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Urban agglomeration economies make cities central to theories of modern economic growth. There is historical evidence for the presence of Smithian growth and agglomeration effects in English towns c.1450-1670, but seminal assessments deny the presence of agglomeration effects and productivity gains to Early Modern English towns. This study evaluates the presence of increasing returns to scale (IRS) in aggregate urban economic outputs—the empirical signature of feedbacks between Smithian growth and agglomeration effects—among the towns of 16th century England. To do so, we test a model from settlement scaling theory against the 1524/5 Lay Subsidy returns. Analysis of these data indicates that Tudor towns exhibited IRS—a finding that is robust to alternative interpretations of the data. IRS holds even for the smallest towns in our sample, suggesting the absence of town size thresholds for the emergence of agglomeration effects. Spatial patterning of scaling residuals further suggests regional demand-side interactions with Smithian-agglomeration feedbacks. These findings suggest the presence of agglomeration effects and Smithian growth in pre-industrial English towns. This begs us to reconsider the economic performance of Early Modern English towns, and suggests that the qualitative economic dynamics of contemporary cities may be applicable to premodern settlements in general.  相似文献   
European archaeological collections record hundreds of thousands of stone artefacts from the Early Middle Ages described as whetstones. However, traces of non-ferrous metals, including precious metals preserved on a number of such artefacts. Many of the finds served in fact as touchstones – tools to test the quality of a particular metal. These artefacts are concentrated mainly in Vendel and Viking Age and Slavic coastal settlements and trade centres in the Baltic Sea basin, the coast and islands of Northwestern Europe, at Central and Eastern European fortresses and suburbia. Many finds also come from rural settings. In early medieval graves the touchstones join balance scales and weights as a sign of the buried individual’s access to precious metals. Especially the rural finds with traces of precious metal provide a strong reason for a revision of present views on the social stratification of the early medieval society in Europe. Chemical microanalysis allows identifying the composition of the alloys. Besides new perspectives on the fields of the social history and the circulation of precious metals, the method also provides new information for the field of archaeometallurgy.  相似文献   
Forty-two conodont species are documented from the Liuxia, Shijiatou and Jingshan formations in Zhejiang Province of southeast China, located palaeogeographically on the Jiangnan Slope offshore to the Yangtze Platform. From these faunas, eight successive conodont biozones of Tremadocian to middle Floian (Early Ordovician) age are recognized, including the Cordylodus lindstromi Biozone, Cordylodus angulatus Biozone, Chosonodina herfurthi Biozone, Paltodus deltifer Biozone, Paroistodus proteus Biozone, Triangulodus bifidus Biozone, Serratognathus diversus Biozone and Prioniodus elegans Biozone. Several zonal index species of the Baltoscandian succession—Paltodus deltifer, Paroistodus proteus and Prioniodus elegans—are described and illustrated in detail for the first time from South China. Co-occurrence of P. proteus and Serratognathus bilobatus in several samples below the appearance of P. elegans also confirms correlation of the S. diversus Biozone (basal Floian) with the upper P. proteus Zone of the Baltoscandian succession. These Zhejiang faunas are dominated by pandemic forms, and are similar to those of the Open-Sea Realm elsewhere, inhabiting deep, offshore environments.  相似文献   
An exceptional discovery was made in 2013 in the northern French Alps, at the Grande Rivoire site in Sassenage (Isère department): an obsidian bladelet from Sardinia was found in a cultural horizon dated to about 5360–5210 cal b.c. The abundant arrowheads found with it are characteristic of the Early Neolithic in the South of France (Cardial/Epicardial). Yet there was no pottery or domestic fauna, and only discrete markers of farming. The typological, technological and micro-wear analysis of this bladelet, as well as the determination of the origin of the raw material, open new avenues of reflection for the neolithization of the northern Alps, in particular concerning the role played by the Early Neolithic cultures of northern Italy.  相似文献   
