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本文认为在19世纪地方财政不足,中央财政支持力度又不大的情况下,赈灾力度不足和达不到理想结果应是常态和必然趋势.李鸿章通过自身影响和努力,能够在一定程度上减缓这种趋势,但不可能彻底扭转,因而各种救灾活动不可能达到理想结果.但绝不能以此否定李鸿章任直隶总督时期的赈灾努力.相对于其前后任,李鸿章筹得的款、物最多.赈灾达不到理想结果,更多的是中央政府的责任.  相似文献   
The necessity of gender equality in agriculture has been identified as a relevant political issue and incorporated into strategic documents and programmes of the EU. However, until now, not much has been examined about the actual contribution of these policy actions and programmes to the everyday life of farm women; there is a considerable gap in the data about women in farming across Europe, particularly for new member states. The article addresses this issue by focusing on the situation of gender equality on farms in Slovenia. Pertaining to two measures of The Rural Development Programme 2004–2006 – the Setting Up of Young Farmers and the Early Retirement of Farmers – the aim of the analysis is to compare the beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries of these two measures at family farms in terms of their development capacities and their inclination towards gender equality. Results based on the survey data ‘Generations and Gender Relations on Slovenian Farms 2007’ revealed the above-mentioned measures did indeed reach those family farms that showed better development capacities in terms of economic and demographic conditions. However, the farms did not show significant development in terms of gender equality as examined through division of work and decision-making on family farms. The rigidity in gender statuses and roles on family farms is explained and discussed through the issue of unequal access of women to farmland ownership and agricultural education, and through persistently weak institutional support to increase political participation and power for farm women.  相似文献   
Determining the diversity of salmon species represented in archaeological contexts is critical to understanding patterns of salmon harvesting and consumption, storage practices and seasonal patterns of resource exploitation by precontact peoples of the Northwest Coast. We present species determinations generated for salmon vertebrae from the Dionisio Point site (DgRv-003) in coastal southwestern British Columbia, a well-preserved village site that dates to between 1500 and 1300 cal BP. Molecular species identification was possible for 70 Pacific salmonid vertebral elements recovered from one excavated plankhouse at the site. Coupled with osteometric measures, we determine that residents of the plankhouse fished primarily for chum, sockeye and pink salmon, with a lesser emphasis on chinook, coho and steelhead. These results indicate a diverse fishery that likely occurred between July and December, suggesting a mid summer through winter season of occupation for the village.  相似文献   
文章在现状调查的基础上,根据历史资料与同时期石窟寺的色彩对比,再应用X-射线衍射(XRD)、电子能谱(SEM)等分析仪器,对彩塑的制作材料及其工艺进行了分析研究,为进一步的修复材料及工艺的筛选提供科学依据.  相似文献   
The study of the determinants of African defense demand is of enhanced importance because of unique security challenges, growing defense spending, and changing African Union (AU) integration. From a political geographical vantage, this study presents the first analysis of AU members' demand for defense spending, which accounts not only for members' relative locations, but also for political considerations (e.g., state failure, coups, and armed conflicts). Our analysis marries the economics of alliances with spatial considerations that include members' contiguity, between-member distance, and contiguous threats. Given two-way causal concerns, we employ an appropriate defense demand estimator (i.e., two-step generalized method of moments) correcting for the endogeneity between a member's defense spending and that of the other allies. Evidence of defense free riding or relying on the defense spending of other AU members characterizes contiguous and nearby AU countries during 2002–2019. Defense spending is an income normal good, which generally increases with armed conflict. UN and non-UN peacekeeping troop contributions provide some free-riding opportunities within the AU. Given regional differences in armed conflicts and coups, the determinants of African defense demand are influenced by regional divisions.  相似文献   
在北宋前期,伴随着冗军问题的滋生与日益恶化,不同形式的裁军渐次展开。本论述了北宋前期六朝裁军的措施、效果等,着重探讨了宋神宗裁军的过程、特点、成效及成因,并予以充分肯定。这对了解北宋军政之概况、评价王安石变法有所裨益,亦对今天的军政建设有借鉴作用。  相似文献   
高松冢古坟是日本国宝级文化遗产,对其实施的原址保护一度是文物保护界的样板工程和国际典范,然而正是逐渐失控的微生物病害导致古坟解体搬迁至异地保护,复杂的人为介入手段是否有助于墓葬壁画的原址保护,值得更进一步探讨和反思。本研究回顾了高松冢古坟自发掘至今的保护历程,重点总结了侵害古坟石室及壁画微生物类群的调查分析及其防治措施的研究。通过对古坟病害微生物群落特征、环境因素变化及防治干预措施等方面相关文献资料的全面梳理和解读,客观评价了该遗址所取得的研究进展及经验教训,为我国乃至世界其他同类环境中壁画保护提供启示与借鉴。  相似文献   
大型节事旅游基本特征及发展对策的初步研究   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
杨兴柱  陆林 《人文地理》2005,20(2):47-50,118
本文首先阐述了大型节事旅游的概念,在此基础上揭示了大型节事旅游的主题突出、公众参与,综合效益明显,旅游形象鲜明和外部环境敏感等基本特征。并依据国内外学者对节事旅游的研究成果,结合我国节事旅游发展的实际,初步探讨了大型节事旅游的发展对策。最后分析了大型节事旅游的开发流程,其研究内容涉及诸多方面:开发所具备的条件,旅游产品设计,旅游市场运作,旅游产品开发规划与可持续管理等。  相似文献   
This paper employs the Institutional Analysis and Development framework across six ecosystem delivery measures in the European Union to develop a configurational explanation of (un)successful outcomes. By undertaking comparative institutional analysis, we systematically examine the effect of variation across rule types and generate insights on how different institutional configurations result in varying degrees of successful implementation of ecosystem delivery measures. We apply explanatory typology methods to identify the institutional features that best explain variation in implementation success across a number of cases. We argue that institutional rules shape outcomes in conjunction rather than in isolation. The findings show that differences in implementation success across cases can be explained by the interplay of differences in knowledge exchange, flexibility in implementation, and participation in the policy design process.  相似文献   
随着网络时代的到来,网络技术的发展和普及对高校师生生活的各个方面都产生着深刻的影响,高校宣传思想工作面临着新的机遇与挑战。如何趋利避害,抓住机遇,应对挑战,主动利用网络的技术优势,充分利用网络的丰富资源,采取得力措施切实加强宣传思想工作,是网络时代高校宣传思想工作者面临的重要课题。  相似文献   
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