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张艳 《神州》2012,(6):310-310
我国目前正在全面实施素质教育,这是现阶段我国基础教育发晨和改革的总趋势。本文就中学体育教学的现状和存在弊端及改革体育教学提出一些建议,对于全面实施素质教育有着积极的现实意义。  相似文献   
The objective of this paper is two‐fold. First, various perspectives that have been adopted in the discursive context of the benefits of engaging children and youths in artistic endeavors are examined. Second, in the hope of maximizing the quality of arts programs that enrich the lives of youth, a conceptual and methodological framework for the development of community‐based art programs for youth is presented. The aim is to provide a clear way to conceptualize and operationalize arts programs, and to delineate methods for the evaluation of their effectiveness.  相似文献   
Thomas Graham Brown undertook seminal experiments on the neural control of locomotion between 1910 and 1915. Although elected to the Royal Society in 1927, his locomotion research was largely ignored until the 1960s when it was championed and extended by the distinguished neuroscientist, Anders Lundberg. Puzzlingly, Graham Brown's published research stopped in the 1920s and he became renowned as a mountaineer. In this article, we review his life and multifaceted career, including his active neurological service in WWI. We outline events behind the scenes during his tenure at Cardiff's Institute of Physiology in Wales, UK, including an interview with his technician, Terrence J. Surman, who worked in this institute for over half a century.  相似文献   
从1950年代到1970年代,浙江农村义务教育经历了由萌芽、发展到兴盛的过程。与此同时,浙江农村民办小学则伴随着浙江农村合作化及人民公社化运动经历了由萌芽、发展到逐渐消亡的过程。一兴一衰,成为共和国历史的最好注脚。当前,中国农村义务教育仍未能摆脱其弱势地位。对建国后30年浙江农村义务教育的历史考察,有助于我们建立一种更公正、合理的教育机制,以提升"境况最差的成员"的生命质量。  相似文献   
本文梳理了吴伟的生平及其艺术成就,强调了其才华出众、放纵不羁的个性。进而探讨其作为宫廷画家倍受成化、弘治帝宠遇的原因,特别指出围绕吴伟一生的好运及其个人的魅力与浙派兴衰的息息相关。最后提示吴伟粗放纵肆的画风与古代文献记载是相符合的。  相似文献   
Emma Rawlins 《对极》2009,41(5):1084-1109
Abstract:  This paper considers the influences on children's eating habits in both school and home spaces in the UK. Since 2002 the UK government has been committed to halting the increase in child obesity rates, and has sanctioned particular parental and school based practices as more "healthy" than others. This study examines this through critically questioning, in particular, the classed discourses written into health education advice and advocates a new way of thinking about health education messages. Based on qualitative research with children from one secondary school and with eight families in the North of England the paper reveals that while parents and children make decisions about their lives with reference to dominant discourses about ideal "healthy" family eating practices, their ability to realise these practices is limited in numerous ways. Moreover, the influences on children's eating habits in both home and school spaces are intricately interrelated and children's practices are clearly influenced by the spaces they inhabit. Their decisions involve balancing health education knowledge with a range of other knowledges that are bound up in the socio-spatial relations of their everyday lives. A holistic approach to understanding children's eating habits therefore requires a critical understanding of class background, parental influences and contemporary parenting practices as well as the microgeographical relations found in the school dining room.  相似文献   
创办于1904年、具有资产阶级革命性质的《警钟日报》,披露了一系列学堂腐败问题:学堂的办学宗旨未能脱离旧的窠臼,课程设置极不合理,学生思想受到禁锢;师资低劣,教学效果差,管理人员学问全无,管理无方,道德败坏;学生思想守旧,品行低下,不务正业,惹是生非。该报还分析了这些问题产生的根源。《警钟日报》对这些问题的揭露,既可以帮助我们全面地了解当时的学堂,也可以为今天的教育改革、学校建设提供一些借鉴。  相似文献   
《太平州芜湖县新学记》碑记载了北宋时期州县置学(政府办学)的具体措施,丰富了科举史研究资料,同时该碑由米芾晚年所书,具有较高的历史艺术价值。  相似文献   
While the number of charter schools has increased rapidly in the United States, few studies have examined whether charter schools are implemented in response to real and perceived educational needs or to political and institutional factors in the education policy arena. Unlike traditional policy adoption and diffusion studies that focus on the state level and use a dichotomous dependent variable—adoption or not—this article focuses on local school districts and uses the number of operating charter schools as the dependent variable. Accordingly, instead of applying event history analysis, this article conducts generalized event count regression to estimate models. Based on a data set that consists of Florida's 67 school districts across a six‐year time period, the results suggest that charter school diffusion is more heavily driven by political and institutional factors than by educational needs. The results also demonstrate a dynamic trend of charter school diffusion over time.  相似文献   
清季俄罗斯文馆延聘俄人教习研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肖玉秋 《史学月刊》2008,(12):80-88
在俄罗斯文馆存在的一个半世纪里,先后有多名俄人担任教习之职。康熙年间,文馆教习由俄国商队成员、降人及后裔充任,教习队伍不稳定,语言水平也不高。从雍正初期起,文馆开始延聘俄国东正教驻北京传教士团成员担任教习,其中罗索欣、弗拉德金和列昂季耶夫与满人富勒赫合作编写出中国第一本俄语教科书。自道光年间起,有4位传教士团领班被俄罗斯文馆聘为教习,但由于鸦片战争爆发后中俄关系的实质已经由以往的平等交往转向了俄国伙同西方列强对中国进行瓜分,他们并未发挥出"协同教授"的作用,更多时候是将在文馆兼职作为为俄国政府探听清廷内情的机会或手段。  相似文献   
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