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考古发现的西高穴二号墓,其墓葬形制、规格明确。通过与其墓葬形制、规格相近的东汉晚期河北定县北陵头M32、徐州土山东汉墓、山东济宁普育小学汉墓和三国时代偃师杏园M36和M34、安徽马鞍山朱然及其家族墓、马鞍山宋山东吴墓、南京上坊孙吴墓等对比研究,西高穴二号墓应为东汉晚期至魏晋时期高等级墓葬。西高穴二号墓出土遗物研究,又进一步推定该墓时代为东汉晚期。通过对西高穴二号墓发现的刻铭石牌文字内容和字体时代、西高穴二号墓出土男性人头骨与文献记载的曹操去世年龄、西门豹祠遗址和邺城遗址与西高穴二号墓相对分布位置、出土"鲁潜墓志"与西高穴二号墓地望关系、西高穴二号墓的地势和"不树不封"现象与历史文献记载、中国古代帝王陵墓与都城位置关系等六方面,论证西高穴二号墓墓主人就是曹操,西高穴二号墓就是"曹操高陵"。  相似文献   
2007年许昌市文物工作队抢救性发掘一批墓葬,其中两座金代墓葬,虽被盗扰过,但仍出土各类随葬品27件.其出土的钧瓷,可作为钧瓷断代研究的参考.M2为壁画墓,壁画内容表现了墓主人生前日常生活的场景.这两座墓葬的发掘,为研究金代历史、佛教流传、金人的丧葬习俗等方面提供了珍贵的资料.  相似文献   
西域文化的影响是白瓷在华北初步发展的一个历史要素。早期白瓷从视觉形式上讲,具有模仿西域银器和玻璃器的特征;从技术上讲,得益于西域碱金属玻璃配方及碱釉技术的渗透。从北朝后期至隋代,粟特人和突厥人在中亚丝绸之路上的合作,极大地促进了西风东渐,这是早期白瓷的时代背景中最重要的因素。  相似文献   
盱眙东阳汉墓两件木胎漆器髹漆工艺探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
江苏盱眙县境内的东阳秦汉古墓群是一处重要的秦汉遗址.迄今为止,墓葬出土了大批精美的漆器,为了解汉代广陵国髹漆工艺提供了珍贵的资料.为了解其髹漆工艺特点,采用了切片技术、X射线衍射光谱(XRD)、X射线荧光光谱(XRF)和傅立叶红外吸收光谱(FTIR)等分析方法对其中两件木胎漆器进行了分析研究.漆膜切片显示素色漆器的漆膜由漆灰层和黑色漆层构成,而彩绘漆器由三层结构组成.分别为灰地、底漆层和色漆层;XRD图谱发现漆灰层中的填料主要为石英(AiO2)和钠长石(NaAISi3O8),漆膜中的红色颜料为朱砂(HgS);红色漆膜的XRF显示了其主要元素是Hg和S,包括Ca、Si、Cu和Fe等微量元素.漆膜的FTIR分析数据显示漆膜中在1630cm-1和1576cm-1处存在着可能是苯环骨架振动的红外吸收峰.研究结果说明了本地髹漆工艺主要分为三个步骤:1)髹漆灰,漆灰层是由生漆调和研磨成细粒的钠长石矿物构成,它能制作出厚度约0.1~0.2 mm薄漆灰层;2)髹底漆,厚度约为0.02~0.09 mm;3)彩绘,红色漆膜中的颜料为朱砂,朱砂含有微量的Ca、Si、Cu和Fe等杂质,表明其来自矿采.  相似文献   
A dated (1773) openwork basket labelled “PHILADELFIA” attributed to the Bonnin and Morris factory has a lead-bearing, silicious–aluminous–calcic (S-A-C) composition that contrasts with the phosphatic (bone ash) porcelains known to have previously been made during the mid-1760s to early 1770s in what is now the United States. The basket was underfired and so contains relics of a flint (Pb) glass flux, but kiln temperatures were nonetheless sufficient for subsolidus pseudowollastonite and anorthite to have been resorbed, implying that the duration of firing (soaking) near peak kiln temperatures was insufficient to ensure thorough vitrification. During cooling, liquidus pseudowollastonite and silica polymorphs (but not anorthite) formed, showing that the melt was confined to the tridymite–pseudowollastonite cotectic above the Trd–Wol–An eutectic (1170 °C) in the SiO2–Al2O3–CaO system. Rapid cooling is also indicated by quenched silica polymorphs in the relict glass particles. Although Bonnin and Morris employed some former Bow (London, c. 1743–74) workers, the S-A-C wares initially produced by this factory are compositionally distinct from the 1773 basket, which in this regard more closely resembles the body and glaze of a reputed Chelsea triangle-period (London, c. 1745–49) vessel. Regardless of how they obtained this technology, it is ironic that Bonnin and Morris chose to abandon phosphatic pastes in favour of what in Britain had become an obsolete formula.  相似文献   
