at large, the domain of humankind, and the realm of the kami are situated along a continuum. In such a world, the forces of homology can, through meticulous ritual, connect between those realms and harness one plane for the improvement and augmentation of another. By means of the rites of succession, the emperor activates the forces of homology, yielding a dynamic yet precarious world, as the kami forces of peace and harmony are harnessed for the well-being of all Japan.  相似文献   
通景画是乾隆朝中西艺术交流的顶峰,但直到近年才有人开始对其进行深入的研究。耶稣会士、意大利画家郎世宁在完善这些非同寻常的作品中起了至关重要的作用,尤其是将中国传统绘画母题、审美趣味与欧洲富有纪念性的奇幻绘画相结合。尽管郎世宁在通景画创作方面享有盛誉,但并非所有的通景画都是由其独立完成,其中许多是由他的学生创作,但这些人的生平却鲜为人知。  相似文献   
新中国民族区域自治制度的形成与发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
民族区域自治制度,是中国共产党解决国内民族问题的一项基本政策,同时也是我国人民民主国家的三大基本政治制度之一。采用这一制度是经过了几十年的探索,是历史和人民的选择。新中国成立以后,民族区域自治制度不断发展和完善,特别是改革开放以后逐步走上法制化的轨道。60年来,民族区域自治制度和基本政策的实施,使党的民族工作取得了举世瞩目的辉煌成就,少数民族地区经济与社会建设飞速发展的实践有力地证明了单一制国家中民族区域自治制确实符合中国国情,具有极大的优越性。  相似文献   
干部在中共抗日根据地政权建设中具有举足轻重的作用,或者说中共要达成自己的政权建设目标需要建立一个忠诚且有效的干部支持体系.1940年1月晋西北抗日民主政权建立后即开始自己的政权建设努力,试图通过民选方式和平且合法地改造基层政权,实现控制乡村社会、汲取乡村资源、服务抗战的目标.而越来越多的贫苦农民则依靠中共支持并借助"选举"渠道进入政权系统,由此构建了以中、贫农为主体结构的基层权力格局.这些新生干部尽管是中共在乡村社会最基本的依靠力量或中共革命事业最主要的承担者,但由于文化素质低下、行政经验缺乏、革命意识不强,似乎很难真正承担起中共的伟大理想.这亦充分说明干部队伍建设是中共需要不断努力破解的一道"难题".  相似文献   
乐府立于何时,至今学界仍争论不已.究其原因,一是文献自身抵牾,二是考古实物的发现动摇了一些成说的基础.断句错误,造成文意不明亦是重要原因.如将"乃立乐府,采诗夜诵"断为"乃立乐府采诗夜诵",问题即涣然冰释. "乃立乐府"非指"始建立"乐府这个官署,而是始"设立" "采诗夜诵",这个新的职能于乐府.这一职能的赋予,使乐府从内朝皇帝私人性质的御用机构转变为参与国家札乐文化造作的机构,承担起造作大汉新一代礼乐文化的伟任.武帝重用乐府为的是在学术上实现以内驭外的政治格局.  相似文献   
本文梳理了吴伟的生平及其艺术成就,强调了其才华出众、放纵不羁的个性。进而探讨其作为宫廷画家倍受成化、弘治帝宠遇的原因,特别指出围绕吴伟一生的好运及其个人的魅力与浙派兴衰的息息相关。最后提示吴伟粗放纵肆的画风与古代文献记载是相符合的。  相似文献   
清乾隆时期是宫廷藏传佛教艺术发展的一个重要里程碑,其标志是汉藏艺术的频繁交流。六世班禅于乾隆四十五年进京为乾隆帝祝寿,他带来的紫金玛造像为乾隆帝所重,并在宫中造办处仿做,其后,又对原配方加以改进,成造了具有宫中特色的紫金玛造像,成为清宫藏传佛教造像的珍品。本文根据清宫内务府造办处的档案将这段历史渊源作了详细的介绍,并概述了故宫和承德避暑山庄具有代表性的藏品。  相似文献   
近代学生群体中文化教育与传统婚姻的冲突   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
学生婚姻中的冲突与矛盾,是近代学校教育兴起之后的特有现象。接受了西方自由平等观念之后,学生们崇尚婚姻自主,渴望知识女性。但受风俗所限,他们自身多数都被父母缔结了传统姻缘。具有新式价值观念的他们,无法再对旧式婚姻容忍和麻木,而打破僵局又会遭到家族与社会的责难。化教育与传统婚姻的冲突,在他们身上得到了最为典型的体现。  相似文献   
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