This paper presents a reconstruction of environmental conditions and subsistence strategies in the Early Neolithic (6th Millenium BC) settlement area at Tě?etice-Kyjovice (Czech Republic). Our detailed reconstruction of the environment contributes to the unravelling of the genesis and spread of steppes and the formation of secondary anthropogenic forest-free areas in the Holocene in eastern-Central Europe. Mollusc shells, charcoals and plant macroremains were used as on-site evidence of a settlement environment. A relatively warm and dry anthropogenic forest-free area is reconstructed for the immediate vicinity of the Early Neolithic settlement. Communities of mixed deciduous forests are recorded in the surroundings of the settlement. Plant macroremains reflect the characteristic Neolithic range of cultivated plants (e.g. Triticum monococcum, Triticum dicoccon, Lens culinaris and Pisum sativum). Papaver somniferum seeds were also found, possibly constituting the oldest evidence of its presence and cultivation in the territory of the Czech Republic.  相似文献   

Mudayna as-Saliya is a fortress site at the summit of an isolated promontory near the eastern end of Wadi Mujib, central Jordan. Archaeological surveys of the site have exposed potential evidence of Iron Age and classical period use with its occupational zenith in the late Hellenistic-early Roman period. The ruin on the surface is remarkably similar in architectural and hydrological design to the fortress of Machaerus. This paper, based on available survey data, suggests that the Hasmoneans were responsible for the construction of the fortress at Mudayna as-Saliya, which was reused by the Nabateans during the early Roman period. Finding a potential Hasmonean desert fortress on the desert fringe of eastern Transjordan was unexpected, and it might have significant ramifications for the study of Hasmonean, Herodian, and Nabatean kingdoms in central Jordan.  相似文献   

Between 1671 and 1677, William Salesbury of Rhug fought a bitter legal battle in Chancery against his cousin, Dame Jane Bagot, and her family. William contested Jane’s inheritance of the Bachymbyd estate, Denbighshire, which once belonged to their shared paternal grandfather. According to the Chancery records, their grandfather wrongfully disinherited William’s father. The Lord Chancellor judged five out of six points in William’s favour. However, the estate archives demonstrate that William’s father had no lawful claim to Bachymbyd and William built his suit on forgeries and half-truths. In a case where a daughter inherited an estate from a younger son, William manipulated the contemporary social norms of gender and primogeniture. The suit provides a unique opportunity to understand how credibility was constructed in the seventeenth century. This article suggests that credibility depended on social norms and played a larger role in the law, and perhaps wider society, than evidence-based truth.  相似文献   
We present the results of analysing stable carbon and nitrogen isotopes in camelid remains found at the Late Archaic site TU‐52 (ca. 5000–3800 bp ), the Tarajne Phase site TU‐94 and the Early Formative sites TU‐54, TU‐85 and TU‐122 (ca. 3100–2400 bp ). All of the sites are located in the Puna de Atacama (Northern Chile) along the 14 km Tulan transect, between the head of Tulan ravine (ca. 3000 m.a.s.l.) and the border of the Salar de Atacama (2317 m.a.s.l.). Our aim is to understand how the space was used by hunter‐gatherers and early herders from the beginning of camelid domestication to the consolidation of herding practices. Isotopic analyses were complemented with osteometric data in order to correlate changes in animal size and isotopic values with the initiation of animal husbandry. Isotopic and osteometric results show less variability of δ13C and δ15N values during the Late Archaic and Tarajne Phase, whereas variability is higher during the Early Formative. We postulate that during the latter period, there was more widespread use of hunting and herding spaces along the Tulan ravine, including areas above 3000 m.a.s.l. as result of more consolidated herding practices, while the highlands were used as a complementary space to hold livestock near ritual sites and residential settlements. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
史称武王克殷后,封纣子武庚、禄父,以续殷祀,令修行盘庚之政,殷民大说。其后武庚叛乱,周公再度东征,迁顽民。据此可知,自牧野之战至于成王时期,小屯一带仍有殷遗民居住。既然如此,在殷墟显然应该有西周初期文化遗存。50年前笔者即撰文提出,后冈圆葬坑  相似文献   
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