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佛光寺东大殿实测数据解读   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
结合山西省古建筑保护研究所2004年、清华大学2005—2006年对五台山佛光寺东大殿的手工测绘和三维激光扫描测量,本文借鉴前辈学者对于佛光寺东大殿原始设计尺寸权衡的论述,在今天毫米级精度的测量数据的基础上,得出以下结论:东大殿所用营造尺长298毫米,中五间开间1丈7尺,标准柱高同之;斗拱材宽7寸;斗拱下昂斜度等于总举斜度,基本斜度可描述成“平出47分~(?),抬高21分~(?)”,总举为此基本斜度的11倍,稍间、进深各间尺寸因此定为1丈4尺8寸;中平槫到柱头的高度等于总举高。通过上述的分析与结论,本文强调提高古建筑测绘数据全面性和精度的重要意义及深远的科研前景。  相似文献   
清雍正朝的官造玻璃器   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
玻璃器是清代工艺美术品中的新宠,备受皇家珍爱。清代的玻璃制造始于康熙朝。雍正朝在此基础上继续投入大量的人力、物力制作为皇室享用、馈赠的玻璃器皿。本文通过对中国第一历史档案馆收藏的《造办处各作成做活计清档》中有关雍正朝玻璃制作档案的整理,并结合现存珍贵的玻璃实物,系统地对雍正朝玻璃厂制作的玻璃品种、工艺、用途及风格特点进行了论述。  相似文献   
考古出土的漆器中,除木胎之外,有自铭“革园”的皮革与麻布为胎的漆器,有自称为“布”“绪”“纻”的麻布胎漆器,有自铭“布缯”的麻布和缯帛(一种丝织物)为胎的漆器,以及麻布夹贴于木胎之上的“木侠纻”漆器。作为夹纻胎漆器其中的一种类型,“木侠纻”漆器与“布胎”漆器在制作工艺上是否不同,二者之间是否存在技术演变关系的问题值得深入探讨。 本工作以2011年10月淮北市出土的一件东汉时期的耳杯为例,采用超景深视频显微镜、X射线衍射仪(XRD)、傅里叶红外光谱仪(FTIR)、扫描电子显微镜与能谱仪(SEM-EDS)等测试手段进行研究,深入了解汉代“木侠纻”漆器的工艺特点。显微结构观察发现在器物木胎与外层漆灰之间有着清晰的织物平纹组织结构,织物层的厚度仅占整体厚度的11.4%,远低于同尺寸“布胎”耳杯织物层所占的比例(后者一般在50%以上)。成分测试分析结果显示,髹漆材料为传统的中国大漆,红色漆膜呈色颜料为朱砂,织物材质可能为苎麻纤维,漆灰成分为SiO2、NaAlSi3O8和Ca8H2(PO4)6H2O等常见物质。上述研究结果说明,比较汉代“木侠纻”漆器工艺与“布胎”漆器,在髹漆材料、呈色颜料以及漆灰中矿物质成分等方面并无区别,仅在织物层的厚度所占胎体尺寸比例等方面有着明显差异。同时,本研究中发现“仅在木胎一侧贴附麻布”的做法与文献记载的“两麻布夹贴于木胎之上的木侠纻”工艺并不完全一致。 文章首次采用科技手段从制作材料、髹漆工艺等方面揭示了汉代“木侠纻”制作技术。事实上,从厚木胎斫制到薄木卷制成型,再到以布为胎,胎骨的变化见证了古代漆器水平的进化历程。从考古出土的漆卮、樽可以发现,薄木卷制而成的器型在两端的连接处仅依靠生漆或其他材料,其本身的结构并不牢固。古代漆工们为了防止木胎开裂,在接口处的木胎之上粘贴织物。这种借助于植物纤维的拉力增强木胎牢固性的技术即为“木侠纻”。当然,“木侠纻”工艺是否直接催生了“布胎”漆器还有待进一步讨论,但至少从传统手工业技术发展的规律可以进一步窥探两种工艺之间的借鉴或启示。时至今日,这种工艺在今天的家具、屏风制作中依然广泛使用。  相似文献   
我国经济行业分类对编制旅游卫星账户(TSA)的影响研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
赵丽霞 《旅游科学》2006,20(2):35-39
旅游卫星账户(TSA)的特点是,以遵守SNA93的基本概念与核算原则为前提,采用与主体账户完全相同的生产范围和产品分类,从需求和供给两方面全面准确计量旅游活动对整体经济的影响。因此,国家经济行业分类制约着编制TSA的详细程度,从而影响TSA计量结果的准确性。本研究通过对我国TSA实践过程中出现的问题及原因进行分析,对我国原有的和新版的经济行业分类体系进行比较,提出上述观点,旨在于促进我国经济活动分类的不断细化,为构建TSA奠定良好基础。  相似文献   
The Hui-style residence is an important architectural heritage of China. The hollow wall structures are widely used to build its exterior wall system. However, the thermal performance of the hollow wall is no longer able to meet the new energy-saving and environmental requirement. This article describes a laboratory study of the development of foamed mortar (FM), with the potential for use in thermal upgrading of the Hui-style hollow wall system without dramatically changing its traditional structure. The key early age, physical, mechanical and thermal properties were systematically measured. Two extended models were respectively developed to calculate compressive strength and thermal conductivity, as a function of porosity. Environment chamber test was also employed to investigate the effectiveness of this novel thermal upgrading approach and the results show that filling the voids with FM can effectively improve the overall thermal resistance of the hollow wall system by 44%, which is almost equal to the overall thermal resistance when using the more expensive commercial inorganic stucco system. In addition, the combination of these two methods yielded an overall thermal resistance of 0.701 m2·K/W, which is even higher than 0.67 m2·K/W for the code required in the hot summer/cold winter climate zone.  相似文献   
In the Iberian Peninsula, the copper metallurgy from the Chalcolithic to the Middle Bronze Age (MBA) was mostly characterized by low arsenic contents. A collection of 53 MBA artefacts from southern Portugal was analysed by micro‐EDXRF, optical microscopy, SEM–EDS and Vickers to investigate the metal composition and manufacture. No technological distinction was found between artefacts from domestic and funerary contexts, which were radiocarbon‐dated to 2000–1500 cal bc . The arsenic contents of almost 100 MBA artefacts from this region, including the above‐mentioned set, have a Gaussian distribution with a high average (3.9 wt% As). Possible explanations are discussed for this distinctive metallurgy at the south‐western end of the Iberian Peninsula.  相似文献   
