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五庄果墚遗址位于陕西省靖边县黄蒿界乡小界村西北部,距离县城约30公里,现为省级文物保护单位。遗址中心位于五个连绵的山峁上,相传该处曾有五户人家居住,因而得名五庄果墚。五庄果墚遗址面积约30万平方米以上,文化内涵以仰韶时代晚期至龙山时代早期遗存为  相似文献   
从文物特性、文物数据特征、文物数据库管理与应用要求等逐层递进分析,阐述了文物数据的特点和文物数据库设计的理念,进而概括文物数据库技术设计的内涵,结合信息化发展规划和信息技术特点,力图探讨文物博物馆领域数据库建设技术上的思路、方法和内容。  相似文献   
随着"秦始皇帝陵博物院·丽山园"正式对外开放,管理者面临着多重的管理压力,为此以秦始皇帝陵文化遗产地的实际出发,将影响文化遗产管理的安全因素从地理尺度上划分为的遗产地尺度、遗址尺度和文物尺度,着重以这三个尺度为出发点分析了安全监控、遗址风貌、气候环境、人为活动等影响因素,并就如何更好地开展大遗址的文化价值传播提出了自己的见解。  相似文献   
The noise level of the Romanian broadband stations operating since 2006 has been studied in order to identify the variations in background seismic noise as a function of time of day, season, and particular conditions at the stations. Power spectral densities and their corresponding probability density functions are used in this paper to characterize the background seismic noise. At high frequencies (> 1 Hz), seismic noise seems to have cultural origin, since significant variations (up to 55 dB) between daytime and nighttime noise levels are observed at almost all of the stations. However, this variability appears not to influence the detection capabilities of the Romanian Seismic Network in case of intermediate-depth earthquakes and earthquakes with magnitude over 3.0. For smaller magnitude events (Mw < 3), we showed that the number of stations detecting an event decreases during daytime. We studied the seasonal variation of the seismic noise for primary and secondary microseisms (with emphasize for the latter) and we demonstrated that the noise levels are higher in winter than in summer. We also observed a shift of the double-frequency peak from lower periods in summer to longer periods in winter. The polarization analysis indicated that the main sources of secondary microseisms for stations close to the Black Sea are coming from the Black Sea, while for the others the main sources are found in the Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic Ocean. Finally, the analysis of the probability density functions for stations located in different geologic conditions has pointed out that the noise level is higher for stations sited on softer formations than those sited on hard rocks.  相似文献   
近年来,我国城乡建设取得了举世瞩目的成就,面貌为之一新。但在这个过程中,地下文物作为中华历史文化的物质载体的重要组成部分,遭遇了前所未有的严重破坏,造成了文物流失、文物遭毁等一系列严重后果。本文着眼干近年来城乡建设中地下文物屡遭破坏的现状,分析保护工作收效甚微的原因,说明加强和改进地下文物保护工作的重要性:并提出应以法律法规的建设完善和保护制度的健全为重点,从多方面制定应对措施,寻找当前形势下地下文物保护与城乡建设间的最佳平衡点。  相似文献   
本文旨在研究可用于文物保护的低毒、温和的新型中草药复方抑菌剂.选择大青叶和穿心莲两味中草药,通过L9(34)正交设计方法优化其提取工艺,并按中草药配伍规则配置成复方,通过对3种常见病原菌——金黄色葡萄球菌、枯草芽孢杆菌和大肠杆菌的抑菌试验来说明其抑菌活性.大青叶和穿心莲提取液复方制剂对于3种常见病原菌均表现出明显的抑菌活性,效果优于单味大青叶和穿心莲提取物.  相似文献   
近现代文物缺失诸多,譬如,品类不全、难以一层分类、信息混交、价值无法量化、寿命短暂、赝品众多等。现将其揭示出来,并说明其存在形式及原因。  相似文献   
弦歌台又被称为绝粮祠,整体布局以中轴线为中心呈现东西对称,现存建筑的规制为三进院落,从南向北依次为正门、戟门、大成殿、弦歌书院。大成殿作为弦歌台最核心的建筑,外观气势宏伟,彩绘精美绝伦,是我国东部地区规格较高的孔庙建筑之一。弦歌台大成殿在自然环境和人为因素的长期影响下,彩绘表面出现了褪色、龟裂、颜料脱落等多种病害,彩绘修复工作已成为当前文物保护亟待解决的棘手问题。本工作对彩绘样本的层位和形制进行详细分析,从剖面和表面等多角度进行全面研究,发现大部分彩绘样本由内向外的结构依次为基底层、地仗层、颜料层,蓝色彩绘样本所使用的地仗层为传统的单披灰工艺,与之不同的是红色彩绘样本为无地仗彩绘,红色颜料层直接绘制于基底层上,推测这可能与时代的发展及工艺的变化有关。为了更好地服务文物进行科学保护,需要了解大成殿彩绘颜料成分及制作工艺等。采用超景深微观分析、扫描电镜及能谱仪分析、显微拉曼光谱分析等现代技术及方法,对彩绘颜料样本进行了层位结构、微观及成分检测分析。结果表明,在制作工艺上,大成殿彩绘颜料层剖面多为两层以上叠加,是明显的重层彩绘,说明历史上至少经历过两次以上重绘。同时发现大成殿彩绘颜料层既有重...  相似文献   
琥珀制品在两汉时期风靡一时,琥珀印在琥珀制品中颇具特色。本文在对中国境内考古发现所见两汉琥珀印资料收集与整理的基础上,对其出土地域、自身特征、出土位置及伴出物品等问题进行了探讨。研究表明出土琥珀印的墓葬等级较高,且出土位置特殊,并伴随有水晶、玛瑙、海蓝宝等贵重宝石。这些宝石的产地可能源自南亚或东南亚地区,而这类随葬品在两汉墓葬中的流行亦体现了当时物质交流的成果。  相似文献   
Abstract: Strategic management is a familiar concept in for-profit organisations but is relatively new to museums. This paper presents and discusses a model of strategic management for visitor-oriented museums that aims to be more comprehensive than current approaches. It shows how museums can overcome the tension between the strategic demand to develop visitor-oriented museum services and the duties and social mandate of museums as public institutions that are defined by cultural policy—enabling access to cultural heritage, promoting broad cultural participation and providing informal education. Visitor-oriented strategic museum management is concerned with attracting a variety of visitors as well as the development of museum services that are appropriate to diverse museum audiences. The model presented here emphasises the comprehensive strategic management concept. Audience research and evaluation are shown to be valuable analytic and revision tools for strategic management in visitor-oriented museums.  相似文献   
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