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2015年12月-2016年2月,考古工作者对鸡岽山遗址进行了抢救性考古发掘,发现并清理了先秦时期的文化遗存。遗迹仅见灰坑,遗物主要为陶器、石器,发掘区域可能是聚落的生产生活垃圾倾倒场所。鸡岽山遗址的发掘对认识后山文化面貌,完善本地区考古学文化序列具有积极的意义。  相似文献   
本文是此长文的中篇,主要探索黄河上中游地区,在公元前3000年—前1600年间的玉器文化。从考古资料可知,约于公元前2300年前,分布于六盘山周围的客省庄文化、常山下层文化、菜园文化、半山文化等与齐家文化的形成关系密切,笔者统称之为"先齐家诸文化"。齐家文化可能形成于公元前2600年前后,但约自公元前2300年以降,迅速发展成地域甚广的强势文化,尤其是在该文化晚期,已分布至陕北高原西侧,北达河套地区。承袭了可能萌芽于庙底沟文化时的"璧琮礼制",先齐家时期已在祭祀坑里将琮与璧上下叠压掩埋,此时玉石琮也有了浅圈形的射口,或是为了固定二器的叠压而设计。齐家文化遗址较多,本文从墓葬、房址、祭祀坑等各方面作了分析研究。  相似文献   
2018年6至8月,为配合花莞高速公路建设,广州市文物考古研究院对广州市增城区松丁山遗址进行了抢救性发掘。该遗址遗存主要为先秦时期,包括墓葬、灰坑、柱洞以及陶器、石器等遗物。其中第一期遗存,兼具珠三角、粤东、粤北文化特色,为研究三地文化交流与传播提供了新的材料。  相似文献   
This article examines the emerging intrusion of sport into the realm of cultural policy in tandem with an increased emphasis on culture in civic planning programs. The empirical focus of the article is on the location of sport within recent campaigns by British regional cities to win the title of European City of Culture, to be conferred in 2008. The particular case study considered is the unsuccessful joint bid put forward by Newcastle‐upon‐Tyne and Gateshead. The article looks at how the economic revival of Newcastle has been driven by cultural regeneration, and at how sport has assumed a prominent place within the cultural symbolism and iconography of the city. Consideration is given to the policy background and implications; in particular, the developing links between sport policy and cultural policy and sport considered in relation to the “creative industries” and the arts as more traditionally perceived. The article offers critical reflection upon the role of sport within the desired cultural democracy of the planners and promoters of the “city of culture”.  相似文献   
The fundamental aim of the cultural policy of the European Union (EU) is to emphasize the obvious cultural diversity of Europe, while looking for some underlying common elements which unify the various cultures in Europe. Through these common elements, the EU policy produces ‘an imagined cultural community’ of Europe which is ‘united in diversity’, as one of the slogans of the Union states. This discourse characterizes various documents which are essential to the EU cultural policy, such as the Treaty of Lisbon, the European Agenda for Culture and the EU’s decision on the European Capital of Culture program. In addition, the discourse is applied to the production of cultural events in European Capitals of Culture in practice. On all levels of the EU’s cultural policy, the rhetoric of European cultural identity and its ‘unitedness in diversity’ is related with the ideas and practices of fostering common cultural heritage.  相似文献   
This paper examines the ways in which international historical archaeologists have explored the recent past, in an effort to inform and contribute to contemporary debates about social identity and social inclusion. It is argued that the archaeology of the mundane and everyday can contribute to contemporary culture by creating a sense of community and developing social cohesion. Emphasis is placed upon the archaeology of the recent urban past and case studies are presented from New York, Sydney and Cape Town. The paper concludes that the study of the materiality of urban social life offers a powerful research tool for social scientists, and that archaeologists and heritage interpreters should make greater use of this form of evidence within the context of early 21st‐century urban regeneration schemes in the UK.  相似文献   
This article presents an ethnographic case study of the relationship between the development of heritage tourism, and the role of material culture in memory practices in rural Southern France. Drawing on anthropological fieldwork in the village of Monadières, it provides an analysis of how artefacts in the locality's built environment have been renovated and revalued in a climate of historical change. This was the consequence of varied acts of commemoration by both independent individuals and the local council in which heritage tourism development was not necessarily the end‐goal. Nevertheless, these acts were implicated in the council's ‘disciplinary programme’ to produce a local infrastructure for heritage tourism. The article therefore explores how this industry co‐habits with and colonises modern memory practices at a micro‐level. To this end it adapts analytical tools from the anthropology of time, which enable an integrative analysis of these differing ‘temporalisations’ of the past.  相似文献   

A fundamental question in heritage studies is how heritage is constructed, how selection processes operate to transform some places, objects and practices into heritage and not some others. A significant site for heritage construction is the family and its relation to its material culture. The present Survey analyses how individuals within families relate to favoured objects and shows that the creation of material identity is crucial to a family's sense of wellbeing. However a gender difference emerges; for men the passage of time produces significant objects which are valued accordingly, but for women, objects are the passage of time. This has a significant impact on what eventually emerges as family heritage, and consequently upon how public heritage is created.  相似文献   
Since “museumland” was revisited in the 1980s, different authors have studied the history of colonial museums in Europe within a broader discussion on colonial bias, the creation of traditions and the theory of representation. It has become clear, for example, how African utensils were exported to Europe, where they were exhibited as curiosa, ethnographical objects or art. But what happened when the very notion of the museum was exported back to Africa? Who created these institutes and in what context? Was the relationship between colonizers and colonized altered? Did the “social life” of the objects on show change? And what was the relationship between the “old” museums in Europe and the “new” ones created in the colony? These questions have rarely been studied. In this article, the creation of the Musée Léopold II will be used as a basis to offer insight into the links between colonial “science” and “policy”, which proved not to be as monolithic as often portrayed, but rather were complex amalgamations of different opinions and even conflicting interests.  相似文献   
Despite the elaborate means human beings deploy to render the world predictable and transparent, we nevertheless continually confront situations which are uncertain and opaque. This is especially so in the modern world, in which supralocal institutions and information mediated from afar allow the actions of unaccounted strangers beyond our face‐to‐face knowledge to affect us closely. One of the chief means we use to gain purchase in such situations is to document them, and documentary’s main technique is to move the at‐first‐unknown persons into an understandable narrative: hence the idea that some unknown others (“inchoate pronouns”) become understandable characters (“proper nouns”). This theory is elaborated through a journalistic documentation of the attack on the World Trade Center, a literary representation of the occupation of France during the Second World War, and an ethnographic depiction of current difficulties in East Germany.  相似文献   
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