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2005年,在洛阳市西工区发掘一座未被盗扰的春秋时期墓葬(M8832)。墓葬为长方形竖穴土坑墓,葬具为两棺一椁。出土了较多青铜器、玉器等,包括铜鼎8件,其中列鼎为5件,推测墓主人应是较高级的贵族。此墓的发掘,为研究东周时期的墓葬形制、葬俗、随葬品组合等提供了新的实物资料。  相似文献   
为探讨不同遗址土质对可溶盐危害影响的关系,以秦陵百戏俑坑为对象,对百戏俑坑包括温湿度等赋存环境、含水率、含盐种类、含盐量、土质及本体等进行调查分析。根据调查结果选取密度和粘粒含量两个影响土质的重要因素,制作不同密度及不同粘粒含量的模拟块进行温湿度循环实验,探讨这两个因素对遗址盐害的影响。从实验结果中得知,当这两个变量发生变化时,土块盐害程度呈现随着密度和粘粒含量的增大呈现先下降后升高,最后降低的趋势。并将实验得出的盐害规律与百戏俑坑土质对照,评估与讨论百戏俑坑的盐害程度及盐害风险。  相似文献   
土遗址边坡加固不同于一般边坡加固是在于其文物属性。对于高陡濒临倾倒的边坡一般采取“去头补脚”的方式进行处理,而对于土遗址边坡须遵从原状保护的原则。土遗址边坡加固后演化过程具有独有的特征。为此,边坡的变形监测资料对分析边坡变形演化规律及边坡稳定性至关重要。采用南瑞大坝全自动变形监测仪对交河故城513亚区濒倾边坡加固后的变形进行实时监测,精度达0.01mm。通过对变形数据分析,阐明其变形行为特征,进而挖掘加固后边坡演化过程。研究表明,加固后边坡表现出明显的非线性特征,具体表现为常态稳变和局部突变特性;变形可划分为明显的趋势性变形、周期震荡式变形和随机性变形。研究结论对于类似土遗址边坡加固效果评价具有重要意义  相似文献   
徐州汉代采石遗址位于江苏省徐州市市区南部,2004年5~8月发掘。遗址地层堆积简单,但采石遗迹分布密集。采石坑数量大,反映的采石工艺较为多样,另外还有石坯坑、石渣坑、未完成坑、踏步、楔窝等。遗址内出土遗物丰富,主要为采石用的铁质工具和生活用的陶器等。遗址的时代为西汉时期,下限不晚于东汉早期。  相似文献   
张坤  程正荣  赵丛苍 《文博》2021,(1):21-35,20
哈密是丝绸之路上的重要绿洲城市,历代在哈密留下了大量的烽燧遗址。本文依据考古调查资料,试图用考古学的方法对哈密烽燧进行研究,区分不同的形制,并就相关问题进行探讨。  相似文献   
潮湿地区降雨量大,土遗址普遍风化严重,室外保护难度大,表面防风化技术还不成熟。基于土遗址表面普遍生长有茂盛植被的现象,充分发挥植物对遗址的保护作用,减少不利影响,采用植物覆盖技术保护遗址十分必要且可行。本工作通过调查植物对遗址影响和植物覆盖技术保护实践的分析,论证了植物覆盖技术的可行性,提出针对封土、墙体等不同遗址,充分考虑遗址风化程度和保存状态,选用适合植物物种实施植物覆盖技术,植物物种选择应首选当地适宜优势物种,应充分评估植物对土遗址的不利影响。研究结果表明,植物覆盖技术保护遗址十分必要且可行。  相似文献   
Pressure to develop vulnerable historic sites into competitive commercial operations has led to controversial interpretive techniques being introduced by aggressive marketing managers. Scarce resources have been invested in largely unproven technological and other innovative methods of presentation. This paper looks at the employment of costumed interpreters at historic sites, what they claim to offer visitors, and whether their services match visitors' needs. It reports the findings of an investigation into what visitors want from historic sites and the extent to which costumed interpreters contribute to their experiences. The study reported here compared the performance of 12 historic sites in four countries: two European (Sweden and the UK) and two North American (Canada and the USA); with the participation of 589 visitors. The study provides clear recommendations for site managers as to the value of costumed interpretation and offers guidelines on the levels of investment (in reproduction costume and staff training) that guarantee visitors an educational experience during their visits to historic sites.  相似文献   
Because of the generally precarious state of public finance in Germany, at federal, state and community levels, expenditure for cultural purposes is being reduced constantly. Therefore, cultural institutions such as heritage sites are virtually compelled to find additional sources of funding to improve their financial situation and ensure their long‐term survival. One of the more suitable means of increasing the revenue situation on an ongoing basis is to improve and expand the cultural tourism offerings. Despite this significance of cultural tourism, an empirical study established that German heritage sites have by no means exploited the real potential of cultural tourism in a comprehensive manner. Thus, the objective of this paper is, on the basis of a well‐founded delineation of the concept and demand‐side situation, to demonstrate the potential success factors for developing cultural tourism and to do so from a marketing perspective.  相似文献   
重庆忠县砂砖厂1、2号土坑墓出土陶、铜、铁、石器50余件,1号墓的器物反映了当地文化传统在西汉早期的传承性,2号墓有两件陶钵的下腹均有形似"日"字的符号,其上有一个小圆圈的阴刻符号,可能有特殊意义。这两座墓为峡江考古提供了新资料。  相似文献   
跨湖桥遗址考古木材出土后经过脱盐处理,然后采用聚乙二醇(PEG)进行定形加固。保护后的考古木材存在色泽变深的问题,需要对这些考古木材进行二次保护。在二次保护过程中,选用1,2-二甲基-3-羟基-4(1H)-吡啶酮复配溶液作为脱盐脱色络合溶液,以PEG为定形加固剂,采用真空冷冻方式进行脱水干燥。二次保护取得了良好的效果,考古木材尺寸和形状基本保持不变,色泽更为自然,木材纹理清晰可见。  相似文献   
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