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This chapter sets out to reconsider the interrelation and non-identity between tribal and kinship relations in South-Western Arabia's history through three cumulative methodological steps that are in part inspired by renewed debates on kinship in anthropology, but also by the École des Annales and other historians such as David Sabaean. A first step identifies different legacies of interactions between history and anthropology in the Euro-American academic record after 1945, and specifies their relevance for today. In a next step, prevailing relations between tribal structures and kinship relations will be assessed through a long-distance comparison between the medieval constellations in the Zaydi highlands of Yemen and elsewhere in Asia for an eleventh century time horizon. Thirdly, the outcome of this comparative analysis should then provide some indicators for a fresh assessment of existing source materials through anthropological perspectives, with special emphasis on gender, kinship and hierarchies. The argument concludes with a discussion of “multiple histories”, and how to approach and write them.  相似文献   
A.F. Pollard*     
A.F. Pollard is now better remembered for founding the Institute of Historical Research than he is for his scholarship. In his heyday, however, Pollard was a formidable and prolific historian, primarily of parliament and the Tudor period. Pollard has been characterised both as a modernist and as a whig historian. Rejecting romantic invocations of liberty, he extolled instead the sovereign nation state, pinpointing the 16th century as the moment when it was achieved. Pollard rejected anachronistic accounts of parliament's development: for him, the assembly had grown by accident (out of the medieval king's council), rather than by design. This adaptability had ensured parliament's longevity and would preserve it into the future. Pollard revered the English parliament all the more for its embodiment of this national good fortune. Pollard helped to professionalise the discipline of history, but his own writings could be found wanting when measured against the standards that he had advocated. Criticism of his approach and assumptions comes easily now. Yet, upon reacquaintance, historians of parliament may find enduring interest in Pollard's shrewd and extensive work.  相似文献   
马士是西方公认的汉学先驱之一。在中国海关任职长达30余年的时间里,撰写了一系列有关中国问题的著作,它们对20世纪前半期西方的中国历史学著作产生了深刻的影响。他的许多有关中国近代对外关系的著作,不仅开启了国外中国近代史研究的先声,为国外中国近代史研究奠定了坚实的基础,而且拓宽了西方汉学的研究领域,对西方现代汉学的发展起了重要的推逐作用。  相似文献   
In this article, I analyse the production and reception of a 1923 social monograph on migrant communities in New England and in doing so: (1) outline an archaeology of the social sciences in the U.S., by analysing aspects of their development, dynamics, institutional politics and research agendas; (2) discuss the tensions between social, racial and cultural interpretations of inequalities in the political economy of the 1920s; (3) analyse the pervasiveness of racialist thinking in science, society and politics, its impact in the hierarchization of groups for purposes of border control, and how the targeted groups responded to it.  相似文献   
科默·V.伍德沃德在美国是享有盛誉的南部史专家,同时也是一位非常活跃的社会活动家。在长期的学术实践中他形成了注重史学的社会功能、强调历史发展的非连续性和善用反讽的史学研究风格。他以自己对美国南部历史与现实的深切关怀,积极推动了南部史的研究。其贡献既表现在对新的史学领域和问题的开拓,也体现在围绕他的著述所展开的学术商榷、学术批评中,以及由此而形成的良性的学术研究氛围上。  相似文献   
论《儒藏》"史部"的分类问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《儒藏》是儒学文献的大型丛书。由于儒学自古无“藏”,因此儒学文献也还没有自己的著录体系。四川大学所承担的国家“211工程”、“985工程”以及中国孔子基金会重大项目“《儒藏》编纂”,采用“三藏二十四目”的《儒藏》分类体系,对儒学史文献进行全面的省察和系统归类,对《儒藏》“史部”文献则用“孔孟类”、“学案类”、“碑传类”、“史传类”、“年谱类”、“别传类”、“杂史类”来进行分类编纂。  相似文献   
本文概述了费正清“中国世界秩序”观及其对西方中国近代史研究的影响,认为费氏的理论在中国边疆史地研究中也有着积极意义,特别是在中华民族共同意识和共同价值观的形成以及历代边疆的治理及中国疆域的确立等方面。  相似文献   
海峡文化圈是历史上汉族文化南下开发东南地区的过程中,与当地闽越文化相结合,应对海峡地区特定的自然地理条件的挑战而逐步形成的一个区域文化单元。它具有多维的空间内涵和突出的文化特征;在引进和创新科技、促合经济文化互动和整合区域内部文化差异方面,表现出很强的活力。在当代社会历史条件下重构海峡文化圈,有着深刻的历史必然性。  相似文献   
《河南通史》是河南省“八五”社会科学规划重点项目成果,填补了河南地区没有地方通史的空白。该书在研究特色上有自己的特点和优长之处,也有较高的学术价值。主要表现在:既在全国整体中写河南,又注意突出河南地方特色;注重中国古代历史上的一些重大问题的研究;资料翔实,既广泛运用典型的正史资料,又充分使用方志资料,并重视使用考古资料,实现了考古与文献资料的结合;注意吸收学术界的最新成果,观点多有创新。不足之处是,某些观点还有可商榷之处,各卷之间的布局不够均衡,某些部分显得单薄。  相似文献   
2007年高等教育出版社出版的《中国近现代史纲要》具有鲜明的文化发展意识、民族发展意识、史学批评意识、历史总结意识和自觉的会通意识等特点。该书的面世不仅有助于推动高校学生思想政治教育的深入和历史教育的进一步发展,而且还在一定意义上体现出当代中国马克思主义史学的理论意义和发展趋势,可以看作是中国马克思主义史学工作者进入21世纪后对中国近现代史的最新研究和解读。  相似文献   
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