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红铜铸镶青铜器是春秋时期青铜艺术的杰出代表,红铜纹饰的镶铸特征是器物铸造工艺的直接反映,但红铜镶嵌青铜器的制作技术仍有许多问题有待于研究探讨。为此,通过直接观察法和X光成像技术,分析探讨了枣庄市徐楼村红铜铸镶青铜器纹饰镶铸特征。红铜纹饰有与器身基体等壁厚型和非等壁厚型两种。与器身等壁厚红铜铸镶纹饰和器身基体有平口直接镶铸和红铜预留凹槽镶铸两种方式。与器身非等厚红铜铸镶纹饰则利用红铜纹饰在器身浇铸时形成凹槽,红铜纹饰通过与纹饰相连的红铜支钉固定在范芯或在纹饰底部加入垫片方式镶铸于器物基体中。研究成果为红铜铸镶青铜器的工艺过程研究提供材料和证据。  相似文献   
Bells of copper and copper alloys and gold–copper alloys were deposited in events at the Cenote Sagrado at Chichén Itzá, Mexico during the site's primary occupation (ad 750–1050) and in later centuries. Housed in three museums in the United States and Mexico, bells (n = 38) were evaluated for traces of fabrication and alteration using Vis–UV–IR optical microscopy. Bulk compositions were determined through p‐ED‐XRF. Phases and compositional variation by depth were characterized through XRD and RBS. The technological styles of bell groups were ascribed to communities of metallurgical practice, from West and Central Mexico to Costa Rica and Panama.  相似文献   
在研究历史文献资料和西藏铜币照片的基础上,介绍了西藏铜币发行的原因以及发展的概况。西藏铜币的不断发展是科技进步推动的,同时也见证了西藏人民同中国各族人民积极改革,抵制西方列强侵略。  相似文献   
The object of this work was to relate the corrosion of tin-bronzes to the chemical condition of the soil in which they have been buried, most of them since the Bronze Age. Naturally, it was not easy to obtain recent hoards with their related soils, and considerable reliance had to be placed on recorded finds by taking recent soil samples from sites on which hoards were found over a hundred years earlier. Even so, with the exception of peat, a reasonable relationship appears to exist between the pH of the soil and the state of the metal. Acid soils are aggressive to metals and alkaline soils are benign. In no cases were sulphate reducing bacteria active in promoting corrosion. In the main, peat and peaty soils were benign in spite of their acidity, probably due to the protective action of polyphenols.  相似文献   
三种含Cu、As绿色颜料的拉曼光谱研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析和确认古代颜料的成分是文物研究中的一项重要工作。为对四个来自不同地区的含Cu、As元素的绿色颜料进行鉴别,应用拉曼光谱仪并辅助以扫描电镜能谱分析仪(SEMEDX)和X射线衍射仪(XRD)进行研究。结果表明其分别为墨绿砷铜矿、氯砷钠铜石以及巴黎绿。对其来源分别进行了讨论,因巴黎绿在国内青铜修复和古建彩画当中的大量应用,过去对于含有Cu、As的绿色颜料通常鉴定为巴黎绿。墨绿砷铜矿和氯砷钠铜石为在文物彩绘中新发现的两种矿物颜料,为绿色颜料的鉴定提供了新的思路。  相似文献   
Iron-57 Mössbauer absorption spectra have been measured for samples of obsidian from known geological flows and from archaeological site material from the western Mediterranean region. Of the four main sources available to prehistoric man it is possible to distinguish Sardinian (SA) and Pantellerian obsidian from Lipari obsidian on the basis of differences in the local atomic surroundings of iron atoms, as determined from the Mössbauer spectra. There is, however, some overlap between Lipari and Pontine Island obsidians. The Gabellotto flow on Lipari is readily identified through the presence of magnetite inclusions. The ratio of ferric to ferrous ions is found to be much higher in the surface layers (< 60 μm) than in the bulk obsidian as detected using Mössbauer backscattering.  相似文献   
青海都兰位于古丝绸之路南道上,都兰吐蕃墓葬群出土了为数不少的隋唐时期金银器及饰物,其中一件"粟特银包金神袛人物连珠牌饰银丝腰带"牌饰上的人物具有典型的粟特特征,这对于研究中西方文化交流,有着极为重要的价值。但很多包金银饰片出土时腐蚀严重需要进行保护处理和相关的科学研究。为此,通过电子扫描电镜、X-射线衍射等分析方法,对工艺类似腰带牌饰的样品进行科学分析。结果表明,样品为包金银器饰物,包金层为金银合金,而银本体腐蚀严重,腐蚀产物主要是氯化银,这与环境的高含盐量有关,分析结果可为吐蕃墓出土文物的研究和保护提供理论依据。  相似文献   
