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稻盛和夫是日本京瓷集团公司的创始人。该公司“2001年3月的年营业额超过4兆日元(大约为2700亿元人民币)、税前利润达4500亿日元(大约为300亿元人民币)”。^[1](P3)是什么使稻盛和夫在经营上成就这一辉煌伟业的呢?这便是,由以“敬天爱人”的基本思想为核心构架而成的稻盛经营哲学;以及靠商业伦理道德成为赢家的超凡境界。  相似文献   
Local earthenware associated with enslaved African populations in the Americas, variously called Colono-Ware, Afro-Caribbean Ware. Yabbas, and Criollo ware, has received considerable attention from researchers. What unifies this disparate group of ceramics is not method of manufacture, design and decoration, or even form and function but the association or potential association with African diaspora populations. The ceramics incorporate some skills and techniques possibly brought by African potters to the Americas, as well as skills reflecting European and Native American traditions, and local adaptations in form, function, and manufacture. Analogies linking African ceramic traditions to American industries have at times been employed uncritically and have relied on generalized characteristics to infer overly specific meanings. With particular reference to low-fired earthenwares from Jamaica, this paper examines the historical and cultural context of these ceramics and the methodological and theoretical problems faced in their interpretation.  相似文献   
学术界近年来关于知识分子问题的研究呈现三大特点:一,“体验中的理解”,利用研究主客体在血脉、情感上的亲密关系,勉力进入先辈生存的精神家园,以理解他们的所思所言所行;二,“建构中的阐释”,力求在某种独特、精致的理论建构中提出假设,表达观点完成叙述;三,“批判中的反思”,通过广义上的学术批判,对古往今来的士之论士、儒之论儒、知识分子之论知识分子的成果进行反思。此外知识分子研究的方法论问题,也值得引起关注。  相似文献   
CO2 injected into rock formations for deep geological storage must not leak to surface, since this would be economically and environmentally unfavourable, and could present a human health hazard. In Italy natural CO2 degassing to the surface via seeps is widespread, providing an insight into the various styles of subsurface ‘plumbing’ as well as surface expression of CO2 fluids. Here we investigate surface controls on the distribution of CO2 seep characteristics (type, flux and temperature) using a large geographical and historical data set. When the locations of documented seeps are compared to a synthetic statistically random data set, we find that the nature of the CO2 seeps is most strongly governed by the flow properties of the outcropping rocks, and local topography. Where low‐permeability rocks outcrop, numerous dry seeps occur and have a range of fluxes. Aqueous fluid flow will be limited in these low‐permeability rocks, and so relative permeability effects may enable preferential CO2 flow. CO2 vents typically occur along faults in rocks that are located above the water table or are low permeability. Diffuse seeps develop where CO2 (laterally supplied by these faults) emerges from the vadose zone and where CO2 degassing from groundwater follows a different flow path due to flow differences for water and CO2 gas. Bubbling water seeps (characterized by water bubbling with CO2) arise where CO2 supply enters the phreatic zone or an aquifer. CO2‐rich springs often emerge where valleys erode into CO2 aquifers, and these are typically high flux seeps. Seep type is known to influence human health risk at CO2 seeps in Italy, as well as the topography surrounding the seep which affects the rate of gas dispersion by wind. Identifying the physical controls on potential seep locations and seep type above engineered CO2 storage operations is therefore crucial to targeted site monitoring strategy and risk assessment. The surface geology and topography above a CO2 store must therefore be characterized in order to design the most effective monitoring strategy.  相似文献   