Metallurgical analyses and chemical characterizations were carried out on historical cannonballs from the Fortress of San Juan de Ulúa, Veracruz, México. Cannonballs dating from the 18th and 19th centuries share metallurgical characteristics similar to those of material coming from a shipment of ammunition found in the wreck of a sunken French ship from the battle of Trafalgar. The analyses show that the base material is grey cast iron with a carbon equivalent of 4.94 and a ferritic–perlitic matrix, in which the high phosphorus content has led to the formation of iron phosphide compounds in conjunction with a homogeneous distribution of carbon graphite flakes of Type C. In addition, corrosion products from samples revealed the presence of various crystalline iron compounds (X‐ray diffraction), mostly highly chlorinated iron compounds identified as akaganeite. X‐ray fluorescence identified various characteristics of the corrosion products as a function of the sampling depth. FT–IR spectroscopy revealed that the main difference between the corrosion products (internal and external) is determined by the number of organic species. Differential scanning calorimetry corroborated that these corrosion products are thermally stable compounds at elevated temperatures.  相似文献   
This paper explores the effectiveness of policies ‘in’ attracting the foreign research and development (R&D) of multinational enterprises (MNEs) to specific countries in Europe. We develop a macroeconomic investigation covering 29 European countries during the period between 1990 and 2012 in order to address: (a) whether the provision of direct financial support for business R&D is effective for the attraction of foreign R&D; (b) whether direct support is more effective than indirect support for this purpose and (c) whether the link between direct financial support for business R&D and the foreign R&D of MNEs is conditioned by the context within which the support is provided. The results of the analysis show that, first, the provision of direct financial support is generally effective for the attraction of foreign R&D by MNEs. Second, direct support for business R&D is more effective for this purpose than indirect support. Third, the provision of direct financial support for business R&D yields greater returns in contexts that are more socio-economically suitable for knowledge-intensive, innovative activity.  相似文献   
In 2004, a controversy arose in Aotearoa New Zealand's coal mining sector that involved Powelliphanta augusta, a species of land snail. This paper considers that controversy in terms of emergent assemblages involving the snail, the mining industry, the Department of Conservation, political action by environmental non‐government organisations, and public expressions of environmental and other values. Three sets of relations embedded in those assemblages are examined—those related to positioning and organising nature; values, politics, and power relations; and human and non‐human materialities. Those relations illuminate how a protracted controversy and its objects form a “social test bed” for contested views in legislation and guidelines dealing with economy, conservation, and restoration. To assess the dynamics, complexities, and contingencies of such relations, attention is paid to the controversy's detailed time line and legal framing, as well as to ontological shifts of snail and habitat and snail metrics. This analytical focus highlights the shifting quality of ideas about how the snail and its habitat are understood as entangled in fraught and mutating strategies of translocation that are played out in a particular regulatory setting. It also provides insights into international geographical efforts to re‐shape environmental governance and management.  相似文献   
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