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刘超建 《中国边疆史地研究》2020,(1):117-127,215,216
晚清民国乌鲁木齐地区的村落,根据人口结构不同,可以分为宗族、地理相近与地理相错三种类型。由于三种类型村落的自治程度不同,造成了政府对其治理方式上存在区别,也突出了国家对其控制力上存在差别。文章主要以村落个案分析为中心,针对每种类型的村落,以个案的形式说明村落类型与治理之间的关系及反映出的乡村社会治理的空间差异性。  相似文献   
From the normative perspective of EU regional policy, polycentric spatial development has been seen as an effective tool to overcome regional disparities since the adoption of the European Spatial Development Perspective. However, the impact of a polycentric spatial structure on equal spatial development is ambiguous and still waits for its clarification. This paper examines the relationship by focusing on the local scale, where medium-sized towns play a crucial role as local centres in everyday human lives. Using functional regions of the Czech Republic, this paper defines polycentric urban systems at the micro-regional scale. Subsequently, the level of mono/polycentricity is compared with intra-regional disparities. Based on the results of the analysis, it can be argued that the connection of polycentricity with balanced spatial development is strongly determined by selected indicators. However, the findings do not provide evidence about the strictly positive impact of polycentricity on intra-regional disparities. In a light of these results, the conclusion is rather sceptical about the unique role of polycentricity in spatial development and due to the lack of similar studies, further research is recommended.  相似文献   
The construction of large-scale long-distance roads brings an irreversible impact on the landscape and therefore its careful and precise planning is very important. For this planning we use data on the intensity of traffic flows on existing roads and statistical tools for the modeling of planned traffic flows. The main objective of this paper is the modeling of the existing intensity of traffic flows on highways and expressways in the Czech Republic by determination of the optimal distance-decay function. On the basis of the resulting model and the resulting distance-decay function, it is possible to predict the intensity of traffic in the event of the completion and commissioning of new sections of highways and expressways. The subsequent analysis will allow us to make a qualified prediction of traffic intensity in the event of the completion of the R35 expressway, or after the completion of the R35 and R43 expressways. Besides the intensity on the above-mentioned roads themselves, the paper also predicts the expected reduction in traffic intensity on the busiest highway in the Czech Republic, that is, on the D1 highway between Prague and Brno.  相似文献   
王运良 《东南文化》2022,(1):139-144
鸦片战争之后国门洞开,中西文化在不断碰撞中时时交流融汇,国人逐渐认识到陈列、展览、博物馆的实质内涵与功用所在,并有诸多实践.同时经过中外纵横考察与对比,学者开启了博物馆理论研究的先河,建构了博物馆学科及专业领域研究的理论框架,对博物馆的功能与作用、建设与管理、发展历史等作了见仁见智的研究.这其中除了张謇、蔡元培、陈端志...  相似文献   
This article aims at exploring Japan and its cultural and symbolic representation in the Republic of Letters from the end of the seventeenth century until the mid-eighteenth century. In order to do this, the article focuses on early modern scholarly journals, as they were the most comprehensive and up-to-date instruments of communication for the international community of scholars during that time. By analysing the journals’ content we will see which topics were more commonly connected to Japan and understand the role Japan played in the development of the increasingly comprehensive and methodical knowledge of the early modern savants. This article provides a picture of the heuristic and rhetorical role of Japan in the shaping of new, expanded representations of the world. On the one hand, connections between the cultural representations of Japan and other extra-European lands are highlighted; on the other hand, Japan's peculiar and unique features within the cultural and scientific discourses of the Republic of Letters are examined. Finally, how the representations of Japan relate to the divisions and identities within the Republic of Letters itself is considered.  相似文献   