新郑祭祀遗址出土青铜礼乐器作为祭祀重器,是春秋中期郑国特殊祭祀文化的具体表现.不同遗址出土器物组合的差异,从器物层面体现了当时郑国高等级贵族间的微妙关系,轮流执政的卿大夫已经掌控了包括土地所有权在内的多项国家权力,拥有和国君同等级的礼器、乐器使用权,仅在用鼎数量方面存在着差异.作为祭器的祭祀坑出土青铜礼乐器和同时期墓葬出土器物有着本质上的区别,表明当时祭祀礼仪仍然严格遵循着传统礼制,也正是由于这个原因,不能将遗址出土青铜乐器与"郑卫之声"简单地等同分析.  相似文献   
湖北老河口杨营春秋遗址发掘简报   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
杨营春秋遗址位于湖北省老河口市南郊杨寨村一组,1994年10~12月,湖北省文物考古研究所和老河口市博物馆联合对该遗址进行了发掘,获得了一批重要的春秋时期的遗迹和遗物。主要遗迹有灰坑、水井等,遗物有陶、铜、铁、石器等,其中所出土的春秋晚期铁器,数量较多,品种较齐全,为研究我国特别是楚国铁器的出现和使用提供了极其重要的考古资料。  相似文献   
东南亚华侨华人、港澳同胞与侨乡建设 --梅州市个案研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文论述和评价了东南亚华侨华人、港澳同胞在梅州投资办企业、捐资办学的实绩及其对梅州社会经济发展的作用、意义,从一个侧面展示了梅州侨乡社会经济发展的轨迹.  相似文献   
This paper evaluates chronological trends in the presence and absence of domestic animal bone (sheep, goat, and cattle) and pottery in Namaqualand, the proposed gateway to the rest of South Africa for early herders or hunter-gatherers with sheep and ceramics. We update date calibrations with local ΔR corrections and mixtures of recent calibration curves and include five previously unpublished dates. We use histograms of calibrated medians, sorted in 100-year bins, to assess sustained regional patterns with dates associated with domestic animal bone and pottery (n = 73). While too small to be useful as a population proxy, the current set of dates does reveal three pulses of occupation separated by two clear gaps, which we evaluate with a Bayesian model of three sequential phases. The model's boundaries are used as estimates of the dates of Early (AD 80–210), Middle (AD 490–790), and Late (AD 1180–1690) occupational phases separated by two substantial lapses of 280 and 380 years, respectively. The alternating phases of presence and absence are suggestively correlated with climate shifts, leading to a discussion of the idea that effective moisture was a crucial factor in choosing whether to occupy Namaqualand. The set of archaeological dates has greater temporal and spatial resolution than many regional climate data, so we suggest that these trends may more accurately reflect the variable conditions specific to Namaqualand, at least until they are refined by future climate research.  相似文献   
30年来日本对华经贸政策的调整与演变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
日本是中国最重要的贸易伙伴,是我国最大的援助国家,最大的投资国家之一,从1972年9月恢复邦交正常化以来,中日经贸关系总体来说发展顺利,但在不同时期日本采取的对华经贸政策是不同的,是不断根据国家的经济发展现状结合国际形势的变化进行调整。70年代日本对华经贸政策是以发展本国经济为前提推动中日经贸关系向前发展。80年代继承了70年代的对华政策,但政治色彩加浓;90年代采取不断发展中日经贸关系的政策;展望21世纪发展友好的中日经贸关系仍为日本对华的主导政策,但摩擦会不断增加。  相似文献   
GIS技术在萨拉乌苏考古遗址公园规划设计中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统规划设计工作的技术平台多以计算机辅助设计(CAD)为主,本工作以内蒙古自治区鄂尔多斯萨拉乌苏考古遗址公园规划为例,将Arc GIS Desktop作为技术平台应用到公园的规划设计工作中。首先,通过对规划区的实地踏勘,采集相关数据和资料,进行规划区数据库建设;其次,在数据库建设的基础上,通过GIS技术构建与现实环境对应的虚拟地理信息空间,实现规划区景观的三维可视化;最后,利用三维景观模型对现实地理环境进行模拟、分析及虚拟场景飞行。不同于传统CAD的二维工作平台,本工作借助GIS对空间数据和属性数据的强大处理功能及其三维景观可视化模块,为实现内蒙古鄂尔多斯萨拉乌苏考古遗址公园的科学规划提供辅助。  相似文献   
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