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This paper seeks to spur conversations around the inherent pluralities found within Black Geographies. While analyses of Black Geographies have provided important reflections on the spatial imaginaries and practices of Black populations, less attention has been paid to the differences found among Black geographical expressions. This piece therefore seeks to draw out the ways in which Black people uniquely conceive of space by highlighting the distinctions present within different Black social movements. The authors explore the spatial politics of the Universal Negro Improvement Association, the Black Panther Party for Self‐Defense, and the Provisional Government of the Republic of New Afrika to argue that while these three movements all attempted to create spaces of Black self‐determination, they did so with distinct spatial aspirations and concrete politics. The authors argue that recognising and accounting for the pluralities of Black spatial creation is necessary for realising more just geographies.  相似文献   
民国时期河南水旱灾害及其政府应对   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
苏新留 《史学月刊》2007,(5):103-110
民国时期是河南水旱灾害频繁发生的时期,不仅灾害出现的频率高,而且灾害的强度也非常大。为了应对灾害,政府采取了不同程度的应对措施。事实证明,没有政府的救灾措施,灾害的影响是不可想象的。一个转型中的政府越来越有力地确立自己在赈灾过程中的主导性地位。  相似文献   
赵新平 《史学月刊》2007,3(8):109-113
民初晋北乡村作为历史大变革时期重要的社会单元,其生活方式不仅仅局限于衣、食、住、行等日常生活领域,还包括劳动生活方式和婚姻生活方式等。且由于晋北是农耕文明与游牧文明的交汇区,故在生活方式上呈现出一些突出的特点。  相似文献   
清末民初的农会组织大体经历了酝酿、兴起、发展、隐退四个阶段.其基本结构表现为组成了一个层层连接的直属组织系统;建立了较为完备的领导体制;实行了严格的民主选举制度、议事办事原则以及定期的会议制度等.呈现出组织制度的近代民主性、一定程度的自治性、成员构成的复杂性、机构权限的官督性等基本特点.所从事的活动内容相当广泛,主要表现为编辑农报,翻译农书;创办农业学堂;开办农业试验场;举行农产品评会,设立陈列所;开展调查研究;向主管官署建议农业改良进行事宜,等等.这对推动近代中国农业发展具有重要的影响与作用.  相似文献   
民国时期改土归流政策的推行,使土司辖地被纳入与内地一致的省县体系当中.这一过程在解决历史遗留问题的同时,也激化了新的土司辖地的归属纠纷,促使甘肃省政府展开界务调整,但实际勘划并不完全与相关勘界法规相符.狄道赵土司辖地乔家沟以耕种土地租户的籍贯为标准而划归渭源;河州何土司辖地何家堡则在甘青省界调整的过程中被划归永靖;卓尼...  相似文献   
Z. Nerudová 《Archaeometry》2020,62(2):410-426
This paper compares the quantification of different raw materials in a chipped stone assemblage by weight and by number at the site of Brno-Štýřice III in Moravia, Czech Republic. The use of the same reduction technology for all raw materials means that the Brno-Štýřice III assemblage is a good case study. The result demonstrates that semi-local raw material tends to dominate numerically, but in terms of weight, there is a significant change in the predominant raw material. The paper contextualizes the results in relation to other assemblages and discusses the possible reasons for this phenomenon.  相似文献   
Since the 1990s, the Chinese political leadership has gradually embraced the commercialisation of the film sector and has turned the liberalisation of entertainment content production into a strategy for generating legitimacy. This article traces the evolution of Chinese film policy from its Communist origins to the present day, and reveals that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), at the same time, has never desisted from using film production to establish hegemony in a Gramscian sense, and that these efforts have even been intensified over the last decade. The second part of the article scrutinises how the CCP’s mechanisms of control and ideological guidance have been adapted to commercialisation and, based on personal interviews with Beijing film producers in 2006 and 2007, investigates the extent to which the intensified efforts of adaptation since 2003 have been able to persuade the private sector of film production to participate in maintaining CCP hegemony.  相似文献   
论文以民国时期大陆学人与东南亚学人所编东南亚华校国语教材为视角,探讨华文教育本土化问题。认为大陆学人所编东南亚华校国语教材的本土化倾向包括选材符合国外实际、稳妥处理敏感话题、教给儿童规范汉语及配以实用方便的教学法;东南亚学人所编东南亚华校国语教材的本土化倾向包括突出第二语言教学的特性、使用外语进行解释及强调国语文的特点。  相似文献   
试论中国跪拜礼仪的废除   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
跪拜礼是封建社会中尊卑贵贱等级制的重要礼仪表现形式。 1873年外国使臣以鞠躬或作揖礼觐见同治帝的事实 ,如同一个强有力的楔子 ,严重动摇了传统跪拜礼仪的权威与根基 ;西方国家礼制、礼仪书籍的传入 ,清廷出使官员对外国政治与外交礼仪的感知 ,均使国人对跪拜礼仪进行深刻的反思 ;资产阶级革命派不但对跪拜等旧礼俗进行了猛烈抨击 ,而且身体力行 ,以握手、鞠躬代替跪拜与长揖之礼。跪拜礼已深深积淀于民族意识之中 ,因此废除跪拜礼需要借助政权的力量。 1912年 ,中华民国政府以法律的形式正式废除在中国实行了数千年之久的跪拜礼。这既是辛亥革命的结果 ,同时又是国人对中西礼制长期比较、反思后的自然选择  相似文献   
民国元年广东北伐军为主体的东线北伐的胜利,对于捍卫南京临时政府、促使清帝退位,起了重要的作用。今年3月,是南京粤军阵亡将士墓建墓90周年。为了存史,本就粤军的兴建、征战、墓冢、勋绩,分别作了考证,藉以缅怀革命先烈。  相似文献   
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