This paper aims at setting Montesquieu's 1729 sojourn in the Dutch Republic within its specific Dutch context whilst reconsidering the impact this short period may have exerted on his work. Based on a wide variety of Dutch, English and French sources, the article offers a study of Montesquieu's Dutch networks and contacts, a comparative Franco-Dutch approach to taxation and fiscal policy and an insight into the history of the stadholderate under William IV. The main argument made in the paper is two-fold: first, that the Dutch Republic was a mirror Montesquieu held up to the French monarchy, allowing him to put a number of ideas of government to the test; secondly that, owing to the fluctuating nature of Dutch political events between 1729 and 1748, the Dutch model remained somewhat elusive in Montesquieu's broader understanding of the paradigm of republican regimes.  相似文献   
"三七政变"由樊耀南及拥护他的新进派势力所发起,杨增新的牵制政策导致保守派作为制衡力量卷入其中,两股政治力量对决的结果是金树仁的最终胜出。新疆的政权更迭,为国民政府统合新疆提供了契机,而这场政变实质上是受隐伏于新疆社会深层的现代化革新的欲望所驱动。  相似文献   
清末民初,广东之钦廉曾三次被提议改隶广西省。第一次是在光绪末年,与广西迁省南宁一并提出,因当时桂林籍官绅的强烈反对和清政府财政拮据而未实现。另外两次是在民国初年老桂系势力发展的背景下提出,因广东各属绅商、侨寓外地各社会团体的强烈反对以及桂粤矛盾等多种因素仍未实现。通过对此事件的分析,可以得出如下结论:在研究民国初期的行政区划变更时,不仅要考虑传统的因素,还要考虑基层民意、地方绅商的势力和近代报纸的舆论影响。  相似文献   
The time series of two continuously operating gas monitoring stations at Oldřišská and Nový Kostel located along seismoactive faults in the epicentral area of the NW Bohemian swarm earthquakes (Czech Republic) are compared with water level fluctuations in two boreholes positioned along these faults and with gas flux variations of a mofette at the Soos mofette field at 9 km distance. The seasonal trend of the monitored CO2 concentration with a maximum in November and a minimum in March/April is governed by groundwater temperatures, superimposed in spring by soil temperatures. CO2 concentration variations identified at Oldřišská are also reflected in gas flux variations in the Soos mofette and/or water level fluctuations of two boreholes. Variations in the gas monitoring recordings of station at Nový Kostel are also linked with variations at Oldřišská. In all data sets, diurnal variations generated by earth tides occur, reflecting a daily stress – fault permeability cycle. Additional stress interferes with this cycle. Significant, abrupt changes are attributed to geodynamic processes linked with seismic events, as revealed by local seismicity or by the transient of waves of a strong remote earthquake. Simultaneous variations of the gas concentrations in the Nový Kostel area and in the gas flux in the Soos point to an interconnected hydraulic conductive fault systems present in the northern part of the Cheb Basin. Sharp falls in gas concentration, during or subsequent to, earthquake swarms may reflect fault compression associated with impeded gas migration. However, gas variations also occur in periods without seismic activity, indicating changes in fault permeability were caused by local aseismic fault movements, as revealed by events with opposite trends in the gas recordings at Oldřišská, Nový Kostel and the Soos. Therefore, a mathematical approach to establish a correlation between seismicity and gas geochemical variations is not possible.  相似文献   
China's Economic and Political Penetration in Africa   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A senior American specialist on China and noted geographer presents a study of that country's economic and political penetration into the African continent. The author identifies three key elements of China's objectives and plan, namely (1) support for Chinese policies in international affairs, particularly with regard to Taiwan, (2) search for oil and other mineral resources, and (3) creation of a new market for Chinese goods and services in tandem with additional jobs in China. The paper includes four case studies highlighting economic activities stimulated by Chinese loans and investments in the Republic of South Africa, Egypt, Sudan, and Angola. Considerable attention is devoted to oil imports, exports of cheap consumer goods, and construction and repair of infrastructure by Chinese technicians and laborers, as well as the competition between Chinese imports and host-country manufacturing and the PRC's diplomatic support of rogue African nations. Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: F020, F210, F350, F540. 11 figures, 1 table, 47 references.  相似文献   
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