This work presents the results of an investigation of the painting technique used in the Etruscan tomb “Tomba della Quadriga Infernale”. This tomb was discovered in Sarteano (Siena, Italy) in October 2003 and dated back to the second half of the 4th century BC. Red, dark red, pink, yellow, white, black, and grey colours were used in the tomb in order to create paintings, which now represent a very precious record of the Etruscan art of wall painting in a hypogeal environment. The technical features of the painting were revealed by stratigraphy using optical and electronic microscopy. The components and preparatory layers of the painted areas were characterized using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis (SEM-EDS), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS). XRD, SEM-EDS, and optical microscopic techniques were also used for mineralogical analysis of the rock substrate. The SEM-EDS and FTIR analyses showed that red and yellow ochre, calcite, and vegetable charcoal were used to paint the walls of the tomb: the pigments, either alone or mixed together, were utilized to produce pure colours (red, yellow, white, and black) and intermediate tonalities (pink, dark red, and grey). SEM-EDS, FTIR, and XRD highlighted that the painting was made on a preparatory layer of calcite, applied onto a levelling material made up of calcite, clay minerals, quartz, and iron oxides. GC/MS analyses revealed that egg was used as an organic binder to disperse the pigments.  相似文献   
明渤泥国王墓位于南京市南郊石子岗,山东德州北郊亦有苏禄国王墓,两墓皆按明代藩王墓规制营建,风格亦相似。两墓与明代藩王墓、明品官墓地在形制、石雕等方面进行比较后可以得出几点认识:明朝对渤泥国王的隆重安葬证明了两国之间的友好关系;渤泥国与明王朝的关系有宗主国和藩属国的色彩;从渤泥国王墓的石像生的风格可推断其作用及雕刻艺术水平与前代相比稍逊。  相似文献   
近年安徽省考古工作者在安徽省蚌埠市双墩和凤阳县卞庄分别发掘了春秋时期钟离国大型土坑圆形墓葬。两墓形制独特,遗迹现象复杂,随葬品丰厚精美,为研究钟离国的地望、历史、文化和春秋时期墓葬形制结构、埋葬习俗以及淮河中游地域文化等提供了重要资料。  相似文献   
2002年仪征新集螃蟹地发现一座新莽时期墓葬,墓中出土了一批精美铜器、漆器等,由铜器铭文推知墓主为汉代广陵国贵族,此墓为研究西汉晚期广陵国文化、经济、丧葬习俗及铜器制造工艺等提供了宝贵的实物资料。  相似文献   
为配合修建合徐高速公路,安徽省文物考古研究所于2001年对濉溪县马桥乡董楼行政村蒋店的古代墓葬进行了发掘,共清理宋代墓葬51座,多为单室墓,双室和多室墓仅占少数。墓葬平面形制可分为腰鼓形、船形、蝉形、圆形及"中"字形,出土器物较少,仅见铜镜、瓷碗、铜饰品等。这批墓的大致年代当在北宋晚期。  相似文献   
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