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The present paper is a review of the functional analysis of prehistoric flint tool edges by means of high-power microscopy. The article, which focuses exclusively on West European research, discusses a series of methodological issues and problems related to the development and distinctiveness of the so-called wear polishes, produced by the various materials with which prehistoric stone tools came in contact. A selection of functional observations on tool use from the Upper Paleolithic, the Mesolithic, and the Neolithic periods is presented. The archaeological part of the review is concerned with two trends in functional analysis, namely, (1) controlled site-specific studies with different levels of foci and (2) thematic studies of particular tool types, e.g., endscrapers, burins, and unmodified débitage. Finally, problems concerning the interpretation of hafting and of multiple tool use are discussed.  相似文献   
Some uncertainty amongst archaeologists about dendrochronology has prompted an explanation of some of the points which cause most concern. These include the probability of obtaining a date for a wood sample and the reliability and accuracy of that date. Uses of tree-ring analysis, other than for dating, are also mentioned.  相似文献   
2001~2005年,上海博物馆考古研究部对广富林遗址进行多次发掘。该遗址遗存共分三个阶段,第一阶段大致相当于良渚文化第四期;第二阶段既同第一阶段之间存在文化延续性,又包含一部分非当地传统的龙山时代文化因素;第三阶段即广富林文化,其中的良渚义化因素较少,却同于油坊类型的关系比较密切。  相似文献   
A pattern recognition approach to spatial analysis is applied to artifact distributions from the Magdalenian site of Pincevent, Section 36. Patterning is investigated using a κ-means cluster analysis that permits iterative mapping of artifact distributions at several scales of spatial complexity. Multiple scales of patterning are recognized in the Pincevent distributions. These patterns are assessed in terms of those discovered by the excavators through intensive visual inspection of the materials. Basic concordance is seen between these two approaches. Finally, the analysis detects more detailed patterning. A relationship between artifact abundance and location seems to hold constant throughout the site.  相似文献   
大辛庄遗址出土的一件玉龙,据其形态和装饰风格判断,应为凌家滩文化玉器。本文还收集到几件商代和汉代的凌家滩文化玉龙的仿品。大辛庄遗址发现的玉龙、玉虎在墓葬中的位置与濮阳西水坡发现的蚌塑龙虎相似,二者可能具有相同或相近的文化意义。  相似文献   
郭玮 《中原文物》2012,(2):30-34
新郑望京楼城址并非与亳为邻的葛墟,也不可能为昆吾之居。综合相关文献记载和考古学资料,其极有可能为夏商时期的郑父之丘。  相似文献   
2003年10月焦作市文物工作队发现一座西晋墓(2003JHM1),清理出武士俑、牛车、角兽、马、灶、井、多子槅、俑等文物23件(套)。根据墓葬形制与随葬品判断此墓时代为西晋中期。  相似文献   
邓振华  高玉 《南方文物》2012,(1):156-163
植物遗存的分析显示,八里岗遗址前仰韶时期的植物性食物资源主要是水稻和橡子等,经济方式上农业与采集并存。自仰韶时期开始,则一直保持了稻粟黍的作物组合,但各种作物的比例在不同时期存在一定的变化,同时这种变化与该遗址的考古学文化变迁是相符的,从农业经济的角度体现了南北方文化的消长过程。稻属穗轴形态的分析则表明该遗址驯化穗轴自前仰韶时期开始一直保持了很高的比例,驯化过程可能很早就已完成。此外,从对杂草遗存的分析结果来看,该遗址整个新石器时代的作物加工模式或许没有发生太大的变化,作物加工的大部分步骤都是在遗址上进行的。  相似文献   
以往关于中国古代城市选址的研究多注重宏观因素,本文认为虽然这些宏观要素对于城市选址起到了一定的决定因素,但城址最终是由人来选择的,而人对于各种因素、利弊必然有着不同的认识,其结果不是一种必然。地理因素或者宏观因素在很大程度上决定了在某一区域中可能会产生城市,但是否产生了城市以及城市的微观选址则是由人决定的。这些问题是以往研究所忽视的。本文认为城市选址是一种过程,是一种以人为主体的"人地关系"。  相似文献   
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