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论史学在社会中的位置——为中国史学步入21世纪而作   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
怎样认识史学在社会中的位置,是历史学中的重要问题之一,具有根本的性质,但近年来多有被人们误解之处。兹事重大,不可轻视。在中国古代史学上,先人们对此有许多精辟论断,反映了他们的卓识和睿智。20世纪的中国史学,在这方面又给我们留下了深刻的启示和严重的教训,需要认真总结。21世纪的中国社会面临着知识经济和经济全球化的机遇与挑战,中国史学亦由此面临着新的形势和抉择:继承中国史学的人本主义思想的优良传统,坚持中国史学的民族特色和民族精神,在唯物史观指导下进行新的创造,实现民族性与世界性的结合和互动,为促进社会历史的进步做出新的贡献。  相似文献   
This paper attempts to collate archaeological discoveries of jade artifacts in the Central Plains of China at different stages of the prehistoric periods and investigate the jade artifacts’ geographical distributions, types, and employment statuses, to explore the jade employment features, concepts, and developments in the Central Plains. From the Peiligang period to the Longshan period, the jade employment culture in the Central Plains in the prehistoric periods obviously showed a formation process from scratch. The Central Plains was not the place of origin for the jade culture; instead, it was more about accepting external influences, developing its jade employment culture, and enjoying the advantages of a late-comer to develop rapidly. The late-comer advantages and the formation of a historical trend centered on the Central Plains enabled the jade culture to gather, merge, and popularize in the Central Plains in the prehistoric periods. The Central Plains not only served as a transit point for jade artifacts’ continued diffusion northward and westward but also further established jade artifacts as an indispensable factor in the early ritual system civilization and in their inheritance and development throughout historic periods.  相似文献   
Durum wheat plants grown under optimum irrigation conditions in Jordan were processed in three different ways: 1) using a dry ashing method, 2) using acid extraction and 3) using both these methods, first dry ashing and then acid extraction. The aim was to determine if the laboratory processing method employed has an impact on the number of conjoined phytoliths recovered. This is important because it has been proposed that the number of conjoined phytoliths, or multi cells, can be an indication of water availability in arid and semi-arid regions (Rosen and Weiner 1994). The results showed that the processing method does have an impact on the resulting assemblage, with dry ashing producing a greater number of multi-cells than acid extraction. It is proposed that either the more violent oxidation of organic matter during acid extraction causes the breakup of conjoined phytoliths, or that the silica dehydrates during dry ashing resulting in a slight fusion between the individual phytoliths and hence more conjoined forms.  相似文献   
Defensive architectural features are used to evaluate the scale and pervasiveness of conflict in antiquity around the world, but in the archaeology of conflict on the Northwest Coast, the relationship between physical landscapes, built defensive features and warfare has never been tested using quantifiable measures. We argue here that the syntax of biomechanical control, reflecting the universality of the parameters of the human body, is inherent in architectural analyses of conflict, and develop an index of defense (DI) based on commonly invoked constituent measures of defensiveness. The DI is represented in a single value, derived from four individual measures (visibility, elevation, accessibility and area), each with constituent variables. We test this quantitative measure using a sample of identified defensive and non-defensive sites on the Northwest Coast of North America in order to evaluate this system of quantifying the contribution of site location and architectural features to the overall defensiveness of communities and discuss some of the implications of this measure on interpreting the role of conflict on the Northwest Coast.  相似文献   
This report presents results of a study examining the ancient use of plants at four Late Classic (CE 600-900) Maya rural farmsteads in northwestern Belize. Our research specifically targeted residential middens for macrobotanical recovery. Samples yielded the remains of more than a dozen plant families, representing some genera that do not currently grow in the area. These plants were used in the Late Classic, countering the idea that ancient botanical remains do not survive in Neotropical archaeological contexts. We also evaluated two macrobotanical sample processing methods vis-à-vis one another: flotation and dry screening. Our results indicate that flotation recovered 58% more seeds than dry screening, while dry screening yielded almost twice as much charcoal and other wood as flotation. The divergent quantities in the types of material recovered suggest a comprehensive macrobotanical recovery program should include the use of both processing methods.  相似文献   
王瑞霞  周麟麟 《文博》2009,(6):371-386
近十几年来,青州陆续有龙兴寺佛教造像和香山汉墓彩绘陶俑出土。这些文物有一个共同特点,即彩绘保存较好,且数量很大。通过对山东其他地区出土的同类彩绘文物的色彩、纹饰等的统计,让我们对山东的彩绘陶质和石质文物的艺术特色有一个综合认识。陶质彩绘文物自大汶口文化时期出现,经历了由实用器到明器的转变,到两汉时期发展到高峰,中国雕塑的最大特色之一塑、绘结合成熟了,对其后的雕塑艺术产生了很大影响。隋唐以后,彩绘陶质明器渐渐走向衰落。目前彩绘石质文物在山东最早见于汉代画像石,在北朝时期的佛教造像上得到极大发展。继承了汉代陶俑塑、绘结合的雕塑形式,将外来的宗教艺术中国化了,其细腻的刻画,对形体比例的准且把握,使中国的雕塑艺术达到了一个高峰。  相似文献   
本文以云南省档案馆92-2-97号民国档案为中心,结合口述历史笔记及相关文献资料,对二战前赴缅腾冲人的人口学特征、职业特点、文化认同进行了分析,得出结论,二战前腾冲人赴缅多系"少小离家",宗亲、乡亲网络促进了其外迁行为;二战前夕,缅甸腾冲人多贩卖杂货谋生,其商号规模相对有限,但仍具备较强经济实力;旅居缅甸时间越久,腾冲人家庭涵化于当地社会的程度越深,即便如此,缅甸腾冲人群体仍保有一定文化异质性。  相似文献   
刘知白先生是现代山水画系中的一位隐士型画家,其泼墨山水取得的杰出成就,不仅在于笔墨语言和审美观念方面的突破,还在于图式构成中亦自成面目,深受美术界关注。刘知白具有极深的传统功力,他的艺术路子广阔,山水、花鸟俱佳,而且在诗与书法方面皆有造诣。值得一提的是,刘知白先生的指画在方法上延续了传统模式,但是却能融入画家个人情怀和时代精神,他擅长以极为简淡物象,抒写心志,表达如诗的山水意境,有着较高的研究价值。  相似文献   
长江中游新石器时代的显著成就和特色文化现象   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本将长江中游的新石器化置于全国新石器时代的总体背景下,侧重于比较研究的视角,选取了五个方面的问题——聚落与建筑,栽培稻起源和史前稻作农业,白陶和彩陶,普用的巫物陶偶,高一级的灵物玉雕人首和动物,列举实证,以阐述长江中游新石器时代若干较显的成就和特色鲜明的化现象。  相似文献   
从十九世纪的早期移民、二十世纪早期的中国难民、二战后到加尔各答的移民、职业特性等方面阐述了加尔各答华侨华人的移民模式、经济特性、努力奋斗成为当地居民的过程及其为当地经济发展所作的贡献。  相似文献   
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