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A major theme of current archaeological research in the Middle Atlantic region of Eastern North America is the recognition of cultural variability across space and through time. The most significant culture change experienced during the entire time frame of regional prehistory occurred ca. 5000 B.P., when there were major changes in regional environments. Before 5000 B.P., adaptations were characterized by small groups of mobile hunters and gatherers. After 5000 B.P., there were continued growth in regional populations and increases in sedentism, intensive use of a limited range of food resources, social group size, and social complexity.  相似文献   
张超华 《四川文物》2020,(1):107-116
通过统计学分析、定量分析等方法的运用,以性别考古为研究视角,从墓葬结构、死亡年龄、随葬品、合葬墓及二次葬等方面揭示了王因墓地所反映的两性差异。王因墓地两性在墓葬结构、墓室面积、死亡年龄上并未有明显的差别,而在生产工具、装饰品、随葬猪骨、合葬墓及二次葬等方面差异明显。具体表现为:石锛、石铲、石斧等主要为男性所使用,纺轮、石球主要为女性所使用;女性以腕臂环饰为主,男性则以发饰为主;男性以随葬猪下颌骨为主,女性则多随葬猪肢骨;合葬墓中,随葬品多摆放在男性一侧;二次葬多发生于男性墓葬。王因墓地的社会性质推测为母系氏族社会,婚姻形态或处于偶婚制阶段。  相似文献   
我国古代先民很早就意识到琥珀的装饰和药用价值,汉代开始从西域引入琥珀,唐代时琥珀已比较常见。我国古代琥珀多为进口琥珀,琥珀产地分析可以反映中外文化交流情况。国内仅对私人琥珀藏品进行过分析,考古出土琥珀的科技分析尚未见报道。本研究通过红外光谱分析,判定成都光华村街低阶官员唐墓出土红色饰品为琥珀;再与若干产地的琥珀开展红外光谱对比,鉴定其产地为波罗的海地区。琥珀经过丝绸之路到达蜀地并为低阶官员所使用,足见唐代琥珀制品的盛行及当时国际贸易文化交流的盛况。  相似文献   
This article makes a contribution to the emerging study of alternative, indigenous and subaltern archaeologies, using the Mediterranean island of Crete as a case study. My focus is on the crucial political developments that took place during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, particularly the establishment of the Cretan State. These developments coincided with and facilitated the consolidation of archaeology as a scientific discipline and a state policy on the island. The Cretan population of the countryside ‘contested’ the new attitudes towards the material past by persevering with embedded practices that questioned the validity of scientific approaches. What kind of indigenous imagination underscored such practices? And how did the peasants interact with the new dogma regarding antiquities? Contrary to other groups involved, such as local and Western archaeologists, the rural Cretans remain among the ‘great unknowns’: accounts of relevant events by their own pen are scarce, highlighting the importance of oral historical sources. I therefore present these people through the voices of the others. Archival material such as administrative documents, correspondence, memoirs and newspaper articles, critically assessed, are used for this purpose. This research is also influenced by autobiographical archaeology, as glimpses of my personal work experience and family background overlap with the archival data discussed here.  相似文献   
In this essay, I reflect on the massive and dramatic re-emergence of the dead of Cape Town’s District One in 2003, and its aftermath. I discuss how the resurfacing of these ancestors helps us understand how heritage discourses operate in Cape Town, and how their agency forces us to consider what it means to live in the city during post-apartheid urban renewal. I argue that the agency of the District One dead hinges on their exposure of the internal workings of discourse and the associated disciplinary practices through which we experience Cape Town and its heritage. This story ends ambiguously. I discuss how, following the storage of the District One dead in the Prestwich Ossuary, the gaze on Cape Town was redirected away from the city’s past and towards its future; I explore how their reinterment foreclosed a series of discussions regarding the reconciliation of past events with the present realities of Cape Town. I argue, finally, that truth at District One can be understood as a form of historical recapitulation.  相似文献   
New challenges in management and restoration of archaeological sites require the utilization of advanced technologies and systems to assist in preserving the important legacy of human heritage. These challenges include monitoring and preserving of site landscapes, maintenance and rehabilitation of archaeological structures, and quality and safety management. In this research, an integrated methodology based on photogrammetry and Three-Dimensional (3D) Geographic Information System (GIS) is developed to capture and model essential details needed for the proper management of archaeological sites. Recent advances in digital imagery and modelling utilize photogrammetry as an efficient technique for 3D modelling of archaeological sites to derive accurate measurements of size, shape, position, and texture of objects using two-dimensional digital photographs. Spatial data that include aerial stereo photographs, satellite images, close-range photos, terrestrial surveying and Global Positioning Systems (GPS) are integrated within the design of the proposed model. The approach is validated with a case study of Ajloun Castle, one of the ancient and important preserved structures located in Jordan. Various sequential levels of details have been developed for the castle: Orthophoto, Digital Elevation Model (DEM), structures geometry and site layout and 3D textured model. The suggested methodology is expected to be efficient in modelling and documenting archaeological structures. The developed model is utilized to assess the management of archaeological structures through feasibility analysis, rehabilitation decisions, and safety planning.  相似文献   
