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How do we account for the reinforcement of identity particularisms despite transnational integration? This paper addresses the question by comparing two ethnolinguistic groups, Silesians and Kashubs in Poland. It is argued that in order to obtain state protection and tools to develop and survive, ethnic entrepreneurs adjust to institutions and discourses. Census politics, state laws' elaboration, transnational institutions represent openings to which groups adjust by reframing identity claims. In doing so, they re‐imagine and reinforce their communities. Following Rogers Brubaker, group‐making is presented as an eventful process where ethnic elites invest identity categories with groupness by taking advantage of opportunity windows at hand. Further, tracing changing political opportunities, strategic adjustments and groups' boomerang effect bid, the paper embeds identity groups within the social movement literature.  相似文献   
安阳殷墟考古发掘出来的人类头盖骨显示,早在殷商时期,即存在中原人与中亚人及欧洲人的往来.欧洲人和中亚人的到来被有的学者认为参与了中国政体的形成过程.  相似文献   
This article focuses upon the investitures of Emperor Charles VI in 1717 in Brabant and Flanders. The purpose of this analysis is to demonstrate that, contrary to what some historians have claimed, the element of direct communication between prince and subjects remained significant at least until the beginning of the eighteenth century. Despite Charles' assertive attitude, the ceremonies were preceded by a period of intense negotiation, in which the Estates made clear demands. Eventually, however, he acquiesced to some of their requests. These concessions can be placed within a long tradition of modus vivendi between princely centralism and local autonomy in the Southern Netherlands. The sovereign was financially dependent on the Estates, which therefore had a great deal of leverage at their disposal. This vulnerability was compounded by the fact that Charles stood at the head of a dynasty, the Austrian Habsburgs, which had no tradition of authority in these regions upon which to draw. Furthermore, the Barrier Treaty's provisions restricted his sovereignty. His bargaining position influenced the organisation of the investitures, thus illustrating that in the early eighteenth century, the sovereign and provincial Estates of the Southern Netherlands were still engaged in a contractual relationship.  相似文献   
早在女真族初步形成之时,居住于朝鲜半岛北部的西女真和东女真就将家园视为中国之内的封境。高丽北进,女真则失去了大片土地。辽朝末年,为保卫家园,女真人在曷懒甸(今咸兴平原)大败高丽军。在朝鲜王朝占领半岛东北部以后,女真首领王可仁、佟景再三提醒明成祖,朝鲜所占之地乃是女真人的旧土,但由于彼时明朝君臣对该地历史的不确知,十处女真居地被送与朝鲜。  相似文献   
湖南早期党史人物群体,是指从新民学会成立到大革命失败,以新民学会为核心、受其影响的早期党史人物的集合。他们的成长得益于陈独秀的言传身教:从言传方面来说,受陈独秀主编的《新青年》的影响,逐步转变自己的思想观念,接受并宣传马克思主义,成为一个马克思主义者。从身教方面来说,一方面,陈独秀指导毛泽东等建立湖南共产主义小组,支持并鼓励毛泽东等在湖南从事的一切革命活动,培养和重用以毛泽东为代表的湖南早期党史人物,使他们在党内异军突起,崭露头角;另一方面通过对陈独秀的错误思想的批判,以毛泽东为代表的湖南党史人物对中国革命的基本问题有了较为正确的认识,日益成熟起来。  相似文献   
周维强 《故宫博物院院刊》2022,237(1):18-34+131
熊是传统礼制中,天子和诸侯在射礼中的靶标,而乾隆皇帝的政治生命,实起于猎熊。即位后,他创新礼制,将满洲行围旧俗和传统射礼的礼制相结合,形成了新军礼秋狝,而典礼的高潮之一即为射熊。他不仅撰写诗文来纪念祖父助他射熊旧事和自己的猎熊活动,还将熊皮披覆于木胎之上,用作藏传佛教神坛陈设的配祀神像,后改为油画木胎熊配祀。对于乾隆皇帝而言,熊不仅仅是一种猎物,也成了军礼射艺、纪祖父施恩与战神威德的投射。  相似文献   
Abstract: Arguing that resistance to the state is too narrow a conceptualization of a political project that challenges neoliberalism, we posit that there are latent, residual apparatuses of the state which can be activated as part of a systematic progressive politics. We examine Massachusetts’“Dover amendment”, a legal framework which governs group home siting throughout the state. Dover offers a powerful tool with which to resist a neoliberal socio‐spatial agenda, though it has been underutilized toward enabling an alternative landscape. We analyze how and why Dover has often remained latent as a tool for socio‐spatial resistance, and consider a provocative case in Framingham, Massachusetts that suggests how residual state apparatuses may be leveraged in support of an explicitly resistive, progressive agenda.  相似文献   
A simplified expression is derived for the dynamic stiffness of grouped piles subjected to lateral loading. A computer program, based on the Thin Layered Element Method, is used for this purpose. The results of the program are compared with rigorous solutions. The simplified expression of the dynamic stiffness of grouped piles, where the mass, damping and stiffness parameters are frequency invariant, will be particularly useful for an equivalent linear analysis of the interaction between nonlinear soil and grouped piles in real time.  相似文献   
关于东晋帝陵的两个问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本通过史料并结合近年一些考古新发现,对东晋帝陵分布、陵区设立原因、陵区内部构成、陵区内各陵排葬规律以及陵园地面建筑等进行了比较全面的分析和探讨。  相似文献   
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