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王阳明在黔创作的《瘗旅文》等多篇散文,是明代散文的精品,他的散文有其独具的特点;王阳明不仅是明代思想家、教育家、也应是文学家,这在明清以来就有定论。  相似文献   
西方传教士来华后,科举制度就成了他们关注的焦点。传教士对科举制度的审视,进一步暴露了科举制度的内在弊端,增强了科举改革的紧迫性;传教士对科举改革的设想,丰富了科举改革的思想,指明了科举改革的方向;传教士的宣传活动,促进了国人思想观念的解放,推动了科举改革的进程。然而,传教士毕竟不是科举改革的主角,其作用与影响终究是有限的。  相似文献   
改革以前的中国共产党与自然科学基础理论研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
毛泽东是中国共产党科技思想发展的奠基者和探索者。他认为,科学技术是认识自然、改造自然、争取自由的思想武装;是推动生产力发展的革命力量;是经济和社会发展的重要动力;是社会主义本质的内在要求;是实行社会主义现代化的关键因素;是发挥社会主义制度优越性、赶超世界先进水平的重要保证。发展科学技术,要坚持跨越式发展和重视基础理论研究的统一;坚持自力更生和争取外援的统一;坚持社会革命和技术革命的统一;坚持培养人文精神和科学精神的统一;坚持党的领导和百花齐放、百家争鸣的统一;坚持发挥科学技术专家和普通工人群众的作用。毛泽东科技思想为邓小平科技思想的形成和发展奠定了理论基础。  相似文献   
洪振强 《安徽史学》2006,22(2):81-86
沪案交涉是由执政府担当的,但执政府为延长其政治生命,只知利用五卅运动中的"民气"以对内,并没有真正谋划沪案交涉,导致交涉主张不统一,交涉策略不明朗,交涉步骤不一致;同时,各外交官员在开展外交时也进行"内争",相互推诿卸责,导致沪案交涉延宕;江苏地方官员和各派军阀也以外交之名,与中央一起争夺上海地盘;此外,沪案发生时,上海无军政大员负责的现状也影响到了沪案交涉的开局.这些才是沪案交涉无功而终的主要原因.  相似文献   
宋代是中国佛教史学发展的黄金时代。在此期间,佛教史学人才辈出,著述颇丰,在内容、体裁、史学观念的拓展上,都发展到一个繁荣阶段。本文主要从文献编撰、史学观念两方面探讨宋代佛教史学对后世文献编撰的影响,以阐明宋代佛教史学在中国佛教史学史上的重要地位。  相似文献   
Dor 2001/1 was probably a Byzantine coaster carrying building stones, dated to the end of the 5th or beginning of the 6th century AD. No shell-first construction features were identified, specifically no kind of planking edge-joints; but instead all the essential components showed that it was a frame-based hull. Thus it is apparently among the earliest frame-based shipwrecks found so far in the Mediterranean.
© 2006 The Authors  相似文献   
The establishment of the Yan state by the Zhou court during late eleventh century BCE had fulfilled the attempt by the dynastic power to colonize and control the local population of northern Hebei. The Yan and the two local groups, one active in the Yan mountainous region and the other in the Jing, Jin, and Tang area, developed a cooperative relationship during the early Western Zhou period. The cooperation between Yan and local elites was mutually beneficial. While local elite culture was heavily influenced by that of the Shang and Zhou, local traditions continued to be present.  相似文献   
雁意象受传统文化影响而形成的符号意义影响着观画者对画图的解读及感受,最容易牵扯出观者内心深处的羁旅和乡思之情愁。表现在题画诗中,雁意象多与羁旅和思乡之情相联系。  相似文献   
The cluster of technical terms that the Jesuit Matteo Ricci and his Chinese partners Xu Guangqi and Li Zhizao cotranslated and introduced into Chinese in the late Ming dynasty was of significance for Chinas cultural transformation. For instance, “brain” replaced “heart” as a specific term referring to the organ of consciousness and memory. The classical Chinese interrogative numeral jihe was used to represent the core mathematical term “geometry”. Diqiu, meaning “the globe of the earth” in English, was minted to amend the traditional hemispherical dome cosmology. The identification of “Cathay” with China clarified the ambiguity in the Western geographical concept of the Far East, which had existed since the Middle Ages. Translated from Wuhan University Journal (Humanity Sciences), No. 6, 2003  相似文献   
This forum discusses linkages between cultural geography and allied ‘cultural’ disciplines. A symposium on this topic – held at the 2005 conference of the Institute of Australian Geographers in Armidale – was triggered by the targeted inclusion of geography in a cross‐disciplinary network funded by the Australian Research Council. Although non‐geographers in the network have articulated strong interest in and an enthusiasm for geography, their knowledge of, and everyday participation in its disciplinary travails have been limited. Given this, the papers in the forum review geography's long and dynamic consideration of the relations between place and culture, and raise a set of key issues for geographers to consider: how we might interact with other disciplinary debates about the ‘cultural’, retain distinctiveness as the home of intellectual inquiry around issues of space and place, and leverage opportunities to forge more permanent connections to geographers working not in our traditional institutional settings, but in a range of research centres, schools and disciplinary homes.  相似文献   
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