In this paper we show the results of a study concerning 42 axes, mainly discovered in the Copper Age pile dwellings of Ljubljansko barje (central Slovenia) and in the neighbouring areas of Caput Adriae. The studied shaft‐hole axes, characterized by homogeneous typology but slightly different raw materials, have been called ‘Ljubljana‐type’ axes (Lt). The raw materials show a common OIB‐like signature and metamorphic and spilitization features that recall oceanic conditions. The typological and geochemical characteristics and the very high percentage of Lt axes among the polished stone axe assemblages of Ljubljansko barje suggest that the raw material was probably gathered from one or more relatively small outcrops close to Ljubljansko barje. Similar igneous rock types outcrop in the presumably Palaeozoic diabase/shale complex (Eisenkappler Diabaszug), intruded by the northern Karawanken plutonic belt. A probable provenance from this area, particularly rich in copper ore deposit, would confirm the important role of Ljubljansko barje as a metallurgical district, as well as a strong relation between lithic raw materials and Cu cultivation districts during the Copper age.  相似文献   
为探讨东周楚式戈斑纹的处理技术,采用金相显微镜、SEM、EDS、EBSD研究了上海博物馆藏的楚式斑纹戈的成分、显微组织和相组成,讨论了其制作工艺.结果表明:东周楚式戈富锡层厚度不均,以十余μm左右的厚度居多,最多处由4种不同物相组成,分别为η相、ε相、σ相及(α+δ)共析相.富锡层与基体之广日j没有明显的分界线.与现有其它富锡工艺研究成果进行比较,认为此件楚式戈与其它地域的富锡技术具有共同的工艺特征,应为热镀锡工艺.但在工艺参数掌控方面应呈现地域上的差异.  相似文献   
The Byzantine period (4th–7th centuries A.D.) site of Khirbet Faynan (Phaeno) was a state-run mining camp described in ancient sources as a destination for Christian martyrs and others prosecuted by the administration who were condemned to the mines (damnatio ad metallum). However, other evidence suggests that Phaeno had a much broader role and population in antiquity than that described by ancient writers. Here, strontium and oxygen isotope data on the level of migration into Phaeno were compared with elemental data on lead and copper skeletal levels to illuminate the varied exposure of local vs. non-local individuals to contaminated environments (presumably from working in mining and smelting operations). Dental enamel 87Sr/86Sr and δ18O data from 31 individuals excavated from the Southern Cemetery identified one individual born in a region with different strontium isotope values in the bedrock yet similar oxygen isotope signatures as Faynan. Most of the primarily locally-derived Faynan residents displayed skeletal copper and lead levels exceeding those seen in comparative samples, confirming that growing up and residing in the polluted environment of Faynan led to notable bioaccumulation of heavy metals and its resulting health effects. In addition, ten individuals had extremely elevated lead and copper levels in their skeleton resulting from more intensive exposure to contaminated environments, possibly through smelting and mining activities. These data confirm the relatively localized nature of this imperial operation and that this predominantly locally-derived population had different activities that put them ask varied risk for contamination by heavy metals.  相似文献   
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