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It is well known that local soil conditions play a key role in the amplification of earthquake waves. In particular, a liquefiable shallow soil layer may produce a significant influence on ground motion during strong earthquakes. In this paper, the response of a liquefiable site during the 1995 Kobe earthquake is studied using vertical array records, with particular attention on the effects of nonlinear soil behaviour and liquefaction on the ground motion. Variations of the characteristics of the recorded ground motions are analysed using the spectral ratio technique, and the nonlinearity occurring in the shallow liquefied layer during earthquake is identified. A fully coupled, inelastic finite element analysis of the response of the array site is performed. The calculated stress-strain histories of soils and excess pore water pressures at different depths are presented, and their relations to the characteristics of the ground motions are addressed.  相似文献   
The Middle Paleolithic industry of the Sibiryachikha facies is described on the basis of two stratified sites in the Altai – Okladnikov Cave (formerly Sibiryachikha) and Chagyrskaya Cave. Stratigrtraphic, environmental, and chronological aspects are discussed. The structure of two cave sites is analyzed. Petrographic properties of raw material are described and the typology and technology of the lithic industry are compared with those of other local Middle Paleolithic traditions. The Sibiryachikha facies of the Altai Middle Paleolithic represented by two sites was clearly associated with a small group of Neanderthals who migrated from western Central Asia. Eventually the Middle Paleolithic industry evolved into a local variant of the Upper Paleolithic.  相似文献   

As stated in the Burra Charter (1979) ‘A building or work should remain in its historical location. The moving of all or part of a building or work is unacceptable unless it is the sole means of ensuring its survival’. This statement has been neglected many times during rescue excavations in Turkey (e.g. Zeugma), whereas the destruction of ancient floor mosaics caused by lifting, especially when carried out by incompetent or inexperienced personnel at systematic archaeological excavations, has steered the authorities desire to preserve them in situ. However, due to the lack of conservation professionals and insufficient resources for conservation, it becomes a difficult issue to provide an effective preservation scheme for archaeological excavations. This paper aims to discuss this important issue in terms of the national legislation, preventative and interventive conservation approaches at various sites, exhibition and maintenance of mosaics, as well as the training of conservation technicians in Turkey.  相似文献   
考古发掘现场脆弱遗迹提取关系到遗迹长期保存及后续保护修复,因此要求提取方法科学、严谨,所用材料安全、有效。本文以考古发掘现场文物保护与修复工作实际出发,总结了提取材料的要求与原则,回顾了考古发掘现场出土脆弱遗迹所用的石膏提取、聚氨酯泡沫提取、环十二烷提取以及薄荷醇提取等几种方法的使用情况,评述了其提取工艺及性能,并对考古发掘现场出土脆弱遗迹提取方法未来研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   
金沙遗址出土金蛙之寓意探析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据文献记载和考古资料的探析,金沙遗址盎箔蛙形怖是古代蜀人的崇奉象征,是举行“祭蛙求雨”祭祀仪式后的珍贵遗存,  相似文献   
本文通过对淅川黄楝树屈家岭文化聚落形态进行深入分析,揭示了当时的某些社会结构特点.文章认为,黄楝树遗址的屈家岭文化建筑群在平面布局上既表现出很强的整体性,又允许各家房屋保持其相对的独立性.折射出当时的社会结构,一方面亲族组织具有很强的凝聚力和影响力,另一方面家庭私有制已经出现,家庭已成为基本生产和消费单位.  相似文献   
Abstract:  This paper examines how male Polish builders in London construct themselves relationally to English builders as they negotiate their place within the labour hierarchies of the building site and in the London labour market. This is based on semi-structured interviews and participant photographs taken by Polish migrants arriving in the aftermath of the European Union expansion in May 2004, and now working in building sites across London. These buildings sites are mundane elements of a global city which employ transnational labour, and where differences between Polish and English builders become significant discursive tools of survival in a competitive labour market. The paper illustrates how Polish workers mark themselves as "superior" to English builders through the versatility of their embodied skills, work ethic, artistic qualities, and finesse in their social interactions on the building site. This paper thus provides new ways of understanding the meanings of work and the complexity of identity politics within the spaces of low-paid manual work in a global city.  相似文献   
湖北襄樊市黄家村遗址周代灰坑的清理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2005年11月至2007年6月,对湖北襄樊市黄家村遗址进行发掘,其中2个周代灰坑H5、H19保存较好,出土鬲、甗、豆、盂、罐、罍、器盖等陶器共112件。H5的年代为西周晚期,H19的年代为春秋早、中期之际。黄家村遗址周代灰坑所出典型器物的形制演变序列清晰,这为探讨早期楚文化的来源提供了重要线索。  相似文献   
位于新疆塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地的安迪尔古城遗址曾经是古"丝绸之路"上沟通东西方交通的要冲.遗址中的标志性建筑廷姆佛塔历经千年沧桑,由于自然和人为的破坏,毁损严重.为了对佛塔实施抢救性保护,同时积累在沙漠干旱地区维修土遗址的经验,在现场勘查中发现,佛塔的主要病害有风蚀、水蚀、裂隙发育、坍塌和盗洞扩张等.其中.尤其以风蚀的危害最为致命.为此决定采用当地传统的加固土建筑的方法,主要对佛塔的地基进行加固,同时填充盗洞.这种加固方法效果良好.通过这次加固安迪尔古城佛塔的实践可看到,抢险加固沙漠地区的土遗址.要认真分析各种病害的发育状况,要针对主要病害,优先处理那些危及建筑物整体结构稳定性的病害隐患.本研究可为将来实施全面维修保护奠定良好的基础.  相似文献   
2003巴东故县坪遗址发掘简报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
故县坪遗址发现有汉至六朝时期和明清时期的大批遗迹和遗物,其中汉至六朝时期的灰坑遗迹中出土了大量的石器和陶器,器形主要有石凿、石环、石饼、陶瓮、陶罐等,是恩施自治州内陆腹地保存最好的古文化遗址.  相似文献   
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