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Indices of taxonomic abundance are commonly used by zooarchaeologists to examine resource intensification, overexploitation and gender-divisions in foraging labor. The original formulation of abundance indices developed a clear interpretive framework by linking the measure with foraging models from behavioral ecology. However, using the same basic tenets of behavioral ecology, archaeologists disagree about how to interpret variability in abundance index values: some suggest that high proportions of large prey remains represent higher overall foraging efficiency, while others argue the opposite. To help solve this problem, we use quantitative observational data with Martu hunters in Australia’s Western Desert to examine how foraging decisions and outcomes best predict variation in the abundance index values that result. We show that variation in the proportional remains of large to small game is best predicted by hunting bout success with larger prey and the time spent foraging for smaller prey. A declining abundance index results from decreasing hunting success with larger prey, increasing time invested in hunting smaller prey, or both; any of which result in a lower overall return rate than if large prey were acquired reliably. We also demonstrate that where large prey acquisition is stochastic, high index values are correlated positively with men’s proportional caloric contribution of large unreliable game, while low index values are correlated with women’s proportional foraging time for small reliable game. We discuss these results with reference to evidence of resource intensification and gender-specific foraging.  相似文献   
侯卫 《攀登》2005,24(4):56-57
劳动力素质低下,人才不足是西部地区发展缓慢的关键因素。只有加大人力资源开发力度,以改革为动力、以市场为导向,通过完善政策、强化机制、优化环境,充分发挥和创造人力资源的价值和效能,才能最大限度地满足社会发展对劳动力素质的需求,从而不断为西部地区的发展提供源源不断的活力。理论和实践证明,人力资源开发是实现西部地区发展的前提和基础。  相似文献   
从土改结束到集体化高潮前,从土地均分造成的土地和劳动力等生产要素的非均衡配置、农业生产的季节性特征以及国家政策的影响等这些劳动力市场的供给、需求因素来看,当时的确存在着一个广大的乡村劳动力市场——雇佣市场。与土改前不同的是,尽管这一时期雇工农户的数量较多、比重较大,但单位农户的雇工数量却很少。在雇佣形式上,长工数量、佣期急剧下降和短工数量显著增加是这段时期的一大特点。从阶层构成来看,雇佣关系主要发生在普通劳动者之间,并且雇工工资的涨落主要取决于各地乡村的劳动力实际供给和需求状况。  相似文献   
日本经济的长期不振,导致了失业率急剧上升,女性失业尤为突出。随之,也带来了女性失业性离职的诸多问题。察其女性离职的原因,社会的、公司的、个人的等多种因素同时并存,相互交织,呈复合态势。离职带来的直接影响是收入的锐减;就心态而言,乐观向上与消极处世并存。由于年龄的差异,日本女性再就业呈“M”型态,再就业形势仍十分严峻。对此,日本采取了改进和完善女性劳动权保障制度和修改《雇佣保险法》和《男女雇佣机会均等法》等举措。  相似文献   
在经济地理学的研究中,劳工常常被看作是与自然资源、资金、技术等同类的经济要素,只重视劳动成本,忽视了劳工作为社会活动主要参与者的角色。近年来,劳工地理研究取得了长足的进展,弥补了传统地理学研究的不足。全球化背景下的工人运动、劳工组织和地方劳工控制体制,劳工市场的空间分割,不同政治、经济和文化背景下的农区劳工地方化逐渐成为劳工地理的重要研究方向。  相似文献   
以乡镇工业为主的农村工业化的蓬勃发展 ,不但促使了农户对劳力分配的调整 ,导致了农村劳动力存量结构与产业结构的变化 ,而且也影响农户收入的变动。农村工业化对促进中国农业、农村及劳动力过剩等问题的解决有积极作用 ,农村经济发展确可由农村工业化之发展来达成。中国 2 0世纪 80年代以来总体经济发展的核心力量便来源于农村工业化 ,即乡镇企业的发展及相关农业的发展。在目前状态下 ,要推进农村工业化的进一步发展 ,要通过农村工业化来带动农村经济发展 ,迫切需要解决的问题便是乡镇企业内部的问题。  相似文献   
论文从移民工人维权和劳动争议处理这一新视角,较为系统地分析中国海外劳务移民的历史发展与管理体制,深入剖析中国劳务移民管理的法律政策框架及维权和争议处理机制,比较借鉴劳务移民典型国家的经验做法,并对实现中国劳务移民有效管理的对策与措施,提出了四点建议:一是完善相关国内立法,构建多边合作协议框架;二是确立劳动行政部门主管,建立多部门政策协调机制;三是强化政府公共服务职能,加强海外劳务移民监管;四是加大工会组建、培训和维权力度,充分发挥工会组织的作用。  相似文献   
近三十年来,菲律宾向世界各地输送了大量海外移民,尤其是劳工移民。菲律宾政府为此实施了诸多积极有效的海外移民政策。如实施《移民劳工和海外菲律宾人法》等政策法规,维护劳工移民和海外菲律宾人的权益;设立高效协作的移民管理机构,为海外菲律宾人提供全方位保护和服务;实行双重国籍政策,赋予海外菲律宾人公民权;设立"海外菲律宾人月"等节日和"总统奖"等奖项,表彰海外菲律宾人的杰出贡献等。这些政策的实施,加强了海外菲律宾人对祖籍国的向心力和凝聚力,他们在菲律宾的社会经济发展中发挥着重要作用。  相似文献   

Archaeological evidence of shellfish exploitation along the coast of Sahul (Pleistocene Australia-New Guinea) points to an apparent paradox. While the continental record as a whole suggests that human populations were very low from initial colonization through early Holocene, coastal and peri-coastal sites dating to that time are dominated by small, low-ranked, littoral taxa to the near-complete exclusion of large, higher ranked, sub-littoral species, precisely the opposite of theory-based expectations, if human populations and predation rates were indeed as low as other data suggest. We present a model of shellfish exploitation combining information on species utility, transport considerations, and prey life-history that might account for this apparent mismatch, and then assess it with ethnographic and archaeological data. Findings suggest either that high-ranked taxa were uncommon along the Pleistocene coastlines of Sahul, or that abundant and commonly taken high-ranked prey are under-represented in middens relative to their role in human diets largely as a function of human processing and transport practices. If the latter reading is correct, archaeological evidence of early shellfishing may be mainly the product of subsistence activities by children and their mothers.  相似文献   
What do modern Americans mean when they say they believe in self-government—or do they mean anything at all? This article attempts to offer a reasonable, realistic expectation of what self-government can be in an extended republic of 325 million citizens characterized by a highly developed division of labor and intense specialization. It argues that if self-government is taken too literally, it becomes an impossible ideal likely to promote cynicism. On the other hand, if self-government is dismissed as an anachronism, the resulting technocratic government is likely to become irresponsible and illegitimate. Representative government offers the best middle way, but our practice of it must be repaired and defended against critics.  相似文献   
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