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《法苑珠林校注》匡补   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《法苑珠林》,是唐释道世于唐高宗总章元年(公元668年)编成的一部佛教类书,具有极高的史料价值与文献价值。此书历来未作认真校点整理。2003年底,由周叔迦、苏晋仁两位先生撰作的《法苑珠林校注》得由中华书局出版问世,实为嘉惠学林之盛事。从总体上看,《校注》校勘精当,注释亦要言不烦,是一项质量较高的古籍整理成果。但是由于《法苑珠林》中所收佛教文献来源复杂,时代亦有先后,加之古人编集类书,又有随意更改的通病,故错讹之处不少,要一一厘正,绝非易事。且佛教文献中,不仅多佛教术语、外来译语,又较多当时口语、俗语,若不明于此,断句标点亦易致误。本文就奉读该书过程中发现之20条校点可商之处,略加考辩,敷衍成文.就正于方家。  相似文献   
杨效忠  严星雨 《人文地理》2022,37(3):1-6+162
近年来,旅游业已然成为中国国民经济的战略性支柱产业,但以经济发展为主要目标的旅游研究却呈现出固化和乏味的态势。未来旅游研究应科学与哲学齐头并进,与生命哲学的结合,更是旅游研究顺应时代发展的应有之义。文章以生命哲学研究的主要内容梳理为切入点,探索旅游生命观的形成,以生命哲学视野下的旅游概念与本质为整个研究体系的逻辑起点,分析生命哲学视域下旅游发展的内在机理,从矛盾论、价值论的视角逐步探讨未来旅游的研究与实践方向。结合当今时代特征,发现生命哲学下的旅游本质应是体察风景、体验生活与体悟生命的统合。人与自然共同构建生命共同体,科学旅游发展观应转向“以生命为本”,未来旅游的最终目的是促进人的生命自由和全面发展,实现人与自然的生命延续。  相似文献   
This paper is the outcome of a lecture held at the Institute of Archaeology, University College London. It provides a summary in English of the archaeozoological research work which has been carried out in Central Europe during the last 30 years, with special reference to material from medieval times. It is shown that a thorough zoological analysis of bones from excavations provides much information for historical interpretation. Not only was the ratio of wild and domestic animals or of the different species of interest, but also the age and sex structure of the population by taking the function of the site into consideration. Some observations on animal teeth gave indications of distinctive handicrafts. Cut marks on cervical vertebrae of horse skeletons found as grave goods from early medieval times were considered in connection with beliefs and juridical conceptions of that time.  相似文献   
试论夏商城市水利设施及其功能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文就考古所见夏商城址内的水利遗存进行了分析,对夏商城市水利设施的种类、功能、渊源等相关问题进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   
马家浜文化区的环境研究,以往都以1000年左右为尺度,即把马家浜文化作为一个基本时间单元来分析,所得结论是粗线条或大趋势性的。在马家浜文化研究近半个世纪的今天,我们已经有条件提取更多信息,变趋势性考察为过程性研究,进而描绘这一时期更加细微的演化曲线,构建人地关系景观。  相似文献   
鸠·鸠杖·鸠车   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
鸠杖、鸠车在汉代甚为流行。对于这一文化现象,作者在对鸠的原始造型及其文化含义作简要分析的基础上,进一步剖析鸠杖、鸠车在汉代受到青眯的原因,指出鸠杖、鸠车流行于汉代是当时尊老爱幼之风甚盛的物质体现。  相似文献   
襄樊邓城区域是楚文化遗存分布的一个重要区域。1971年以来先后发掘了四处楚文化遗址和八处楚文化墓地,并出土了大量的楚文化遗物,其时代可分为春秋早、中、晚期和战国早、中、晚期。本文对该区楚墓地的分布、特点、性质、墓主人身份和与邓城遗址及周围遗址的关系等进行了初步研究。  相似文献   
Among 554 skulls of adult individuals from the ossuary at K𝔯̌tiny, Moravia (late thirteenth to the mid-eighteenth centuryAD ), three (0.54 per cent) showed evidence of malignant tumours and two others (0.36 per cent) had changes suggestive of unusual benign tumours, which are described in the present article. The calvarium of a 20–25-year-old female has two osteoplastic overgrowths in the region of the left tuber parietale and in the left lateral part of the frontal bone. A macroscopic section showed a porotic structure with regularily arranged trabeculae. This was confirmed by radiographic examination, which detected two similar smaller shadows, and by histology and scanning electron microscopy, which showed the non-lamellar, unevenly calcified structure of these curious multiple osteomatous formations (osteomas, hyperostosis). A calvarium of a 40–50-year-old male showed a horseshoe-shaped excavation in the posterior part of the processi palatini of the maxilla, with destruction of the lower half of the nasal septum and the paramedial structures of the nasal cavity. These defects were well delimited macroscopically, radiographically and histologically, and seemed to be the result of pressure atrophy, perhaps from a slow growing benign tumour such as a fibroma or angiofibroma.  相似文献   
20世纪50年代以来,宁波地区两晋墓葬发掘已不下百座,通过对这些墓葬的分布状况、形制结构、营造方式、纪年铭刻、随葬器物、装饰风格等的分析,反映出该地区两晋墓葬的特点以及流行的丧葬习俗。  相似文献   
清代康乾时期,《扬州画舫录》已成为一个相当成熟和具有鲜明特点的地方曲种。该曲种表现在活动方式趋于多样,名家辈出,影响深广,曲牌、曲目题材和内容丰富多彩,与昆曲相互吸收和融合,一些文士参加了清曲唱本的创作等诸多方面。  相似文献   
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