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每一批国保单位受当时的社会背景、文物保护理念等的影响,都有其鲜明的特点和时代烙印,都在不断地借鉴和融入新的文物保护理念。本文对第一至六批国保单位公布的历史背景进行回顾与综述,以期探讨国保单位的发展脉络,以及国保单位在社会历史影响下所形成的特点。  相似文献   
In order for all citizens to fully belong to a nation or a community, they must have membership in that society’s institutions, systems and social relations on both the formal and everyday levels. Heritage sites are public institutions of formal cultural presentation and informal social encounters where society demonstrates community membership. But in a country such as Canada where global economics and popular culture combine with an unprecedented influx of immigrants, how a community imagines itself and articulates its heritage is changing radically. Canada’s National Historic Sites (NHS) is among the important public institutions devoted to both the presentation of heritage and demonstration of citizen membership. This paper describes how this institution is adapting to changes in imaginings about citizenship, on both the formal and informal level. It looks at how NHS is expanding the involvement of all citizens in the why, what, how and to whom of heritage presentation, evolving its practices to include ethic minorities in its imaginings of Canadianness. Using as an example a new NHS exhibit and designations related to the Underground Railroad and African‐Canadians, the paper considers how historic sites, as formal instruments of the state, can be re‐tuned as informal sites of discourse and negotiation about identity, citizenship and belonging.  相似文献   
新中国成立后,特别是改革开放以来,我国的大遗址保护事业持续稳步发展:概念逐渐明确,队伍不断壮大,制度日臻完善,工作趋于主动,考古学及多学科合作的作用切实加强。在此基础上,对全国大遗址保护研究展示的现代化体系和地区的建设作进一步研究,必将促进大遗址保护事业的科学发展。  相似文献   
Mudbricks appear to have been one of the most common building materials used in domestic architecture in Bronze Age Crete. Well-preserved earthen construction materials from the sites of Vasiliki, Makrygialos and Mochlos in East Crete have been examined with regard to their macromorphological characteristics and their mineralogical and chemical composition in order to investigate the nature of the raw materials used, the technology of manufacture and the potential use of specific recipes. The methods applied include a combination of mineralogical and chemical analytical techniques, namely petrography, neutron activation (NAA), X-ray fluorescence (XRF), and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis. Finally, a range of raw materials from the immediate vicinity of each site were sampled and analyzed in order to compare with the archaeological data and identify potential sources. The analyses suggested that there is a degree of standardization in the recipes and the manufacturing process and that the selection of the raw materials depends on availability.  相似文献   
土遗址病害评估是对土遗址进行科学保护、管理、利用的一项基础性工作,但土遗址病害评估的体系还没有建立。为此,通过对土遗址病害的分析,借鉴地质工程、岩土工程的相关理论和方法,采用逐次分析的方法评估土遗址的载体和本体病害,探讨了土遗址病害评估体系。通过研究认为,可以从地质灾害、稳定性、表面风化三方面对土遗址病害程度进行评估。地质灾害和稳定性有其它学科相对成熟的理论和方法可以借鉴和采用。表面风化评估应考虑到风化剥蚀速率、遗址保存程度和文物价值三个方面,引进风化度和文物价值权重系数的概念,利用模糊数学原理对表面风化的危险程度进行综合评估是一种新思路。  相似文献   
在博物馆建筑的保护下,尽管避除了由于风蚀、雨淋、日晒等有害因素所导致的土遗址裂隙、崩塌等病害现象,但是可溶盐迁移及霉菌滋生导致的表层风化等一系列危害会造成土遗址本体破坏和信息损失 ,所以进行这方面的研究尤其重要且迫切。本文主要综述了可溶盐、霉菌的破坏作用、产生原因、影响因素、防治措施等,并探讨了遗址博物馆内土遗址防治可溶盐及霉菌危害的可行性保护研究方法。  相似文献   
丙烯酸非水分散体等几种土遗址防风化加固剂的效果比较   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:11  
对丙烯酸树脂非水分散体等几种土遗址防风化加固剂进行了加固效果对比检验,包括加固前后土样各种性能的变化,如:重量、颜色、孔隙率变化,抗压强度的提高,耐水、耐冻融、耐盐能力的增加等。通过检验发现,在所试材料中丙烯酸树脂非水分散体加固刑在浓度非常低的情况下对土体就有加固作用,使土体具有很好的耐水性、耐冻触能力,耐盐破坏能力也有提高,并且不影响土体的外观和透气性。而其它材料如正硅酸乙酯、丙烯酸树脂、聚氨酯、聚酯等虽在一些性能上能满足需要,但还有一些方面不能满足要求。对比表明,丙烯酸非水分散体是一类优良的土遗址防风化加固剂。  相似文献   
为找到耐候性良好并对土遗址有良好保护效果的材料,以工业品的有机硅改性丙烯酸树脂乳液为原料,采用转化法制备了有机硅改性丙烯酸树脂非水分散体材料。对形成的非水分散体进行了外观检验和老化性能检验。通过对土样的加固试验和实地应用发现,浓度为0.8%的加固剂251M具有良好的固结效果,表面颜色基本不变,证明这种材料是一种有应用前景的土遗址防风化加固保护材料。  相似文献   
降雨是陕西省榆林市榆阳区明长城的主要破坏因素之一。调查中发现,降雨对遗址破坏严重。为了研究降雨对遗址的破坏,在对遗址详细调查的基础上,结合遗址特征与遗址区降雨特点,并参考土壤侵蚀学等方面理论,分析了降雨对遗址的破坏形式及影响因素。结果表明,降雨对遗址的破坏形式可分为直接破坏和间接破坏两大类。其中,主要破坏形式为冲沟侵蚀、片流面蚀和雨蚀剥离。影响因素包括降雨特点、遗址形态、土的性质、植物生长状况和地幔层等,不同破坏形式的主要影响因素各有不同。本结果不仅丰富了降雨对土遗址破坏方面的研究,还为后续陕西榆阳区明长城保护加固措施的选择提供了依据。  相似文献   
2006年8月至9月,洛阳市第二文物工作队等在偃师市阎楼村清理一座封土墓冢。墓冢上部原筑封土为圆形,最大径28米。墓葬为单室土洞墓,由长斜坡墓道、甬道、长方形土洞墓室三部分组成。出土器物残存陶器、瓷器、铜器、石器等28件。据墓葬形制与出土器物,该墓时代应为东汉晚期到曹魏时期。  相似文献   
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