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辛逸 《史学月刊》2002,8(3):76-80
在人民公社运动的狂潮中诞生的大公社所有制,从根本上打破了原来农村的所有制结构和建筑其上的各种经济关系,是当时农村地区“共产风”肆虐以及随之而来的大饥荒的制度根源。毛泽东最早觉察到了公社所有制的弊端,领导全党完成了由公社所有制到生产大队所有制,再到生产小队基本所有制的所有制变革。大公社所有制的基本特征是“一大二公”和“政社合一”的管理体制。  相似文献   
The rise of local theaters during the latter half of the 19th century was due to a variety of intrinsic and extrinsic causes. The decline of Kunqu opera as a performing art tailored to the taste of the gentry society, artistic innovations in regional theaters – particularly that of Jingju opera – as well as a more commercialized economy all contributed to this development. Moreover, reformist impulses among many literati-playwrights at the turn of the 20th century provided momentum, leading to the formation of the reform movement in Chinese theater (xiqu). Although influence from Japan and the West played an important part in the process, Yu Zhi (1809–1874) can be regarded as a “forerunner,” who promoted regional theaters as a tool for social reform. Through an examination of him and his “benevolent plays” in the Shuji tang jinyue collection, this study sheds light on his effort to reform society through xiqu, as well as possible connections with the later xiqu reform movement.  相似文献   
对《渐中语类——俞伟超先生晚年思想随录》一文的补充说明,以其生前发表的著作为线索,回顾了他的人文科学思想发展轨迹,集中于两个方面的问题:一是关于考古学、历史学、人类学三学科关系的本质,二是关于中国考古学在知识体系中的地位。  相似文献   
《论语笔解》成书时的卷数不是2卷,是10卷;成书时间不是北宋之末,而是北宋中期之前;成书方式不是后人得韩愈、李翱稿本而别录之,而是韩愈、李翱讨论论语之后,李翱据记忆而撰写。四库馆臣为《论语笔解》作《提要》时,在这几个问题上的说法均值得商榷。  相似文献   
《学术批评丛稿》是青年学者杨玉圣同志的一部兼有学术论文和学术评论的论文集,文集自始至终贯穿着实话实说的实事求是精神。科学、健康的学术批评,需要有求索真理、学术自由、学术平等和学术公正的精神。当前中国的学术书评数量上亟待充实、书评队伍需要扩大、书评质量有待提高、书评气氛亟需改善。  相似文献   
本文介绍著名日籍华人学者游仲勋教授对华侨华人研究的主要贡献 ,着重评述他在华侨华人经济研究领域所提出的重要理论、观点和研究方法 ,以增进国内学术界对国外研究状态的了解。  相似文献   
中国国家博物馆藏唐代广福窑朱书"大历元年"青绿釉枕是罕见的具有绝对纪年的唐代瓷枕实物资料。朱书文字提到的"广福窑"在今四川成都市崇州境内,中晚唐时期崇州窑业十分兴盛,广福窑是其境内系列窑口之一。该瓷枕胎和釉的特征与崇州天福窑青瓷一致,采用含铁量较高的粘土制胎、特殊品种的草木灰制釉。其海棠形造型是受到波斯金银器的影响,反映了唐代川西地区中西文化的交流与融合。从铭文推测,此枕为买地券性质,是迄今发现的年代较早的瓷质买地券之一。铭文行书,字体刚劲雄健、拙朴浑厚,颇得盛唐书体之精髓。  相似文献   
宋玉赋的"问对"结构、"韵散相间"的语言、"铺陈""卒章见义"的表现手法、多元的题材,标志着散体赋表现方法的成熟与定型,它对汉散体赋以及赋体文学产生了重大的影响,可以肯定地说,宋玉是赋体文学特别是汉散体赋的开创者和奠基人.  相似文献   
何德亮 《南方文物》2009,(4):137-143
大汶口文化自1959年首次发现以来,已经走过了50年的发展过程。在漫长的历史长河中.无论在考古发掘还是综合研究均取得引人瞩目的成就。尤其是原始农业、家畜饲养业以及渔猎经济有了很大的发展。手工业中的制陶、玉、石器制作、象牙雕刻、纺织业、酿酒业等手工业均达到同时期文化的最高水平。特别大汶口文化晚期阶段,在全国史前文化中居领先地位。文字的发明、水井的使用、城市的兴起、人殉的使用等文明因素,均闪耀着古代文明的火花,意味着大汶口文化已经处在文明时代的前夜.即将步入文明社会的门槛。  相似文献   
To assess the analytical accuracies and precisions of archaeometric elemental analyses by different techniques, a relatively homogeneous material such as obsidian must be studied. An assessment of published elemental concentration data from two Anatolian obsidian sources shows that while in most cases analytical accuracy is as high as is commonly expected, in some cases it is not. It also shows that the dispersions of elemental concentration data (indicators of analytical precisions) coming from modern analytical procedures are akin to the estimated homogeneity of the obsidian. Based on this latter observation, if one has element dispersion data from a single analytical technique, with a single source of obsidian as a control, data sets that contain multiple, but similar sources of obsidian may be differentiated.  相似文献   
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