Hedmark County is a large inland district in southeast Norway that represents the southern part of the Sámi settlement area, and a Sámi–Norse borderland. Centred on the municipalities Rendalen and Engerdal, the study investigates the long-term cultural and social processes involved in the construction and maintenance of a borderland using theories of ethnicity and cultural tradition. Over time, different groups of people have used the diverse landscapes, and two periods are highlighted: the Late Neolithic and the Bronze Age (2350–500 BC), and the Iron Age and the Middle Ages (500 BC–AD 1500). The focus is on how different groups of people used the landscapes as seen through variation in settlement, subsistence, borders and contact networks with neighbouring and distant regions.  相似文献   
Domestic chickens (Gallus gallus domesticus L. 1758) are one of the most valued farm animals in the world today. Chickens are widespread and economically and socially significant in Africa. Despite their importance, little is known about the nature of their introduction and subsequent integration into African economies. One reason for this is the morphological similarity of domestic chickens to wild galliform birds in Africa such as guineafowl and francolin. Here, we present direct dates and morphological evidence for domestic chickens recovered from Mezber, a pre‐Aksumite (>800–450 BCE) rural farming settlement in northern Ethiopia. Key morphological markers differentiated these domestic chickens from francolins. The Mezber direct chicken element accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) dates of cal 820–595 BCE and indirect/charcoal AMS dates of cal 921–801 BCE constitute the earliest osteological evidence for chickens in Africa. Chicken bones in the domestic food waste of an early rural settlement at Mezber and their presence in later Aksumite urban contexts show that chickens were integrated into diverse Ethiopian highland settings. The Mezber specimens predate the earliest known Egyptian chickens by at least 550 years and draw attention to early exotic faunal exchanges in the Horn of Africa during the early first millennium BCE. These findings support previous archaeological, genetics and linguistic data that suggest maritime exchange networks with South Arabia through ports along the African Red Sea coast constitute one possible early route of introduction of chickens to Africa. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Body mass is a key biometric that is useful in interpreting many aspects of an animal's life history. For many species, including dogs and wolves, methods for estimating body mass are not well developed. This paper assesses the utility of using limb dimensions to predict body mass in dogs and North American wolves. Regression analyses are utilized here to explore the correlations between limb dimensions and body masses of modern dogs and wolves, all of known body mass at death. These analyses reveal that a number of limb end dimensions are correlated with body mass in both dogs and wolves. Regression formulae generated through the analyses appear to allow body masses to be predicted with relatively small margins of error, often less than 10%. Formulae are calculated for groups with and without juveniles. In some cases, the dimensions of the juvenile specimens plot distinctly from those of adults, indicating that regression formulae specifically for juvenile canids may be needed. The strength of the limb dimension correlations is then compared with that of regression formulae for dog and wolf cranio‐mandibular dimensions. For the dogs, the cranio‐mandibular dimensions appear to slightly out‐perform the limb element dimensions in predicting body mass. The wolf limb dimensions, however, always appear to provide better predictions of body mass than do the skull dimensions. The newly developed regression formulae are applied to several Middle Holocene dog skeletons from Siberia for which previous body mass estimates are available, the latter based on cranial dimensions. These two sets of estimates are then compared. The overall results of our study indicate the need for further research, particularly with larger sample sizes, including more juvenile specimens. We also argue that work on body size estimation in single dog breeds may be warranted in some cases. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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