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《明诗纪事》是一部较有价值的参考资料,今人点校出版,方便了研究者的使用。但书中的人物小传中还存在一些错误,本文列举其要者,并加以考证。  相似文献   
The purpose of this article is (i) to propose the concept of policy analysis as a clinical profession, (ii) to relate to the clinical intellectual processes involved in policy analysis, and (iii) following studies in other clinical disciplines, to infer implications for policy analysis and policy analysis instruction. The article will highlight notions of clinical reasoning and clinical cognitive processes relevant to policy analysis and will address reasoning errors associated with bounded rationality and uncertainty in the clinical analytic process. The article seeks to promote awareness of clinical notions and of their relevance for policy analysis practice and instruction.  相似文献   
本研究利用空间计量模型研究中国省际旅游业发展与经济增长的关系。结果表明:1999~2007年各省级行政区的旅游发展对经济增长具有长期推动作用;各省级行政区的经济增长受到本区域旅游业发展水平、邻近区域的旅游业发展水平和经济增长的共同影响;并且入境旅游对经济增长的作用效果比国内旅游更为显著。因此,建议各省级行政区在旅游产业布局和功能分区的基础上加强区域间旅游合作和开拓国际国内旅游市场。  相似文献   
随着全球化时代的到来,汉籍古典名著的今注今译工作,越来越受到学术界的重视。就《三国志》而言,近二十年以来,中文及外文译本已多达十来种。然而有些译注者疏于校释,以至时有错谬。日本学者今鹰真等三人的《正史三国志》。(含裴注)日译本,有些地方还胜过了中文今译本。本文对日译本与中文今译本的译文进行了初步比对,从语言解释、底本校勘等角度列举了二者的得失,藉以说明进行汉籍今译工作时中日学术交流的重要性。  相似文献   
A total of 11 340 Cartesian coordinates of 42 homologous landmarks on five excavated human crania were recorded by three observers using a three‐dimensional (3D) digitiser and computer models created with a 3D laser scanner. The aim was to compare the errors of the coordinate data of landmarks of different types recorded with these two techniques. The results showed that digitiser‐based and 3D model‐based coordinate measurements had overall standard deviations of, respectively, ±0.79 and ±1.05 mm. However, the 3D digitiser yielded the most precise coordinate data for landmarks defined primarily by biological criteria (Type I landmarks), while the 3D laser scanner models yielded the most precise coordinate data for landmarks defined primarily by geometric criteria (Type III landmarks). These findings are likely to influence the research design of future craniometric studies, as they indicate that the suitability of certain landmark types as reference points for geometric operations, such as partial Procrustes analysis, depends on the method by which they are measured. This information is particularly important for retrospective research or for combined databases such as FORDISC or CRANID, which may integrate different types of landmarks recorded by different researchers and/or instruments. Crania displaying poor preservation and surface discoloration yielded larger measurement errors, especially for the 3D model measurements. This is not surprising given that landmarks on 3D models cannot be located using tactile means, but have to be located solely on a visual basis. Nonetheless, even though the digitiser measurements exhibit an overall precision slightly greater than the 3D model measurements, both techniques yield coordinate data with a precision sufficient for most craniometric research. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
张廷玉《明史·地理志》向以体例严谨、言简意明而著称,堪称正史地理志中的上乘之作。但其中的疏漏讹误似亦难免。以《地理三》及《地理一》、《地理二》中的河南地理为例,经据有关史料校读考证,中华书局点校本之相关部分尚有讹误40余处。其致误原由则不一而足。  相似文献   
利用会党:辛亥革命的一个误区   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
辛亥革命时期,革命党人即已认识到利用会党是一个失误,因而才转而依靠新军。会党是当时社会成员异化的结果,广大农民对会党的诡异行为普遍持恐惧、戒备、鄙夷心理;会党的种种不法行为只能使之成为革命党人动员农民的障碍,而不是什么纽带。革命党人对会党纯粹是“利用”,根本没有想到要去改造会党,进而结成政治同盟。会党能否充当革命党联系农民的纽带,完全是后来的学者提出的理论问题,辛亥革命时期革命党人从未将发动农民问题提上议事日程。革命党人利用会党起义根本没有成功的可能,其激励民众的作用远远弥补不了给革命事业造成的损失。各省独立后,会党严重扰乱了社会秩序;民国初年,一些会党由对革命党不满发展到反对民主共和,图谋颠覆新生革命政权,很快蜕变为反动势力。  相似文献   
《渑水燕谈录》载录赵元老诵读《大平广记》逸事一则,中“赵元老”其人难以稽考。查阅宋人笔记发现,“赵元老”实为“赵元考”之讹误,明清以来诸刻本皆沿袭其误,学术界当为之改正。  相似文献   
To assess the analytical accuracies and precisions of archaeometric elemental analyses by different techniques, a relatively homogeneous material such as obsidian must be studied. An assessment of published elemental concentration data from two Anatolian obsidian sources shows that while in most cases analytical accuracy is as high as is commonly expected, in some cases it is not. It also shows that the dispersions of elemental concentration data (indicators of analytical precisions) coming from modern analytical procedures are akin to the estimated homogeneity of the obsidian. Based on this latter observation, if one has element dispersion data from a single analytical technique, with a single source of obsidian as a control, data sets that contain multiple, but similar sources of obsidian may be differentiated.  相似文献   
Practical applications of the γ-function dissipative explicit method to pseudodynamic tests are thoroughly investigated herein. Detailed implementation of this pseudodynamic algorithm is schematically sketched. Numerical experiments and verification tests strongly indicate that the γ-function dissipative explicit method can effectively filter out the spurious participation of high frequency responses while the lower mode responses can be obtained very accurately. In addition, error propagation analysis also shows that the γ-function dissipative explicit method possesses much better error propagation characteristics when compared to the Newmark explicit method. Thus, this pseudodynamic algorithm is very suitable for the test system where the responses are dominated by the low frequency modes and the high frequency responses are of no interest.  相似文献   
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