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随着直皖矛盾激化,段祺瑞为了维持在北京政府中的地位及完成南北统一,以中国对德宣战参加一战为契机,在日本的经济和军事援助下,编练了参战军(一战结束后改称边防军)。约同一时期,皖系干将徐树铮编练了西北边防军。1920年直皖战争爆发,边防军和西北边防军均不同程度卷入。皖系战败后,两军除少数阵亡,部分被遣散外,余部被直奉瓜分,最终归于消亡。  相似文献   
黄昊  武菁 《安徽史学》2012,(3):103-113
抗战初期,新桂系参考广西经验对安徽县政进行了初步改革。1940年起,新桂系安徽省府推行国民政府新县制,内容包括行政机构调整、民意机关创建、国民兵团编整、干训体系完善等诸多方面。改革所带来的基层政权人员与机构的正规化及对地方自治的有限试验,一定程度上推动了民国安徽政治现代化,并为安徽省府进行社会动员、坚持敌后持久抗战产生了积极影响。但由于各种不利因素制约,改革最终未能摆脱近代中国官治吞噬自治的政治窠臼。  相似文献   
A wave of recent publication connected to Hugh Trevor-Roper offers cause to take stock of his life and legacy. He is an awkward subject because his output was so protean, but a compelling one because of his significance for the resurgence of the history of ideas in Britain after 1945. The article argues that the formative period in Trevor-Roper's life was 1945–57, a period curiously neglected hitherto. It was at this time that he pioneered a history of ideas conceived above all as the study of European liberal and humanist tradition. Analysis of the relative importance of contemporary and early modern history in his oeuvre finds that, while the experience of Hitler and the Cold War was formative, it was not decisive.Trevor-Roper was at heart an early modernist who did not abjure specialization.However, he insisted that specialized study must be accompanied by “philosophical” reflection on the workings of a constant human nature present throughout history, a type of reflection best pursued by reading classical historians such as Gibbon and Burckhardt.Yet this imperative in turn fostered purely historical research into the history of historical writing – another branch of the history of ideas.  相似文献   
文章论述了中法战争前后战事主要参与者李鸿章对于战争态度的转变过程。从主观和客观两个方面分析了李鸿章“和战不决”的影响因素。笔者认为,李鸿章在中法战争中只是一个参与者,他的很多决策是直接受制于清政府中枢机构或者受到他们极大的影响,战争过程中所表现的犹豫和举棋不定是清政府和战态度以及战争形势变化的综合结果。  相似文献   
1931-1945年日本侵华时期,南洋华侨精英以辛亥革命为资源、以双十国庆为契机,广泛开展救国宣传和社会动员,发表政见和救国主张,在激发侨胞爱国情怀、增强侨众凝聚力方面发挥了不可低估的作用。此过程既强化了辛亥记忆,传承了革命精神,也使辛亥遗产成为华侨参与抗战的重要精神动力。  相似文献   
《Political Theology》2013,14(3):375-385

Richard John Neuhaus, like Reinhold Niebuhr before him, understood the vital civic role that religion plays in democratic society. As pastors and public intellectuals, both men were committed to public or civil forms of religion that, at their best, could inform, inspire, or chasten American political thought and action. There are crucial differences, nevertheless–between Niebhur’s and Neuhaus’s historical contexts, theological outlooks, political positions, and attitudes toward the American project–that help to explain their distinctive legacies and different receptions within the academy. However much Neuhaus admired Niebuhr, these differences suggest why Neuhaus was not the Reinhold Niebuhr of his day.  相似文献   

The traditional focus regarding the Angolan Civil War, 1974–1976, has been on the nature of Soviet and Cuban involvement, the American response to communist activities, and South Africa's invasion. A point often mentioned, but rarely elaborated upon in the literature, is the degree to which the United States of America (USA) encouraged South Africa to intervene in the Angolan conflict. This paper investigates the extent and nature of American collusion with South Africa in the civil war, and the degree of complicity of senior American officials. The paper argues that on balance, the evidence suggests that senior elements of the United States executive branch, covertly and informally, colluded with South Africa. South African politicians overestimated the depth and extent of American support for its intervention, and when the USA ceased its assistance, they felt betrayed by Kissinger.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the little-known Jewish writer Paul Cohen-Portheim (1880–1932) and his notions of nationalism and Zionism. Born in Berlin to Austrian parents of Sephardic origin, Cohen-Portheim was interned during the First World War in various English prison camps. This experience profoundly affected his intellectual outlook and he dedicated much of his effort to the fight against nationalism. It was in the English prison camps that he developed an eclectic theory of nationalism which combines a quasi-evolutionary progress towards global justice with a messianic notion of Zionism. The Jewish people play a crucial role in Cohen-Portheim’s vision of a world devoid of nationalism, whose absurdity is disclosed in the arrival of Zionism. Juxtaposing Europe’s crisis of culture and Asia’s spiritual vitality, Cohen-Portheim ascribes to Zionism a bridging of the gap that separates Europe and Asia, and fragments modern nationalistic man. This article follows Cohen-Portheim’s intellectual development and highlights shifts and continuities in his writing, arguing that he shows two different types of nostalgia, namely a longing for the East as developed in his early works and a longing for the past as displayed in his last major work.  相似文献   
When in 1943 the Guomindang launched its third wave of anti‐communist campaigns, Mao Zedong considered that Chiang Kai‐shek had acted in the belief that Japan would soon invade the Soviet Union. Hitherto, Chinese historians have either ignored Mao's judgment or failed to provide convincing explanations for it. There are two reasons for this attitude: first, historians have failed to appreciate the strategic implications of the relationship between the Soviet Union and Japan for relations between the Guomindang and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP); and second, relevant evidence regarding the events has not been available in document on Chiang. This essay answers questions raised by both points. Most commentators have claimed that this third anti‐Communist push ended by the middle or late July of 1943. However, Chiang in fact continued to make plans to mop up Shaanbei (the Communist‐controlled northern Shaanxi area) and impose sanctions on the Communists. The formulation, revision and eventual abandonment of Chiang's plans are also addressed in this essay.  相似文献   
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